• 12/09/2022
  • By wizewebsite

Tomáš Verner and his wife are waiting for a second child.They also revealed the sex of the baby<

After a busy autumn, when the former European figure skating champion Tomáš Verner subscribed in the StarDance show for the third place, he spent Christmas holidays in California.The current Ambassador of the Olympic Festival ended his career in 2014.Now, besides the family, he is mostly devoted to the Sports Academy.Not only spoken about the one in an interview for the weekly 5plus2.

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You recently returned from California where you spent Christmas with your family. Proč právě tam?Původně měly být naše společné Vánoce u nás doma v Borovanech, ale vzhledem k administrativním a vízovým komplikacím, které by vedly k tomu, že se nesejdeme celá rodina, jsme nakonec byli všichni u rodičů mé ženy v Kalifornii.But I must say that after a very busy period I have experienced last months, I enjoyed the holidays this year.I had neither a computer nor a phone with me and I only devoted myself to a family.

Dodrželi jste v Kalifornii stejné vánoční zvyky jako u nás?Rozdíl byl ve spoustě věcí, třeba už jen v tom, že jsme si nekupovali dárky.We were happy that we were all together and devoted to each other.In addition, it does not celebrate in such a great spirit as in our country.It's more about being talked, feasting, drinking slightly and resting.And since my wife is an American of Thai origin, there is no carp and potato salad, but all possible meals including Thai.The board is really varied and still feast.

Vašemu synovi je šestnáct měsíců, vnímal už kouzlo svátků?Stromeček a dárečky, co jsme pro něj nachystali, mu byly úplně jedno.But he really was very interested in ornaments, so he decorated and decorated.(laughter)

Jaký je váš chlapeček?Asi jako většina rodičů vidím své dítě jako to nejhezčí, nejchytřejší a nejúžasnější na světě.He is already walking nicely and now he wonders what language to start talking because I speak Czech, a woman speaks English and his wife's parents only Thai.

Weekly 5plus2

Takže bude vyrůstat opravdu multikulturně…To ano, já jsem Čech, žena Američanka, rodiče Thajci… Stejně jsem celý svůj život cestoval, žil jsem šest let v Německu, tři roky v Kanadě a teď se nám se ženou líbí v Česku.And grandparents come here to see us, not only we there.We also liked Prague and our Borovans.

Přesto jste se ženil v roce 2020 jen ve velmi úzkém rodinném kruhu…Ano, covid nám zhatil naše plány na velkou svatbu.It is, of course, complicated when you have a large family placed in different parts of the world.Our wedding took place 14.March 2020 and we were only two of us, parents from both sides and two witnesses.A woman still has a dream of a big wedding and a beautiful dress, but now I don't think it's right for it.Whether for measures, time or possibilities.We'll see how things develop.

Tomáš Verner, Tammy Sutanová and their son Tomáš (7.November 2020)

Tomáš Verner s manželkou čekají druhé dítě. Prozradili i pohlaví miminka

Oficiální jméno vaší ženy je Charity, přesto jí říkáte Tammy, proč?Když se narodila, dostala jméno Charity, ale celý život používá Tammy.This is like a child's nickname, and it is better explicit for Americans, somehow adapt to life in America.

Tammy also supported you all autumn in StarDance. Šel byste znovu do podobné soutěže? Jaká to pro vás byla zkušenost?StarDance byla hezká kapitola mého života, ale už jsem ji uzavřel a jdu dál.I have that so.I don't look.But to the type of show like a cluster I would never really go.Never!I wouldn't want to lose a family because.When one has his job, I have two, I have been in StarDance for several months and the family, so it really places great demands on time.And for me the family is in the first place.Once was enough.I am clear about this.

Kristýna Coufalová and Tomáš Verner in the StarDance XI finals

Aktivní krasobruslařskou kariéru jste ukončil v roce 2014, čemu se teď tedy pracovně věnujete?Pracuji pro sportovní resortní centrum VICTORIA při Ministerstvu školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy, kde jsem vedoucím sekce krasobruslení, což je víceméně administrativní práce.I grew up in Victoria, almost all my sporting life.First I trained there, then I became an assistant coach, then a coach and now I am the leading of our sports section.I deal with training plans, invoices, paying and evaluating the success of our athletes who have been able to qualify this year in all Olympic disciplines to Beijing 2022.

