• 01/02/2023
  • By wizewebsite

The war of neighbors because of the messes: flying stones, they speak fists!How will the new Civil Code cope?<

It all started with the Tuja on the land of Petr Zatloukal (38).Their roots were said to have destroyed the house of the neighbor of the neighbor Lubomir Majer (77) in the street of self -help.

The pickaxe and roots

”I took a pickaxe and dug with us, near the fence, pit.The roots were destroyed here, ”says Anežka Kudrnovská (76).He has been living with Majer's widow since 1998, moving.And as he claims, the neighbor hammered her on the welcome, ”The sooner you run away from here, the better for you.”

Already at that time, the two men did not have to be, but the turs were really dramatized.Majer filed a lawsuit and the court acknowledged his truth, but the removal of the murns did not order.Just their cutting so that Majer did not cope with.

He lives here…

„Ani to nedělá,” stěžuje si nám starší žena.She is alone, her kind lies in the Olomouc hospital.According to her, the neighbor's hatred destroyed him.Petr Zatloukal reached for terror for a court decision. „Skoro všechna okna nám v domě vytloukl, zahradu zničil nějakými jedovatými postřiky, stromy navrtal,” ukázala paní Anežka, když reportéry Blesku vodila po domku a zahradě.

Depicts as they saw hammered several times in the garden."Luboš beaten there, broke two ribs, the third broke.”

Válka sousedů kvůli tújím: Létá kamení, mluví pěsti! Jak si poradí nový občanský zákoník?

According to her words, Petr Zatloukal brought four witnesses who confirmed that they were with him at that time and that nothing happened. „A vrcholem všeho je ten nápis na plotě,” slzí paní Anežka.There is really written "here lives«.


Mladá žena na balkoně domu pana Zatloukala říká: „Manžel bude až pozdě večer, je v práci,” a dodává: „Klidně přijďte, já vám řeknu, jak to tady opravdu je.” „Připravte se na ni, je to lhářka,” doslova syčí nenávistí paní Anežka.A wronged old woman has become a different woman in the turn of her hand...

The other side

Meanwhile, a car with a father -in -law and a mother -in -law of a young woman arrived at the Hitting House.Most of the family gathered… The crew of the car then literally wondered to reporters of Sunday's flash.Our arrival both understood almost as a personal insult and showed it. „Dejte si pozor na to, co napíšete,” hrozila paní Zatloukalová."Otherwise I will sue you.”

Without an epilogue

The interview failed.The double couple, especially her "gentler" half, had no Majer or the word good for the neighbor. „Je to blázen, běhá tady jenom v trenýrkách, všichni ho mají plné zuby, okna mu rozbili skauti, co se jim posmíval…” A nádavkem pohovořila paní Zatloukalová o tom, jak pan Majer napadl ji.

„Dělala jsem tady u domku cosi na lešení, on přiběhl a takovou mi dal, že jsem spadla,” říká. A pak – „Jedeme domů,” přikazuje manželovi, který pokorně sedá do vozu.Their daughter -in -law of his father -in -law confirms and points to the logs stacked behind the tujes, the first time of the welds.Why?"So that they can not go to us.” Spory sousedů řešila policie i přestupkové komise.Nobody has ever solved anything, despite demonstrable bodily harm, even despite damaging foreign things, dangerous threats and who knows what else.Authorities are probably waiting for it between Zatloukal and Majer really slams.Just to be late.

How to address the dispute under the new Civil Code?

Compared to the previous one, the new Civil Code is much more specific.“For example, it stipulates that a large tree should stand at least three meters from the fence of the neighbor.If we conclude that this is a tree, it is newly explicitly determined to defend the planting of trees near the fence or under certain conditions to demand the removal of already grown trees.If the turs were closer than 1.5 meters from my fence, I could claim the neighbor to remove them. Abych byl však u soudu úspěšný, musel bych jej přesvědčit, že k tomu mám rozumný důvod,” radí advokát Roman Moussawi.