• 28/10/2022
  • By wizewebsite

The discipline helped me, says Lucie.She dropped more than half of her weight<

”I don't even want to imagine what such an overweight would mean at thirty, forty or fifty.This could easily be health or life, ”Lucie thinks.

"But no one will make this decision for you.You have to do it yourself!I was very lucky because I came across an excellent nutritional counselor from The 1: 1 diets.Markéta Jakubková was a great support from the beginning, a friend and a partner in one - and is to this day.She has the biggest share of my change.I was able to explain the whole program of the program well and in detail, but especially here it was for me when I needed to kick again and move on.”

Lucie has changed her lifestyle from the ground up.”If I look back a year back, I see the opposite of what is today.And now I don't just mean a character change, but just everything.Otherwise I spend my free time, suddenly I enjoy my life much more. Největší změna ale není vidět, ta proběhla samozřejmě v hlavě, v mém nastavení a v tom, jak teď přistupuju ke svému zdraví a sobě samé,” vyznává se mladá žena, která přizpůsobila svůj jídelníček redukčnímu programu.

No one was talking to me

”I ate regularly, weighed the food carefully, and when I wasn't sure, I contacted a nutritional counselor, she advised me almost anytime.One of the keys of success was certainly that I was honestly followed by all the rules and tried as little as possible 'angry'.I eliminated everything from the diet that didn't belong to it at the moment.

We are each different, it personally suits me to go according to the instructions.Does not have a problem to keep something and not break. Shrnula bych to tak, že u mě hraje velkou roli disciplína, která mi pomohla k úžasné proměně během pouhého roku,” říká žena narozená ve znamení Střelce.And adds that she was lucky because there was no one who would not believe her.Family, friend, friends, they all kept her fingers crossed and supported her incredibly.

Pomohla mi disciplína, říká Lucie. Shodila víc než polovinu své hmotnosti

”If I came across a person who defame my gradual change and observance or even told me that a drummer would come in the form of a jojo effect, I just smiled.I knew internally to give it.But the fact is that in the beginning it wasn't much.My weight of 131 pounds was very high after all, but saved me brisk walking.This is suitable for everyone!I gradually added miles and accelerated the pace.Here I was supporting my mother who honestly tapped with me at the beginning, although it is true that I was not able to do so many times, so she had to wait for me.With the dwinding pounds, however, my fitness gradually improved and I went to run from walking.I started going to longer hikes that later became my passion. Když jsem zhubla na 78 kilo, začala jsem docházet na silový trénink pod dohledem trenéra a chodím tam pořád,” svěřila se Lucie, která nikdy nebyla svou postavou posedlá a nepřemýšlela nad tím, jestli je moc „velká, nebo malá”.

My partner deserves metal

”Which was also one of the reasons I let it go so far.When I look back, I probably never had a sports character, I was already overweight in adolescence, but I did not limit me, I did not perceive it and my surroundings did not point me to it.My current partner would really deserve a metal.Was here for me all the time.At a time when I cheerfully went to 131 pounds, even then when I threw the pound down.We got to know each other six years ago and we are still together. A je prima, že už mě konečně nevidí jen v legínách a vytahaném triku,” usmívá se Lucie, která si užívá nového, daleko menšího oblečení.

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"And not only that.Suddenly I opened the gate to the new hobbies, which includes running and strengthening.From the physical point of view I feel great.I enjoy walking with a dog and looking forward to the winter I have associated with skiing.I would also like to include cross -country skiing and snowshoes this year.Well, we will see.The fear that I will not be gaining back now and in the winter, I have no.I am very strict on myself and at the same time I am still trying to have enough movement.Here I have to highlight another advantage of my cooperation with a nutritional counselor, because although I am on a weight of 62 pounds today, I continue to visit it, so I have my weight constantly under control.And that suits me.”

A few tricks

Vykliďte spížZbavte se všech nezdravých laskomin, které by mohly ve slabé chvilce (a ta přijde) ohrozit vaše hubnutí.

Zařaďte zelíKysané zelí pročistí střeva, podpoří detoxikaci, a posílí tak imunitu, to je na podzim a v zimě velké plus.

Interesting facts about Lucia

Odkud: Teplice Věk: 23 let Výška: 168 cm Znamení zvěrokruhu: Střelec Oblíbené motto: „Dělej věci, které tě činí šťastným.”Zaměstnání: zdravotní sestra Koníčky: turistika, čtení Oblíbené oblečení: sportovní móda Oblíbené jídlo: italská kuchyně, lasagne, pizzaPůvodní váha: 131 kgSoučasná váha: 62 kgZa rok shodila 69 kg.