• 17/12/2022
  • By wizewebsite

Before the wedding, young people have more sexual partners than their parents had<

Před svatbou mají mladí více sexuálních partnerů, než měli jejich rodiče

Today's generation within the age of twenty -five will be replaced by ten sexual partners before settling and setting up a family or long -term relationship.Their parents had only five sexual partners on average before the wedding.

Every seventh young (up to twenty -five) had more than twenty sexual partners before the wedding.A third of young people do not expect to meet a life partner and are reconciled with life -to -life alternation.It results from a British survey published by The Express.

Před svatbou mají mladí více sexuálních partnerů, než měli jejich rodiče

"This study proves that social evolution has accelerated in a single generation… The young generation alternates friends, partners, work and even homes in search of the right one," said Professor of Psychology Cary Cooper of Manchester in an interview with The Express.
