• 03/03/2023
  • By wizewebsite

I was in the mosque only in the Czech Republic, people are warmer in the Caucasus, says Cherkes<

We met Murat Temirov in the middle of the holidays at a time when his family was dealing with moving to a new apartment and departure to Russia.His wife Muma and their little daughter also took part in the interview.

Kdy jste přišel do České republiky?V dubnu 2003.I was invited to the Czech Republic as a journalist.

Proč jste odešel z rodné země? V tomto ohledu nejsem typický emigrant, v mé vlasti na Kavkaze se mi žilo dobře.But I got a chance to work for Radio Free Europe, which has a headquarters in Prague.So I can say that Prague chose me back then.And as Kafka would say, he holds me with her tough hands for 15 years.

Bylo těžké zvykat si na zdejší život? Díky práci v mezinárodní společnostibylaintegrace do českého prostředí hladká a postupná.Of course, there are differences between life in the Caucasus and the Czech Republic.The main difference is that the Caucasus are much more warmer and emotional.For me this means a more comfortable psychological environment.

Co vám na České republice přijde sympatické? Bezpečné prostředí a dobrá infrastruktura.A peaceful life for living with children.

MUMA: I love how people in the subway, trams always pay attention to children, tell them something nice and nice.In addition, there are many parks with good children's playgrounds.The streets are clean here.I don't mind a large number of tourists.I like that there are many organizations that help foreigners integrate into Czech society.For example, we have participated in the family of the family for several years, we were interested in getting acquainted with Czech families, but unfortunately our communication with them did not continue.

IDNES series.cz

Few minorities in the Czech Republic are spreading so much rumors, twisted information and emotions as Muslims.At the same time awareness of the local devotees of Islam is very small.This is used by a number of politicians and other publicly known personalities who seek to misery the fear towards Muslims.IDNES portal.cz therefore prepared a series that at least closer this diverse minority.

Co vám zdenejvíce chybí? Kavkazské jídlo a moje rodina – matka, otec, sestra.

MUMA: Me friends and warm neighboring relationships.In our home we have a tradition to cook food and then share with neighbors.But here I feel a barrier and I am afraid that our neighbors would not understand something like that, would not taste our national cuisine or eventually throw away food in the trash because of mistrust.And the second big problem is that we don't have a family here - we don't have any grandmothers, aunts, friends for which we could leave our child to babysit.Here we can only count with ourselves or with a nanny for money.And a good nanny is hard to find.

Kde v současné době pracujete?Pracuji s různými neziskovými organizacemi na projektech pro novináře.

Plánujete se někdy vrátit zpět do Ruska? Plánujeme se vrátit na Kavkaz, odkud pocházíme, ale nevíme kdy.I definitely want to go back to my family.

You have three children. Všechny se narodily v České republice?Narodily se tu dvě nejmladší děti.

Jak se jim tady líbí?Cítí se tady doma.We don't talk to them about returning back to Russia.But we try to make them feel good in both countries, knowing languages and respecting different cultures.

MUMA: Of course, children are used to life in the Czech Republic.If we return to Russia, they will have to get used to the new life situation.

We are a very patriarchal nation

Nationality are one of the blacks. Máte nějaké zvyky, které se předávají z pokolení na pokolení a které stále dodržujete? Určitézvyky udržujeme, hlavně co tyká respektu ke starším a chování v rodině.Moreover, the Cherkes are a very patriarchal nation, in the Czech Republic certainly no such society is long ago.

MUMA: Yes, we try to preserve our Black's customs and traditions.We always get up when we welcome someone.First we serve food elderly and drinking younger.Children for party to school we buy special black costumes.

V mešitě jsem byl až v Česku, na Kavkaze jsou lidé vřelejší, říká Čerkes

Jaký je život ve vaší zemi? Stejně jako všude jinde jsou i v mé zemi sociální problémy, zejména nezaměstnanost.The Caucasus is a multiethnic region and sometimes there are problems of intermediate relationships.

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Například? Kavkaz je podobný Balkánu, problémy jsou u nás obdobné.The intermediate boundaries are not precisely determined, and territorial conflicts arise for this.In addition, the Caucasus is one of the regions with the densest population in Russia, people from different areas come to us.The problem of ethnicities in this area will increase in the future as Moscow does not currently address it.

Jste zde v kontaktu s jinými Čerkesy? Ano.We founded the Cherkeska Cultural Association in Prague and hope to make contact with Cherkes in neighboring Germany.We want to teach our children to dance and our native language to develop our culture here too.We want to participate in Czech cultural festivals to acquaint people with our kitchen, dance, songs, folk arts and crafts.

Dokážete odhadnout, kolik vás zde žije? Kolem několika desítek našich krajanů, navíc několik studentů.

Believers are all, even atheists

Jak důležitá je pro vás víra?Islám a víra jsou pro mě moc důležité, snažím se dodržovat všechny předpisy islámu.Faith for each person should be a decisive factor of life.The rejection of faith is in itself a skeptical variant of faith.So we can say that all people are believers but believe in different ways.

MUMA: Faith is in my opinion the way of life.In fact every faith is actually living honestly and doing good.We try to follow Islamic holidays within our faith.

Murat Temirov (47)

Ranilo by vás, kdyby vaše děti v budoucnosti islám z jakýchkoli důvodů přestaly praktikovat?Doufám, že moje děti nebudou mít důvod, kvůli kterému by opustily svou víru.I wouldn't want my child to change faith or even refuse it and live as an atheist.

