• 21/08/2022
  • By wizewebsite

Czech children still have older parents - Novinky.cz<

České děti mají stále starší rodiče

Current men enter the first marriage almost eight years later and women seven years later than in 1989, says the director of the Demography and Social Statistics Section of the Czech Statistical Office Michaela Kleňhová in Statistics and My.

The age of Czech mothers is also increasing, moving around 30 years.The exceptions are not even mothers who give birth to their first child up to about forty.Ten years ago, the age of mothers-firsts was around 26 years old.The most common age of fathers is currently around 30 to 34 years.

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At the same time, the surgeries of gynecologists are full of women and men who decided to have children in thirty.But nature has exposed their efforts to the stem.According to doctors, the optimal age of a woman between 20 and 25 years is for pregnancy.

The family is changing

The Czech family has been changing radically for a long time, but the demographers and sociologists agree.Above all, earlier taboo falls.Having a child as a single was a heavy social offense that influenced the social status of the mother and the child.

Pregnancy was previously automatic invitation of both partners to the wedding hall.At present, nearly 50 percent of children are born out of marriage.Having a child was also a significant advantage in requests for allocation of an apartment.The childless husbands did not have so many chances of a state or cooperative apartment in the former rationing system of apartments.The time of study was significantly shorter.Most young populations ended their education aged 18-19 by graduation.

Dá se předpokládat, že dnešní vysokoškolačky stráví studiem v průměru téměř 19 let.ředitelka sekce demografie a sociálních statistik ČSÚ Michaela Kleňhová

The generation of their parents somehow automatically counted on retirement before sixty and began to take care of grandchildren.Today's "twenty -five" would be almost all married or married twenty years ago.Today most of them are still studying or striving in the first job to get a favorable job position.

České děti mají stále starší rodiče - Novinky.cz

Higher average age of mothers at birth of the first child affects wider education options compared to the period before 1989.

The study time is extended

The length of the study of young people, especially women who study at a college or higher vocational school, are extending.Women against the past achieve a greater tertiary education and more often prefer to complete their studies and work career over maternity that they postpone to a later age.

For example, in 2001–2012, the expected length of education of young people was extended by 2.5 years.In women, this increase was even 3.1 years."It can be assumed that today's college students will spend on average for almost 19 years," says Kleňhová.

There are many reasons why children have an increasing number of older parents.Having a child at thirty as a single mother is no social problem today.Competition at work leads young people to try to get an important position in the workplace within thirty years.It's not so much from careerism as the need to get a good salary that would allow them to take a mortgage for their own housing.

The so -called singles generation is quite numerous at present.Increasing men and women who live in the most productive age.Not only because they enjoy the "possibility of life", but also because it is social or economic pressure not to enter into marriage or at least intensively seek a suitable partner.Especially young women who today make up most of the university students have sometimes unrealistically high ideas about what their future partner should be.

Generation of grandparents

In discussions on the transformations of the Czech family, there is not too much attention to grandparents.That is, a generation that should participate in the education of grandchildren.These people go to pension as well as an ever later age.If health allowing them, some of them continue to work for economic reasons.

At the age of about 65, a large part of them is no longer as the main motif of grandchildren.Either for health problems or because they want to enjoy the rest of their lives differently, or they have not received or not receive from their children.

Young families must count on the fact that the era of watchdogs and grandfathers is slowly ending and they have no choice but to look for ways to ensure babysitting for a fee.

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