• 15/08/2022
  • By wizewebsite

Feeds the child according to the tables, criticized the parents of the surrogate wife<

But while Bára (27) has one child, Markéta (25), who came from Železná Ruda, takes care of five children (two brought her partner Josef, one she and two have together) and has their own experience and head."It's like in the army, all for minutes," she found out as she read the manual.

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Bara Milan (29), who works as a car mechanic, took a holiday for a whole ten days and watched if the new woman did everything as Bára set up, so both adults oscillated around one girl, which of course Markéta started to gonerves.

Cooking the leontine had to be exactly according to the recipes attached to the manual, the raw materials had to be just bio and Bára was ready to be dared to the freezer.”The little one in the year made me like what he liked and did not solve any bio.When the child is hungry, I will eat him, not to give him 200 grams of something and then bad luck, ”she shook her head disapproving.

Let her what she likes!

On the other hand, Markéta had one child in a camp with one child compared.Milan took care of her daughter as soon.Because it was filmed before Christmas, Markéta started baking cookies."I do what I enjoy.I bake at home too, but I don't have that peace of mind and here I enjoy it.I am ten days on vacation.I rest, ”she praised.

Together with Milan they were experiencing a badly tuned Leontýnka that was a kid's tooth, cried and did not want to eat.Caring Milan was very nervous and practically did not let his daughter out of his arms.

”At the first child I had a teeth too.Now be with that..., ”Commented the situation triple mother."The little one whistles and mum and dad will arrive immediately and will breed her.Dad does not even eat himself and eternally behaves with his tiny princess.And if not, all the time is the roar.But you are doing it that you are pulling it all the time and not letting you cry for a while, ”Milan explained to Milan.

But more than it was bothered by what is happening in their home."Pepa has an explosive nature, I hope he won't have to raise her voice to Barca," she confided to Míl."Maybe when the overalls are not washed in the morning, or I have nothing to wear and I am still lying in bed, I just hear the dirty words," Milan said with a smile and Milan dared to change him."Even I haven't changed him in five years," Margaret did not believe in something that would like a miracle,.

"When we argue, I am calm," Mila described how it works in their family."I either leave or sit down and sit," he admitted, and Markéta immediately had him with a sub -marker who is "unleashed, non -greasy, the opposite of my husband".

Although Markéta tried to convince Milan that in one year the daughter can eat a lot, Dad Leontýnky did not retreat.”Why don't you follow yourself by being the best thing a child wants?When I see she likes it, I will give it to her and see that he eats with joy and not give her porridge and crushed pi...”She did not understand and concluded the fact that the tables are, according to the parents, probably the best.

When she offered her bread with spread butter and ham at an unguarded moment, Milan didn't get it up, and he put himself in it, "He'll eat what we give her.I think on bread with spread butter and salami is small.”

In the second half of her stay in a new home, Markéta wanted not to sleep small in the stroller, as is customary, but in the crib.She pushed to make her a mixed unrooted soup and Milan asked to leave her at least once a few hours with the little one and left.

Krmí dítě podle tabulek, kritizovala rodiče náhradní manželka

"Mila did not disappoint and all of me. Nechci říkat, že je ňouma, ale je takový,” popsala svého náhradního manžela do kamery.She tried to sleep in the crib, but she couldn't stand and after a while she put her back in the stroller. „Kdyby byla moje, pustím si hudbu a nechám ji řvát,” vysvětlila a svou desetidenní misi zhodnotila: „Miluji svou rodinu, nemohla bych být s tak nevýrazným člověkem, jako je Míla.”

Milan confessed that he loves Barča so much and already wants to have her at home."And I will not let her go for a long time.”

I miss tuluxus

In Železná Ruda, where Josef (39) has a pension with Margaret, he waited for the orderly Bára Hukot.The surrogate husband spent the whole days at work and Bára, along with his uncle, had a house with his family, households and five boys: Pepu (8), Petra (8), Adam (6), Radka (4) and Pavel(3).

Even though the itinerary wrote everything to do at the beginning, the children worked more like a bag of fleas.Her plans crossed one hitch after another, and after a few days, she had shrunk to chaos after a few days, in the middle of which Bára claimed:.”

Fought for the boys to spend less time with mobile phones to not play on the computer of raw games, do not go, do not fuck against each other with kitchen knives.When she went out with them, she just admonished them and forbid them out of fear to not happen to something and was done in a few minutes.

She was also dissatisfied with home appliances. „Doma jednou za týden přejedu dům vysavačem, jinak pustím robota,” srovnávala podmínky v Táboře a tady.”I miss a proper vacuum cleaner, clothes dryer, I have various robots, blends and top home equipment. Chybí mi ten luxus,” svěřila se a dodala, že nevydělávají sice žádné velké peníze, ale umí si je rozvrhnout tak, aby se měli dobře. „Máme všechno, co chceme a hlavně kvalitní jídlo,” mluvila i za svého manžel.

Even though she tried, her kitchen did not like her spare husband. „Špek určitě není superpotravina, ale když ho tam chtěl, tak ho tam má,” snažila se, ale Josef si rizoto, které připravila, dokonce vyfotil a jako odstrašující hrůzu vystavil na sociální sítě.

In addition, she learned that a small pepa is allergic to corn. „Když jdu do Výměny manželek a děti mají nějakou alergii, tak to napíšu do manuálu!” rozčilovala se a šla mu k obědu namazat rohlík. „Proč to tu tedy vařím?” Přemýšlela nahlas a osmiletý Pepa jí odpověděl: „Můžete se jít vyspat.”