MUMA: We visit a mosque with children on weekends to have relations with other Muslim children, learn a little Arabic and can prayer.I do not push them on them, so I do not think they will have reasons to retreat from faith.

Byl jste vychováván odmalička v muslimské víře?Samozřejmě že ne.We all lived in the Soviet Union, at that time it was forbidden to mention our faith somewhere.And even though Russia is now another country and we can talk about faith openly, young people still face danger when they give their Muslim faith somewhere.Police can accuse them of extremism.My parents still can't do a ruin (compulsory daily prayers, note.red.).I first entered the mosque here in the Czech Republic.

MUMA: My mother was a college teacher.She never wore a scarf, she didn't pray five times a day or during Ramadan, but she was always considered a Muslim woman in her heart.She read as little prayers from the Qur'an.At that time I started to remember the Arab words, but I didn't know what the meaning of.In 90.The years of the last century young people in the Caucasus began to discover Islam and follow the rules of religion.My sister and I learned to do soam, started to follow fasting in Ramadan and visiting the mosque on Friday or on Islamic holidays.

Je každý Čerkes muslimem?Někteří Čerkesové jsou křesťané.Faith and nationality are important for communication.But I personally do not choose friends according to their religion.I take faith as my personal affair and I respect the other.I can say that faith is less important to Cherkes than their own identity.I personally have it the other way around, I prefer faith over national identity.

What a Muslim, the terrorist.Experts refuted myths and half -truths about Islam

Co si myslíte o současné náladě ve společnosti v České republice a jejímspíše negativním naladění vůči islámu?Česká veřejnost je podle mého názoru politicky nezralá a z toho důvodu se stává předmětem manipulace podvodníků, a to i ve vztahu k postoji vůči islámu.According to my data, Muslims in the Czech Republic are only 0.05 percent of the population, so they have no effect on public life.Boycott, especially Mr. Okamura, Islam, I consider to be absurd.But some of the citizens hear this.And such people then receive political points for these opinions.This is not much fair.

It is only strange to me that someone is speculating over foreigners here.Czech Republic is a monoetic country.Foreigners do not endanger Czech culture and social system.In France it's many times worse.

MUMA: I personally don't like it when posters are "not Islam, not terrorism" on the streets.They are not synonyms.Sometimes people in discussions on the Internet write that they do not want women wearing hijab live in their house.This is very insulting.Muslim women keep the house clean and hospitable.In Islam is a neighbor considered as a close and very expensive man.I would never hurt my neighbor personally.Czechs have no reason to be afraid of Muslims, these people come with peace and friendship.

Myslíte si, že lidé takto reagují kvůli migrantům, kteří míří do Evropy? Myslím, že je to důsledek hysterie v médiích a chování jednotlivých politiků.Some political forces used this topic to change the existing political organization within the internal European policy.Since the beginning of the migration crisis, less than 2 million people from different parts of the world have come to the 740 million Europe and their participation in crime in their concentration sites is much lower than the average.

No religion itself is aggressive

Považujete Čechy za islamofoby?Nemůžu mluvit za celou českou společnost.I think there may be latent Islamophobes among Czechs.Czechs do not usually comment, I do not feel any pressure from Czech society.Maybe someone is afraid but certainly the fear of Czechs at present does not affect my life.No one wants to attack the mosque we go to.But this is perhaps because the mosque is located next to the police.

MUMA: I have never felt open Islamophobia in the Czech Republic, but maybe because I don't look like a typical Muslim woman.When I recently looked at the advertisements for the apartment, it was nowhere stated that they would not want Muslims.So far (laughs).

Myslíte, že existuje nějaké univerzální řešení na islamofobii? Když političtí manipulátoři přestanou využívat strach lidí pro své politické cíle, veřejnost tak zapomene na islamofobii.It is rather a media phenomenon and is usually most shared by those who have never met Islam.I would say that something like this is happening in the Czech Republic.

By a war correspondent in Chechnya

Murat Temirov worked as a rapporteur of Radio Free Europe and other media in the Second Chechen War.“I was hit by an indifferent attitude of the army to the life of the civilian population.The army is ready to destroy everything alive to report on the successful completion of the task.This applies to any national army indiscriminately.Human armies and humane bombs do not exist, ”he said.

Setkal jste se někdy s islamofobií v zahraničí? Nejvíce v Rusku.

Jaký je váš postoj k jiným náboženstvím? Tak jako někdo má strach z islámu, nemáte například obavy z křesťanství? Samotné náboženství nemůže být agresivním faktorem.If some countries that are considered Christian or Jewish are acting aggressively against Islamic countries, religion has nothing to do with it.

MUMA: I personally see no danger in religion unless it itself becomes a manipulator to intimidate.I have friends of different religions, congratulate them on the holidays and respect their faith.

Czechs often believe that Islam only applies to Arab countries. Nepovažují vás někdy za Araba? Nepamatuji si takový případ, ale často mě považuji za Žida.Especially when I put on my hat and go for a walk in the old town.

Your wife wears a scarf and covers her face. Setkal jste se někdy s tím, že by to nějakému muslimovi vadilo? To vadí jen mně.Muslims are very delicate and no one must talk about a foreign woman.This is against Islam and no one ever does it.

MUMA: Of course I cover my head, hands and legs when I go to the mosque.Therefore, I have never been criticized for something like that.In everyday life I consult with my husband.I always choose clothes with him so that he likes how I look.

Orientalist Bronislav Ostřanský and Sociologist Daniel Prokop in shoot -out: