• 27/02/2023
  • By wizewebsite

Germany · Covid Portal<


All persons who have completed 6 years of age, passengers from the Czech Republic must have a confirmation of elderly, ie.There is an obligation to submit a confirmation of a negative test result or confirmation of completed vaccination or SARS-Cov-2 infection.

From 14.11.2021 is a mandatory registration for persons who have been in the territory of high -risk countries in the last 10 days before arriving in Germany.Also the Czech Republic, or in an area with a dangerous virus mutation.A list of high -risk areas and areas with dangerous virus mutations is regularly updated on the website of the Robert Kocari - Coronavirus Sars -Cov -2 - Information Zur Ausweisung International Risicogebiete Durch das Auswärtige AMT, BMG und Bmine.SARS-COV-2 must be in the 10-day quarantine after arriving in Germany, which can be prematurely terminated from 5.day of negative antigen and PCR test.

Arrival Form Digital Registration of Arrival in Germany at: https: // www.einreiseanmeldung.DE applies to passengers from high -risk areas or risky areas with dangerous virus mutation, including the Czech Republic from 14.11.2021.Passengers to Germany must have a confirmation of successful registration (ie.Print an email that is sent to a given email address after registration).Vaccinated or healed persons upload their vaccination certificate or PDF format to the application via the arrival form.Before traveling to Germany, the carrier must check the Digital Registration Disabled.Confirmation of successful registration must be taken with you and on request to submit it to the carrier or authority entrusted with the authorized police check at the border.If digital registration could not be made in exceptional cases, substitute registration must be made in writing.In this case, within 24 hours of arrival, you need to register an online or written form by post at: Deutsche Post E-Post Solutions GmbH, 69990 Mannheim.COVID-19: Entry and Quarantine Regulations in Germany-Federal Foreign Office (Auswaertiges-Amt.DE) In the case of a train or boat journey, registration may be made in a means of transport during the journey.


Germany recognizes proof of ended vaccination (ie.min.14 days after administration of the last dose).2 doses of the same vaccine or 2 different vaccines are sufficient to enter the ground.From 15.01.2022 nestačí tedy jedna dávka vakcíny Johnson & Johnson. Je potřeba přeočkování vakcínou Johnson & Johnson, nebo BionTech/Pfizer či Moderna.Očkování musí být provedeno očkovací látkou schválenou Institutem Paula Ehrlicha (aktuálně očkovací látky BionTech/Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Johnson&Johnson, Novavax).The dose -enhancing certificate may be required to access some services.

Persons tested

Medical confirmation or test result on SARS-COV-2 proves that the person is not infected (antigenic or PCR test).Testing must be performed at no more than 48 hours.before arrival, or.May the carrier receive proof of the negative PCR test not older than 48 hours before the start of transport, the test of the test must be in German, English, Spanish, Italian or French and must be preserved and submitted for 10 days of arrival.The quarantine for unvaccinated persons and persons who have not undergone Covidneo -sealed persons and persons who do not have a confirmation of the suffered illness in the last 6 months must be compulsory within 10 days quarantine, which can be prematurely terminated from 5.day of negative antigen and PCR test a vložením výsledku testu do elektronického příjezdového formuláře.Exceptions to the quarantine and registration obligations apply to:

· Persons who have only passed the risk area without a stop,

Německo · Covid Portál

· Persons entering Germany only for the purpose of transit and the country's fastest way again,

· Persons carrying goods, persons, road cargo, rail, air and water transport,

· Persons who stayed in the risk area in border contact with neighboring state less than 24 hours or that enter Germany for less than 24 hours,

· Persons returning to Germany as members of the official delegation through the government terminal Berlin -Braniborsko or through Kolín/Bonn airport and which stayed in the risk area less than 72 hours

· Pendlers

· Police and customs officers in service

· Members of the Armed Forces

When traveling up to 72 hours, persons are also removed from the registration obligation and quarantines:

- passengers for the purpose of visiting relatives 1.degree (t.j.spouse/wife, partner, parents, children) or in case of shared child care.- High -ranking diplomatic and consular workers as representatives of governments and parliaments

Other exceptions to the quarantine (when the registration obligation is fulfilled together with the insertion of the document on the negative test in the form of PDF in the digital arrival form) applies to:

· Persons working in health and nursing services

· Diplomatic and consular representative

· Persons that passengers for the purpose of visiting relatives 1.and 2.degree or spouse/partner or shared child care

· Persons traveling for the purpose of medical treatment

· Persons traveling to provide assistance to the needy

· Persons for up to 5 days for the purpose of performing necessary and urgent work or study and education

· Persons for the purpose of participating in international sports events

· Persons who come for the purpose of artistic activity on the basis of a contract

·sezónní pracovníky při pobytumin.for three weeks

· Persons to whom a special exception to the relevant German health authority

Persons with a Covid

Uznává se potvrzení o prodělané nemoci SARS-CoV-2, přičemž doklad musí být v německém, anglickém, francouzském, italském nebo španělském jazyce a musí se opírat o pozitivní PCR test, od jehož provedení uplynulomin.28 days and max.90 days.


Children under 6 years of age do not have to prove a certificate of infectiousness or register.However, a confirmation of the infectiousness may be required to access services within Germany, see below.Children under 6 years of age have a 5 -day quarantine that ends automatically and no need to end with a test.

Children under 6 years of age under one of the exceptions can be shortened for a 5 -day quarantine if they insert a negative test within 5 days of arrival in the arrival form, even before traveling.


Pendlers may not fill in the arrival form.If they have not been vaccinated or have not lost SARS-COV-2 infection in the last 6 months, they must undergo testing twice a week in Germany.

On -site conditions

Anti -standard measures are in the responsibility of individual federal countries (eg.Rules for wearing robes/FFP2 respirators) that accept their own regulations with regard to infection development.A signpost with detailed information of 16 federal countries can be found here.

Generally, in Germany, the obligation to wear masks in all enclosed premises.The obligation to carry the masks applies in some cases in outdoor areas such as.At all places where people are clustered, on markets, public transport stops, outdoor cultural events, etc..

In the case of accommodation in the hotel we recommend contacting the hotel in advance and find out the current requirements for submitting a test or vaccination confirmation or to lose SARS-COV-2 (hereinafter referred to as confirmation).In gastronomy, confirmation is required.In the event that in some districts of Germany the situation from an epidemiological point of view, the local government may take additional measures.Also, the islands in the North or Baltic Sea can sometimes take additional measures to regulate the number of tourists with regard to SARS-COV-2, which should be informed on the spot.

From 24.11.2021 In Germany, a new law on combating infectious diseases introducing rules for domestic public transport (bus, train and air), where only persons with completed vaccination or evidence of the COVID-19 disease can be transported in the last 6 months, orwith the current negative test not older than 24 hours (so -called.rule 3g).The duty to have a proof of uninfecting is exempted by children for 6 years, pupils and transport through taxi services.Observing rules are checked by randomly carriers.If a passenger does not have a proof of uninfecting, he may be fined.These rules will apply to 19.3.2022 and may be extended by another 3 months with the consent of the Bundestag.

The Federal Government agreed with the representatives of the Federal countries that from 3.12.2021 in stores (except for daily goods stores - food, pharmacies and drugstores), restaurants and all leisure and cultural facilities will apply throughout the Federal Republic of Germany the rule of 2G, TJ.Access only with a document of an ended vaccination or healing from Covid-19.Additionally, the current negative test may be required (2G Plus rule). Výjimky budou platit pro osoby, které nemohou být očkovány na základě potvrzení lékaře, nebo pro děti mladší12 let.Children and youth under 18 years of age can have exceptions.

Vaccination will be limited to 9 months after the second dose.

