• 17/08/2022
  • By wizewebsite

Today it is easier in the Czech Republic to hate Muslims than Roma, says activist<

“Gypsies take special posts and do not have to pay for medicines.“It seems that hateful misinformation spread over the Internet, ie hoaxes, are immortal because the same we hear repeatedly for several years. Proč tomu tak podle vás je?Protože lidé jim chtějí věřit.This is probably the main problem.I think they still need to still define themselves against someone.And using these stories they get easily arguments why don't like someone.People also like to believe in conspiracy theories that everything is some plot of government and nonprofits that don't tell us the truth.

Lukáš Houdek

He was born in 1984 to the Workers' Family in the Border Silver.He studied Roma at the FFUK in Prague.For several years he worked as editor -in -chief of Romano Voďori magazine, today leads the publishing house of Roma literature kher.He also devotes himself to photography through which he reflects the topics of identity, violence and hate or injustice.

HateFree Culture Initiative, Hoaxes by means of facts on their website try to put it right. Máte nějakou zpětnou vazbu, zda si lidé smyšlenky nechají vyvrátit?To se nedá úplně měřit.But people are roughly divided into three groups.One clearly knows that the stories are not true, but in discussions they do not know how to argue, so they are looking for arguments in our country.The second group is people who do not see the problem, do not know where to incline.You are looking for information.And the last group are people who have one of their stuck truth.We may never convince this group because they are people who don't convince anything at all.They always have some counter -argument, they always find an article from a kind of strange server that clearly says it is so and so.

Vznikají i nové hoaxy, nebo se setkáváte stále s těmi samými?V posledním roce se vynořily nové o muslimech.For example, all Muslims want to introduce Sharia law in the Czech Republic or that the Qur'an calls for violence.These are not completely classic hoaxes because they are always partly a question of interpretation.There are also messages that are constantly returning to us every week.They are still repeating the claim that the Roma have free public transport, each time in another city.Or that they have free admission to the swimming pool.In these cases we cooperate with authorities that comment on this and false claims refute.

The platform that is flooded with anonymous hateful posts are Internet discussions.Hundreds of them always come under each article concerning national or religious minorities. Má smysl proti nim vystupovat?Myslím, že smysl to má.The question is whether the amount of energy spent will return to an adequate result.People who want to empty in some way often go to Internet discussions.People who really have something to say, then they don't logically go there for this reason.But discussions on Facebook are better after all, sometimes you can discuss.So I think it makes sense to react.

Jakým způsobem ale člověk může na agresivní výpady reagovat?Univerzální návod není, protože každá situace je jiná.It is important to administer the supported arguments.Another option is that you make fun of it.Sometimes it does not work otherwise.By overturning to another group of inhabitants, it is possible to show that some claim is total nonsense.For example, Facebook has recently arisen an event that a march will be held for canceling the parental allowance.The organizers used the arguments that women on maternity leave are only at home and take social benefits, parasitize and slack.This caused a huge discussion.At some point the organizers revealed the background of the event.Had the discussions to set the mirror.The arguments against mothers who have so outraged them in other discussions commonly use against the Roma.I think a lot of people have come.

HateFree Culture

Iniciativa vznikla v rámci Agentury pro sociální začleňování na Úřadu vlády ČR a je většinově financována z Norských fondů.Its aim is to oppose hate violence and refute rumors and hate prejudices towards different groups of population.The project includes, for example, HateFree zones or hejtomat, where misinformation concerning different minorities are refuted.

Dnes je v Česku snadnější nenávidět muslimy než Romy, říká aktivista

I always try to argue with my own positive experience I have with Roma and, on the contrary, a number of negative experiences with ethnic Czechs who have robbed my house four times and beat me up several times.Of course, this does not mean that all Czechs commit crimes just as generalization does not apply to the Roma.Such personal experience can work.

It seems that the hostility of part of Czechs towards the Roma is partly spilling into anti -islamism today...I think a lot.Thanks to this, the Roma are actually a bit of peace when you look at internet discussions.There is anti -islamism. I think a lot „haterů“, kteří si opravdu zakládali na romském tématu, se přesunulo k islámu, protože to je něco, čeho se lidé bojí ještě více.The media spews information about the Islamic State and people are afraid.Today is therefore much easier and socially acceptable to be Islamophob than an anticiganist.He is hiding a lot under Islamophobia.Islamophob can even look like a human rights fighter because he fights for women's and homosexual rights.But the same person is able to scold me in another comment because I'm gay.

Není důvodem sílícího antiislamismu právě nedostatek zkušenosti? V Česku žije minimum muslimů, a většina lidí s nimi osobně v podstatě nepřijde do kontaktu. Určitě.Last year I went to Augsburg, Germany, where forty percent of the population has immigrant history, and there I did not feel this hatred at all.So I think it stems a lot just out of the fear of those we don't know.Our research has shown that people who have no real experience with Roma evaluate coexistence with them far more negatively than those who have experience with them (read about research here).I think this finding is transferable to Muslims.