So my job is to provide all comfort for athletes to have the conditions for quality preparation.We are currently preparing for the Winter Olympics, where we will have a total of six athletes in all Olympic disciplines, including the premiere of the Czech Republic in the team race, where we qualified for the first time ever.We are currently on the European Championship program where I leave to see everything.

I thought I wouldn't have such a beautiful woman in my life, says Verner

Máte ale také svoji akademii…Ano, to je ta druhá práce.The Academy of Tomas Verner, which we are led by Petra Bienova, has been working for three years.In the last two years, we have been decent, like most sports clubs and troops, but we have survived and hope that we will already be doing well.We both work in the Academy, both women and me, we have both our training clock, we always take over Tomík.Now I just watch him and when the woman returns, I'm going to the ice.

Tomáš Verner after free ride at the World Championship in Japan.It was the last big race for the Czech figure skater.

Změnila covidová pandemie nějak i způsob trénování dětí?Před covidem byly sportovní oddíly plné a nastavené na trénování téměř profi dětí několikrát týdně od brzkého věku.But everything has changed.Many children want to train only twice a week, which not only in figure skating was not almost conceivable from a certain age.Clubs now have to respond to it and look for the right key to work with this group of "plants".It is important that children are interested in sport and want to move.Another big change is the age at which children come to the troops.Much older children are reported to us because of the recruitment failure during Covid, which is also a new situation mainly for coaches.If we want our sport to survive, we need to change the previous system of functioning and thinking.

Tomáš Verner: I would recommend some Czechs to visit North Korea

In 2014 you last raced at the Winter Olympics in Sochi. Jak jste je prožíval?Pro nás sportovce to tehdy byl strašně stmelující prvek.In the evening we played shots as people cheer for us and send messages.It charged us and impressed us at the same time.At that moment it didn't matter what sport people were doing, but we felt huge support from people at home together.Welcome after our arrival was such a small nagano for me.I appreciated the power of all who were waiting for us there.

You now became the ambassador of the Olympic Festival that takes place from 4.up to 20.February in Brno.People will be able to try their sports skills on the premises of Nová Zbrojovka at the Brno-Židenice train station.You were a hockey player, biathlete and speed skater when filming promo spot. Co vám sedělo nejvíc?Určitě hokej.Last time I was playing with Lukáš Krpálek and his bunch of Judists.They have hockey as an additional sport.I had a lot of believe in them.I thought I would definitely regret them and I would be more stable on the ice.It lasted exactly until I went with Lukáš into a personal battle.He put me on the ice and peeled me about seven ribs.Fortunately, it was without more permanent consequences.If Luke appears at the festival I want to be in his team.

Tomáš Verner

■ Born with 3.June 1986 in Písek.■ is one of the most successful Czech figure skaters, ten times the Czech Republic.He has a complete medal collection from the European Championships (gold from Zagreb 2008), at the World Championships he finished best twice the fourth.He was not so successful at the Winter Olympic Games, his best location was 11.Partition from 2014.He ended his career seven years ago.■ He also tried moderation on television and internet broadcasting.■ Last autumn ended the third in the dance show StarDance.■ is married to former American figure skater with Thai roots of charity "Tammy" Sutan.In September 2020, their son Tomáš was born.

Na jaký sport se na festivalu těšíte kromě krasobruslení a hokeje?Hodně mě baví rychlobruslení.It is great that at the Olympic Festival to rent professional skates.When filming the spot I had them on my leg for a while and I would definitely need a few advice.I remember how I did with Martina Sáblíková and her coach Petr Novák comparative tests that were surprisingly well.Then Peter even told me that I have a sense of reflection and slip and could work with me.

But it was fifteen years ago, so I don't know if he would still be interested.(laughter) A nemůžu opomenout curling.I lived for three years in Canada and there is curling after hockey perhaps the second most popular sport.Have private clubs and people spend their free time by moving stones.I have resisted for two years and thought it was crap but then curling completely absorbed me.So I'm looking forward to a proper tournament!

A kterému sportu se raději vyhýbáte?Sporty, které nechám ostatním, jsou běžky a biatlon.Cross -country ski.I tried the biathlon once in the new town and after seven hundred meters I missed any target.On the contrary, a sport in which I have a great ambition to improve is sledding with my son.

21. prosince 2020