In personal contacts, the numerical limit "1 household plus a maximum of 2 unvaccinated" was set (children under 14 years of age and vaccinated or healing do not count).From 28.12.2021 It will be possible to meet vaccinated or healed persons in a maximum of 10 persons with the exception of children under 14.

In districts where the seven -day incidence exceeds 350 per 100,000 people, clubs and discos (in enclosed spaces).Private celebrations will be possible in these affected areas in the number of max. 50 osob uvnitřand 200 osob venku, a to pouze očkovaných či uzdravených.From 28.12.2021 will be all clubs and discos closed.

Hromadné sportovní a kulturní akce se smějí konat při obsazenosti 30 - 50% kapacity, maximálně ale za účasti 15 000 diváků venku a 5 000 uvnitř při dodržení pravidla 2G nebo 2G plus a ochranyminimálně zdravotnickou rouškou.In areas with a high number of infected ones, these events will be canceled or will only be able to do sports matches without viewers.From 28.12.2021 It will be possible to organize supra -regional events only without spectators.

On New Year's Eve and New Year, there is a ban on gathering and fireworks in public spaces.The sale of pyrotechnics will be disabled.

Bavaria: Change of rules for entering Germany from the Czech Republic with regard to measures taken against SARS-COV-2 |Consulate of the Czech Republic in Munich (MFA.cz) Saxony: New rules for arrival from the Czech Republic to Germany from 14.11.2021 |Consulate General of the Czech Republic Dresden (MFA.cz)

Procedure for infection with a Covid

If the passenger is given by the German authorities to the quarantine, they must follow the instructions of the locally competent authority (Gesundheitsamt).The cost of quarantine must be paid by the passenger concerned (eg.Hotel accommodation, food for quarantine, etc..) Assuming that the doctor is not diagnosed by the doctor.Quarantine can be terminated in accordance with the instructions of the locally competent authority (Gesundheitsamt), and in the case of dangerous virus mutations, quarantine may take up to 14 days.Under normal circumstances, quarantine can be terminated after 5 days based on the negative test result and the decision of the locally competent authority.


For passing or air transit through Germany, passengers need to have a confirmation of elderly (ie.either a test or a confirmation of an ended vaccination or a disease of the disease).

Persons who arrive from a high -risk country may not have registration if they only pass Germany without undue delay (transit).

Persons arriving to Germany from a country with a dangerous virus mutation must have a negative PCR test not older than 48 hours before the start of shipping regardless of vaccination or healing from Covid 19.German authorities can order another PCR test after arrival in Germany from a country with a dangerous virus mutation.

Useful contacts

· Embassy of Berlin, consular section, Wilhelmstrasse 44, 10117 Berlinkonzular for Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommer, Lower Saxony, Schleswice, Berlin, Hamburg, Bremen, Hessen and Northern Rhineland.: +4930/226380, · Saxony: General Consulate of the Czech Republic, Erna-Berger-St..1, D 01097 Dresden, Office's scope: Consular for Saxony, Thuringia, Saxony-Anhalt.Tel.: (0049-351) 65 56 711, emergency line: 0049171/7672601.· Bavaria: General Consulate of the Czech Republic, Libellenstr.1;.Detailed information: Amending rules for entering Germany from the Czech Republic with regard to measures taken against SARS-COV-2 |Embassy of the Czech Republic in Berlin (MFA.cz)

Return to the Czech Republic

From 27.10.2021 došlo ke změně pravidel při návratu do ČR pro:·očkované osoby (s ukončeným očkováním + 14 dní) a osoby s prodělaným onemocněním COVID-19, bez nutnosti testů, pouze s příjezdovým formulářem,·děti do dovršení věku12 let bez nutnosti testů a příjezdového formuláře,·ostatní osoby s povinností příjezdového formuláře a testů.Details of measures on the website Rule of Return to the Czech Republic.Summary information about traveling to all countries of the world can be found on the COVID 19 website - up -to -date information on travels abroad |Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic (MFA.cz).