The relief did not come even in the evening when Josef returned from work.He just screamed at the boys when they disobeyed right away, raging. „Tři roky ti jsou a vůbec se s tebou nebudu handrkovat,” rozčílil se na nejmladšího a táhl ho za ruku pryč.

Bára was originally determined that he would not express anything at home, but her cup patience eventually overflowed: ”This is not life at all, it is slavery.I feel like an underestimated and badly paid maid.I end up with concealment.All the dishes are greasy, the linen dirty.My stomach is getting up and I have already vomited.Everyone here threws in everything, throws everything, all climbs all...Pepča came out with me with a knife.It is normal?I think no, I already have enough. Ale před Pepou nic říkat raději nebudu, vidím, že je to výbušný člověk,” svěřila se televizním divákům a dodala, že jak to řekla nahlas, ulevilo se jí.

But when Joseph returned from work that day, the tension allowed and quarreled: ”No one will yell at me or raise the voice, fencing Bára with a forefinger against Joseph and the scythe fell on the stone."Don't show me with my finger and if you want to sip, go down, now I came from work and I'm not curious to make someone threaten my finger.”

„Já ti tady nebudu dělat služku,” nedala se Bára. „Prádlo jsi mi nevyprala, to mi vypral Míra a jedl jsem jednou, takže ještě něco mi chceš?” Hádka se stupňovala. „Támhle máš udělanou polívku, upečený štrůdl a uvařené rizoto,” snažila se náhradní manželka, ale to si naběhla.

"Risotto?Should I show you comments on Facebook?Neither the dog would not eat it..,” už si nebral Pepa servítky, zatímco Bára se snažila obhájit."I cook from fourteen and I can do it.But if you take a picture of it in your dirty bowl, I don't blame that people don't like it.”

"Take self -go and go to PR...., be so nice. Ve špinavé míse? Moje žena tady týden předtím drbala všechno nádobí, abys pak přišla a hrála si na něco, co nejsi?” neměl Pepapo pracovní šichtě právě konstruktivní náladu.

Bára did not want to argue. „Piš si, že domů nepojedu, já tady budu až do konce!” Zaznělo téměř výhružně a na kamery dodala, že takovouhle hádku se svým manželem v životě neměla.

„Mám spíš v plánu to přežít, rezignace, protože vím, že tady s tím stejně nic neudělám,” rozhodla se a tak to bylo.In the second half of her stay she wished she could go to Germany, saying that she would buy some socks and laundry.Pepa agreed and even with the fact that on the free weekend he will devote to the boys.

„Od sedmi ráno budu vařit a budu s nimi, to je jasný,” slíbil a opravdu všechno dodržel.Cooked, baked a cake.Despite the fact that the boys did not make lunch preparation.One of them poured wine from a glass into a potato dough in an unguarded moment. „Takhle ho hlídáš? Vypadni mi z očí!” křičel Josef na osmiletého Péťu a na jiné plačící dítě si vzal do ruky pásek.”My upbringing is such that children know that there is nothing for free today. Lepší jednou řemenem, než abych pak za ním jezdil deset let do kriminálu,” vysvětil.

According to Bára, meat, spinach and potato cones were too salty. „Hodně řeším stravu,” podotkla a diváky poučila, co má kde ve které části talíře ležet.”Half vegetables and the rest of the carbohydrate and protein and not a full plate of carbohydrates, sugars and salt.”

The last days Bára beleted in bed, she was bad."The boys are unmanageable and I don't like how my father and uncle to the boys treat. Přísná výchova nezabírá,” komentovala atmosféru v rodině.Thanks to the exchange he realized again that he was satisfied with what he had at home."The hardest thing for me was that the children wouldn't kill each other with a knife.This is not a family, we are a family.”

Pepa also appreciated his Margaret.”The household gets, I am welded, washed, tidy, even if it has forty fever, the children will do anyway.She's awesome in this.I have to value her more and help her more and be a support. Nebudu tolik lpět na ptákovinách,” předsevzal si před odjezdem na společné setkání obou párů.

You hit the kids every day!

„Míla neprotestoval, k malé mě moc nepouštěl,” ujala se slova Markéta. „To my měli hned druhý den výstup, protože kuchyně Barči, to je prostě katastrofa,” pokračoval Josef, ale Míla se své ženy zastal."I like Barci.”

„Já se tady nebudu dohadovat o vaření, když vy děti doma každý den bijete!” vyrukovala proti Pepovi Barbora.

„Jak bijeme?” schylovalo se k hádce. „A co ten pásek a škrcení, co jsem viděla?” odtušila Bára.“What strangling?What are you talking about. Seď, nebo tě vezmu a nacpu tě do toho krbu, ty vole!” vzkypěl Josef.

Bára described that she had seen the uncle of peace who strangled Pepča and shivered with him. „Pepča pak půl hodiny brečel,” dodala a další hádka byla zhusta televizí vypípána.

„Ukončíme to,” pokoušel se o smír Milan, ale toho pro změnu usadila Markéta, které vedle svého Josefa narostly svaly."You only do what Barča says. Jsi ňouma a podpantoflák,” nařkla Milana. Toho se zas zastala Barbora: „Není to podpantoflák, je to nejlepší chlap na světě a ty na mě přestaň ukazovat prstíkem,” upozornila Josefa, který čím dál víc zvyšoval hlas.

„My máme svoji výchovu a vy máte svoji, víc bych to neřešil,” zkusil Milan znovu diplomacii.Have succeeded and both pairs went to their homes.