• 13/09/2022
  • By wizewebsite

12 specific advice on how to live more environmentally friendly.Have a better feeling and contribute to saving the planet 12 specific advice on how to live more environmentally friendly.Have a better feeling and contribute to saving the planet<

Říká se, že člověk má na světě dva domovy. Tím prvním je jeho tělo, tím druhým je planeta, na které žije. Jiné přísloví říká, že by obojí mělo představovat hrad, který jej chrání a kterého si člověk váží. Bohužel jsme jako společnost v nezáviděníhodné situaci, kdy nám půlka hradu hoří a kdyby planeta mohla, zbaví se nás okamžitě (pokud to ovšem již nedělá). 12 konkrétních rad, jak žít ekologičtěji. Měj ze sebe lepší pocit a přispěj k záchraně planety 12 konkrétních rad, jak žít ekologičtěji. Měj ze sebe lepší pocit a přispěj k záchraně planety 12 konkrétních rad, jak žít ekologičtěji. Měj ze sebe lepší pocit a přispěj k záchraně planety 12 konkrétních rad, jak žít ekologičtěji. Měj ze sebe lepší pocit a přispěj k záchraně planety

In order to save the home and live not only us but also our children and ideally several other generations, we can take certain steps to help us keep the planet healthy.

Personally, I am not a big fan of big changes from day to day because I believe it, and the practice has also confirmed it several times that they are unsustainable for a long time.Minor changes we make on a daily basis can mean a much greater long -term change.And if such minor changes make a large number of people in every life, their impact may be a great.

In today's article we will show some tips that we can change our lives into a slightly less burden on the planet and ultimately for our mental and physical health.At the beginning it is probably useful to write that to achieve some results, you do not have to apply all changes at once, richly enough to work them into your life and find out what suits you best.

The change starts in the kitchen

The steps that will help to a more sustainable life will be divided into several categories where we will show individual steps that we can do on a daily basis everybody.We will talk about changes in the kitchen, wardrobe or bathroom.Adjusting the diet and the way of thinking about food is perhaps the most difficult of all categories, so we first bit an acidic apple, whether we have it and we can move to simpler steps.

1.Shop more often and less

Many people don't like shopping.We do not like to stand in the queue and discuss the goods without knowing how to process it.This is also a big problem.If we do large purchases once every fourteen days or a week, it can happen, and most likely we also buy more food than we are in fact able to consume.Subsequently, we throw away a certain part of them and thus be unnecessarily produced a lot of waste.Despite the fact that the cultivation of vegetables is consumed a large amount of water and energy that in this way will be worn.

12 konkrétních rad, jak žít ekologičtěji. Měj ze sebe lepší pocit a přispěj k záchraně planety 12 konkrétních rad, jak žít ekologičtěji. Měj ze sebe lepší pocit a přispěj k záchraně planety

If we decide to buy every day or every other day, we know how much we eat, these energy costs will be reduced and we do not waste food.In addition, we do not waste our money, which we unknowingly throw from the window just as we throw in the trash of rotten tomatoes, the cheat, or in the worst case of spoiled meat.

2.If you can, buy locally and seasonally

This point is a bit tricky and it matters a lot where you live to keep it.But if this is only a little possible, you should build your purchases on a local basis, ideally to grow part of the food yourself.The explanation is simple.The shorter the chain between the manufacturer and your plate, the less you burden the planet.The longer the route follows the food, the more they lose their nutritional values.

3.Shop without cover

In recent years, trends without packaging shops have been growing and there has been any such thing in almost every slightly larger city.Look if you don't have any such.In the US, approximately 100 billion plastic bags per year consume.12 million barrels of oil will fall to their production.Conscious restrictions and shopping without cover will help this enormous consumption to limit.

This is not a major restriction, it only takes a minor re -evaluation of their way of thinking.Do you have the oils poured into reusable jar, as well as different seeds and honest - do you really need to embrace each cucumber with a disposable plastic cover?

4.Include more plant diet

When I talked about the difficulty of some changes, I bumped on this.Dietary change is always very complex, whether you change it to get into form or for environmental reasons.When we have been used to eating for years, it is difficult to adjust from day to day.

Here it is worth again to emphasize that even small steps are calculated and minor modifications we make on a daily basis can help big changes.If we look at the numbers, we find that people who refer to as meat lovers will eliminate approximately 3.3 tonnes of CO2 per year while vegans have a carbon track less than half.The most carbon is produced by an industry that processes lamb and beef.At the same time it is the most demanding for transport.

If we at least partially switch to plant food, we can significantly help the planet, animals and our health.People who eat 50 g red meat increase the risk of cardiovascular disease by 9 %, and people who consume sausages even by 18 %.In order not to scare, there is no clear connection between these diseases and the consumption of chicken and turkey meat, so here is the decision mainly ecological and ethical.

5.Think about recycling

The principle of sustainability is also recycling.It is good to emphasize that the sorting of waste does not mean recycling itself.In order to reduce your impact on the planet, it pays to recycle at a personal level.According to Katka Horáčková of the Permakultura CS association, it is good to think about the waste production so that no waste simply does not arise.Means to think about how my waste can make a planet some other benefit.

The thrown plastic bottle is unlikely to cause any benefit, but if you follow step three, you probably don't even have any.The Czech Republic is doing quite well with waste sorting, but lags behind the sorting of municipal and biological waste.There are ways to recycle cooking.You can buy a home composter whose products you can then enrich the land at your favorite place.If you live in a house, it can be your garden, if in the apartment, it can be a garden of an apartment building or a place in the forest you like.

What to do in the bathroom?

Another place where quite a lot of waste is formed and which has a large impact on the planet is our bathrooms.In order not to repeat, we just quickly remind you that even soaps you can buy in an packaging shop and even cosmetics can be vegan and not tested on animals.Plus, if you want to be a true connoisseur, you can make your own soaps in your free time.

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