HateFree initiative in early February supported the Muslim Group's campaign NO MY NAME. O co šlo?Asi týden po útocích v Paříži nás kontaktovala skupina českých muslimů s tím, že by se rádi distancovali od toho, co se stalo, a vyjádřili podporu mírovému soužití.We have therefore followed the worldwide campaign not in my name and created a campaign not my name.About thirty Muslims took pictures with a sign with this inscription.They wanted to distance publicly since the attack is constantly calling that Muslims are not sufficiently distinguished by terrorism.The photos were women with hijab, without hijab, original Muslims, converts, family...

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Vyvolala kampaň výraznější reakce, ať už pozitivní či negativní?Album sdílelo mnoho lidí.But there were incredible comments under the photos.Were such a nature that we had to delete them.We found incredible that the action to be a manifestation of solidarity will evoke hate comments such as: “.Gas.“The worst ones were often under the photos of families.

Neobávali se muslimové, kteří se do kampaně zapojili takto veřejně vystavit svůj obličej?Báli.Most people we addressed also refused to take pictures - not because they disagreed with the idea, but because they are simply afraid.Was quite a miracle that we managed to get thirty people who went into it.Were aware of this, we have warned them in advance what the reaction will probably cause.That they will pull their names on them and write them.With that risk went to it.And I think they are happy because although some comments were very crazy, so many reactions were positive.

You have also involved in the project personally when you published your narrative about what it is like to grow up as gay on a small town. Myslíte si, že venkov je v přístupu k sexuálním menšinám stále o tolik konzervativnější než třeba Praha?Určitě ano.In Prague, a person does not meet too much.But in the regions it is still a problem.It also depends where, every region differs, but even every school.At the school in Stříbro where I grew up, there was a class where two homosexuals were and had a normally having fun with the boys, walking out and there was no problem.But in the next class it was a big problem.The indicator that it is still not quite right was the suicide of a young boy last year because he was gay (read about the case here).This shows that it is still not cool and that attacks on homosexuals are still happening.

Vy se s útoky setkáváte i v současnosti?Dělo se to během dospívání ve Stříbře.It wasn't just verbal attacks at that time, but I used to be beaten up.Today I feel anonymous, but attacks on the street don't happen to me.Once it happened to me that someone attacked me in a restaurant and started throwing food on the head but normally not happening.Because I do not show that it would be some of my weaknesses, so no one will allow me much.But when I return to the small city, I have flashbacks and sometimes freeze in my back when a group of youngsters passes around me.

It is said that Czechs are one of the most tolerant nations in the approach to sexual minorities...I think that is so.If we compare it with countries with similar historical experience, such as Slovakia, we certainly stand best.We also have where to flee.Many homosexuals run to Prague.But as I say, the regions are different, and I wouldn't want to live with my partner there.

Proč takové diskuze vyvolává každoročně festival Prague Pride, když Česko patří k tolerantním zemím?Problém je, že festival je spojovaný čistě jenom s tím pochodem.But there are about a hundred other scientific, cultural, discussion and other events that are really great.It's not just about going to steam somewhere and indulge in sexual orgies.It is also happening there, but that is one of the festivals.Festival One World Also has its Party.The procession is an important moment just for gays from the regions.They live there all the time they live in hidden and come once a year and may be who they want to be.Whether they are gays, lesbians, transsexuals or even boys who change as a female.They are dressed for a cher and they are terrible, no one limits them.It's a day of freedom where they can be who they want to be.

Every person is able to kill

Since the New Year, the HateFree zone project, or various public spaces that declare that they are open to everyone. Kolik takových zón už existuje?Asi 25.They are cafes, theaters, but also a hotel or church.By describing themselves as HateFree zone, they make it clear that everyone is welcome no matter what group they belong to, and in case of any conflict the operator will stand.It sounds a bit trivial in Prague.But in the regions it may not be so banal to be.When you are a homosexual couple, you will come to the pub in the village and hold your hand there, so you will hear a few insults.If you know that you can go to a certain café with your boy and it will be fine, you will go there very happy.I don't even talk about the Roma, they have an almost forbidden entry in many places or the operator is very indiscriminate.

In addition to your activities in HateFree Culture, you also take pictures.The stir in the past has caused your art project to kill in which you reconstructed brutal scenes from the post -war removal of the Germans with the help of dolls. Jak jste se k tomutu tématu dostal?Pocházím z téměř nacionalistické rodiny a dřív jsem byl docela protiněmecky zaměřený.When I worked on a project that concerned German cemeteries, I came across a crushed cemetery that showed that it was not just crumbled by time, but that someone smashed it after the war, including the crucifixes.Although I am an atheist, I was given me that someone was just because it was a German cemetery, would offend the head of Jesus Christ.I started searching for what happened there.My anti -German identity began to collapse.There were various massacres that were happening in 1945 and I didn't know about them at all, because it wasn't talking about it at all.

So you reconstructed those massacres. Jak jste věděl, že přesně tak a tak to proběhlo?Zkoumal jsem archivní dokumenty a vyprávění pamětníků.I worked with historian Adrian Portman.I tried to find out the biggest detail how it went.Then I reconstructed 25 massacres.I chose dolls because the actions were also committed by civilians, they were not any army of soldiers.I wanted to show that every person is able to kill someone under certain circumstances.And those things are still repeating.Hatred is only the hatred of.