• 25/08/2022
  • By wizewebsite

When in man culminating the middle age crisis - Novinky.cz<

Kdy u člověka vrcholíMidlife Crisis

Being happy in life is like finding a great job, a partner and possibly the establishment of a family dream of almost every person.But it is not always real - many dreams do not fulfill, many people count more failures in their own lives than success, overall happiness is so often in sight.

It is no wonder then that many individuals appear in a certain period of time.Midlife Crisis.

If this state is really real and whether it has any age peak, it was what experts from Darthmouth's American American focus focused on.According to the data collected they have assembled the so -called.The curve of life happiness, which has the shape of the letter U and proves not only that the state describing the middle age crisis is real, but also age proven.

The biggest crisis?At the age of 47

Within the twentieth year of life, human happiness generally rises so that its value slowly begins to reduce to the critical lowest point, which is most often found in people in developed countries.year.It is around 48 years in developing countries.

Kdy u člověka vrcholíMidlife Crisis - Novinky.cz

Ekonom and Professor David Blanchflower from the University of Human Human Happiness for many years across nationals.Although minor deviations can be visible in individual nations, the U -shaped curve is clearly visible in all.

Manželství aMidlife CrisisVztahy a sex

From the age of twenty, the value of happiness stagnates or decreases slightly, the steeper slump is then visible in the thirty, when it then drops to the 47.or 48.year života.In addition, when the above -mentioned balancing is added, for example, various health problems, reduced sexual appetite or depression, it may seem that everything is lost.

But as not only Professor Blanchflower for the Daily Mail server, it is not a critical point from which there would be no return. Křivka se totiž kolem padesátéhoyear života opět pomalu začíná zvedat, kolem sedmdesátky se dokonce podle zjištění dostává na podobné hodnoty, jaké byly u mnohých lidí viditelné kolem dvacátéhoyear.

"No matter where you live, however critical middle age seems to be, happiness reappears, do not despair," adds to all optimism Blanchflower.
