• 24/08/2022
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How to get used to the new body after giving birth?Tricks that work<

Recommendations that you should like what you are, accept your body and pamper it is full of books, magazines and motivational quotes on social networks (mostly brought in dramatic colors in the background of the setting sun).

But almost nowhere can you read how to accept that your body has changed diametrically in a few weeks - both in appearance and functioning.How to learn to love the permitted belly dotted with stretch marks, sagging breasts or incontinence?

Personally, I don't know the only woman who is able to rise perfectly above what she looks like and seek satisfaction only in the inner strength of her personality.And I don't know either one that wouldn't at least a little bit of a bit of how her body had changed after giving birth.


I do not solve pounds after delivery, I am a woman, not rattle, says model Aneta Vignerová

As far as I can judge by myself, it was not such a big surprise allowed abdomen (apparently because I have not experienced a condition from puberty when I would not have it allowed).But much more I dealt with varicose veins that have appeared, sore knees that I had no idea that they could also be the result of pregnancy, falling hair or humiliating incontinence.The only positive I found on my postpartum body was huge breasts - but it disappeared as I stopped breastfeeding.

In the first months I couldn't decide whether to feel more like a pensioner over the grave or as something that had just rose out of that grave.Whenever someone advised me on that account to like myself as I am, I felt a very compulsive desire to hit him with something hard on his head.

Is there any real way to get used to the new body after delivery, close it with it and start respecting it?Or is the only option just to dull and accept that you will never really like yourself?

Shock in front of the mirror

It's somewhat paradoxical.Everyone talks about never forgetting the moment you first in your arms grip your newborn baby and looked into your face.You are ready for it and you know this second is indelibly written to your life.


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But no one will deprive you of the same thing in your life you will never forget the moment you first saw yourself naked in the mirror.You can repeat a thousand times that it is normal because you just gave birth but you are still very likely to be shocked.

It is not what you currently look like (and you can remind the goddess), but to what extent your body has changed.”Every person has some perception of their own body.The way he looks at himself and self -evaluate.

Pregnancy and subsequently are difficult to do in this respect, especially because the female body changes vigorously in a relatively short time and the woman is faced with the need to cope with the new form of herself, ”explains psychologist Marcela Vojířová.”The situation is all the harder because a new parent role enters into her life, in which she is still learning to work, and at the same time under considerable pressure from the media, which constantly bombard her with perfect celebrities and belief that a woman should be practically immediatelyAfter birth return to your pre -natal body.”

Edit your expectations

Don't expect your body to be the same as the one you were used to before giving birth.It is quite possible that his appearance will surprise you (and maybe even not), you will have to get used to it and get rid of it.It is a completely normal and natural condition.Similarly, be prepared to change the feeling of your body.Pregnancy and childbirth are a huge intervention that carries a number of changes, and some of them are really essential.


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For example, did you know that during pregnancy the volume of your blood and other body fluids will increase by fifty percent and on average by half the number will you increase your foot size?But while swelling (which, despite general beliefs, not only affects legs, but you will probably feel them on the face or neck) associated with fluid retaining and hormonal changes in a few weeks after giving birth, the larger foot size will remain.

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Podle výzkumu z roku 2013, jehož výsledky zveřejnil magazín American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, má tuto zkušenost šedesát až sedmdesát procent žen a je to způsobeno velkou vahou, kterou musí těhotenské tělo nosit a v důsledku které se propadne nožní klenba a chodidlo se jakoby „rozplácne”. Ke „zvýšení všeobecné pohody” vás tak po porodu budou tlačit nejen kalhoty v pase, ale i boty.

The same weight, another body

Which we get to a weight that is of course for most women after delivery (as well as for all others).A large internet survey of Babycenter magazine, attended by more than seven thousand women, showed that sixty -one percent of women believe they will get their original weight before their child celebrates the first birthday.However, nearly sixty percent of women have more than a year after giving birth still some pounds upstairs.


Think of postpartum pounds already during pregnancy.Why is it worth it?

Do not even apply that only/if you manage to lose weight for your original weight you will get back your original body. Je velmi pravděpodobné, že přesto vám původní oblečení nebude „sedět”, protože se vaše postava do značné míry promění.You can weigh even less than before giving birth, but you will not be able to put jeans anyway due to a widespread pan or permitted belly.Mimochodem, sedmaosmdesát procent žen uvádí, že rok po porodu se jejich břicho stále nevrátilo k „normálu”, téměř polovina tvrdí, že jejich prsa mají jiný tvar, a skoro čtyřicet procent si stěžuje na rozšířené boky.

Take the time

If you have now failed desperate depression and feel that after giving birth you will never feel attractive and sexy, take a deep breath and wash out of the depths back to the surface.It is normal that you are surprised after birth that you have to get used to your body and that you do not want to accept it.Repeat that the miraculous spell is in this case time.

It is not that you should gradually duplicate, but to be worthy of yourself and give your body enough time to recover from pregnancy and childbirth.

