• 14/01/2023
  • By wizewebsite

The Bělušice prison released the Tempel.Served a punishment for murder and robbery<


Co mají společné Kajínek, Černý a Chodounský? Seriál oživil spojení20.10.2021MartinVokurkaReportér Napište mi

Robert Tempel, who remained in prison in Bělušice after the abolition of life imprisonment for a double murder in the Sokolov region, is freedom.Brno Constitutional Court (ÚS) on Tuesday 19.October complied with his complaints and the day after Tempel left the prison.

Kliknutím zvětšíte Věznice Bělušice mezi Mostem a Louny | Foto: Deník/Martin Vokurka

"Robert Tempel has been released from Běušice prison this morning," she told Diary on Wednesday 20.October spokesperson of the General Directorate of the Prison Service of the Czech Republic Markéta PUNEROVÁ.

After the Constitutional Court's resolution, the District Court in Sokolov should have instructed immediately to release the temporal.He has already served older sentences, resulted in the judgment of the constitutional judges.Further possession in the sentence is unconstitutional, the judge of the rapporteur Jaroslav Fenyk stressed.

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Tempel heard a 5.5 -year prison sentence in 1996.Got conditionally on freedom.In the condition, however, he committed robbery, so the judiciary decided to perform the rest of the sentence, ie 457 days, and also another 13.5 years just for robbery.Subsequently, he received a summary life sentence prison for a double murder in 2001, which he denied.

After the interventions of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg and the Czech Constitutional Court, Tempel has recently been acquitted of murder indictment due to lack of evidence.However, the Prison Service ordered him to serve the remaining 457 days from the original punishment and therefore did not get to freedom at all.Tempel turned to the district court in Sokolov with a proposal to cancel the decision, or to postpone the rest of the punishment before deciding on his limitation or to count the served years from the canceled life imprisonment.The District Court did not comply at that time, but now he had to decide again because he was bound by the Constitutional Court's judgment.

20.10.2021 vražda,Ústavní soud České republiky,věznice,okres Sokolov,Vězeňská služba České republiky,Okresní soud v Sokolově,Jaroslav Fenyk,Evropský soud pro lidská práva,Štrasburk

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