• 20/09/2022
  • By wizewebsite

The question of the third parent is a big taboo in the Czech Republic, says actress Petra Vojtková<

Roman Vojtek has an eleven -year -old daughter Edita and six -year -old son Benedict.Of course, his second wife is also involved in their upbringing.

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"I think it is better for children to grow up in two harmonious relations or households than in one non -harmonious," explained Roman Vojtek his view of alternating care, which everyone is happy with."We all know that then the kids in adulthood will ask why you did it, and your parents say: Because of you.”

However, alternating care for the actor's children is mainly affected by Petra Vojtková, on which there is a large part.”The question of the third parent is a big taboo in the Czech Republic and is not solved.There is no much literature, I found perhaps two or three books. Sama za sebe ale mohu říct, že když do toho jde člověk s láskou, tak jde všechno,” řekla herečka v primácké Show Jana Krause.

Otázka třetího rodiče je v Česku velké tabu, míní herečka Petra Vojtková

Roman Vojtek and Petra Vraspírová met while playing in the musical Mamma Mia!.They got married in the summer of 2019.

Petra Vraspírová and Roman Vojtek got married 13.July 2019.

Although they enjoyed the coronavirus period thanks to their free time, Covid-19 did not avoid them and during Petra's pregnancy Roman was undergoing him. „Já jsem se na tu dobu přestěhovala z Řitky k sestře do Prahy,” upřesnila herečka s tím, že nakonec všechno dobře dopadlo.

A satisfied family can now look forward to the summer and the boats for which Roman Vojtídek has weakness. „Někdy před dvaceti lety jsem poprvé přičichnul k typu dovolené, že je člověk na vodě, a strašně se mi to zalíbilo,” vzpomíná nadšený kapitán, který dnes už vlastní svoji loď.”When we bought it a few years ago, I was surprised that Peter's not going to the water.”

His consort explained why she was at the beginning before she got used to the salary of the Slapy dam where the boat is anchored, less enthusiastic. „Když nevidím na dno, tak se bojím,” prozradila s tím, že mezitím ji kouzlo vody přece jen pohltilo."The energy of water is completely different than on the ground.”