Po porodu

Allowed tummy, fallen breasts and hamsters.How to put the body after delivery?

Nutritional counselors often emphasize their clients who want to lose weight that a gradual procedure and patience need to be chosen.That they did not gain their pounds in two weeks, so they can't drop them even in two weeks.And the same applies to your postpartum body.Nine months there were dramatic changes that culminated in birth.The most amazing thing in the world did - gave life to your child.So they deserve to have time for recovery and a gradual return to normal functioning.

By pushing yourself as soon as the puerperium is over, you will not achieve anything.The only result will be the stress and frustration of the fact that after six months you still have no flat belly.

Change the way of thinking

There are things you can change your self -discipline, effort or firm will, but there are also things that are conditioned genetically and with which you cannot do anything.Whether you will be left on your stomach, you will make varicose veins or suffer from joint pain, you just don't affect.

Instead, concentrate on what you can change and can do.For example, every coach will be willing to confirm that there is no reason why you should not get a firm figure after birth (and even firmer than before giving birth).So if you cannot influence the elasticity of the skin, do not worry about it and strengthen instead, because then you will look - and most of all feel - a few orders better, independent of the allowed skin.

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Simply change your thinking and instead of nostalgically remembering how you once looked, direct your energy to be happy with yourself even now.Also learn to approach your postpartum body as a whole new friend you are just starting to get to know.

Many women will change metabolism after giving birth, so that you could easily drag the refrigerator at midnight before getting pregnant and you had half a pound in the morning.Maybe that will remain, maybe your metabolism will be even more efficient, but you may have to reconsider your lifestyle.Tune in to your body, be receptive to his needs and do not insist stubbornly on the fact that everything has to return to old tracks.A new life stage started you.And is amazing - just like your new body.

Video as a bonus: What do you need to know when breastfeeding?

Pavla Maříková

Fitmami founder, fitmi.cz

You work daily with moms of young children.How many women are, from your experience, dissatisfied with their postpartum body?And is it even possible to return to the same character as I had before him?

Certainly this is possible. Znám mnoho žen, včetně sebe, které mají „po dětech” mnohem lepší postavu než kdy dříve.But of course it costs effort and work on yourself.I can't judge how many women exactly are dissatisfied with their character after giving birth, but I assume it's not much higher percentage than in women without children.Almost every woman would like to change something.I am more likely to see that women want to return to fitness after giving birth, that is, to be fit again than they would like to lose weight and primarily lose weight.But as I mentioned at the beginning, childbirth and children are certainly not a reason not to have a nice and firm figure.

Most women after delivery are mainly solved by the permitted abdomen.How and how can its appearance improve?

The appearance of the tummy after delivery is given by the permitted abdominal muscles and also the condition of the skin in these parts. S posilováním břišní stěny je to složitější a určitě bych mamince po porodu nedoporučila vrhnout se na samostatné cvičení podle videí „na břicho”. Nejprve je potřeba posílit a zpevnit hluboký stabilizační systém, tedy „vnitřní svaly”, které bříško zpevňují zevnitř, a teprve po čase přidat i cviky na šikmé a přímé břišní svaly.Initially, working with the tummy is really often about breathing, physio exercises, unobtrusive practice etc.You can also support the appearance and reinforcement of the tummy with various reinforcing creams and massages.However, it is always only a supplement to a suitable exercise.

What does it have, from your experience, influence whether and how quickly the woman will return back to shape after birth?

Certainly the fact was in the condition of pregnancy and whether she kept fit during pregnancy. Rychleji se vrátí zpět do formy žena, která byla i v těhotenství aktivní a přírůstek váhy byl v rámci „normy”, než žena, která v těhotenství nabrala desítky kil.Much depends on whether my mother and baby enjoy time for herself, do sports, but also rest, do not go in food, etc.. Zní to jako „vesmír”, ale pro zdravou a fit maminku je opravdu nezbytné, aby si čas pro sebe hýčkala a dopřála.It will return to her and her family.

Would you have any tips for women who can't get used to your body after giving birth?How to find a relationship to him?How to love each other again?

Your body, whatever the birth is, is just yours, it is you.Plus, you brought a new life to the world and that's the biggest reason to love you.Take care of your body, touch it, perceive its needs.Look at your baby, so you are the most beautiful just as you are. Ne náhodou děti milují měkké teplo maminčina těla a rozhodně neřeší, že vy své oblé křivky vnímáte jako „špeky”.Be grateful for your healthy body.Once you can connect to your body and perceive what you need, you will see that you will accept it in all its beauty, which includes small stretch marks or slightly allowed tummy.

You can repeat a thousand times that it is normal because you just gave birth but you are still very likely to be shocked.Don't expect to lose your original body when you lose weight to your original weight.Change your thinking and instead of nostalgically remembering how you once looked, direct your energy to be happy with yourself even now.Take your postpartum body as a new friend who is just


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