• 07/09/2022
  • By wizewebsite

iRozho Libya will try it democratically.Who will be the new president?<

V den, kdy budou miliony Evropanů zdobit vánoční stromeček, jiné miliony hned za Středozemním mořem oslaví příslovečný svátek demokracie. Libyjští občané budou volit prezidenta, vlastně vůbec poprvé ve svých dějinách. iRozhlas Libye to zkusí demokraticky. Kdo bude novým prezidentem? iRozhlas Libye to zkusí demokraticky. Kdo bude novým prezidentem?

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There was no formal function of the President in Libya yet - until 1969 he was the head of the King of State, Muammar Gaddafi, who then took power, not only introduced the republic of special punching, to do so exotic functions, as fraternal leader Libyan revolution.


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Jan Fingerland: Libye will try democratically

Brethren leader turned out badly, 20.October 2011 he was hit by insurgents and probably shot him.It was just ten years ago.A few days after this anniversary, the name Gaddafi appeared again when one of the dictator's sons, Sajf al-Islam Gaddafi, personally brought an application for the upcoming presidential elections.

The son of his father

Emerged after years when it was almost not heard of.Among other things, one of the rebel groups has been held for a long time, and the post -revolutionary court also sentenced him to death.

iRozhlas Libye to zkusí demokraticky. Kdo bude novým prezidentem?

For the crimes he should have committed during the suppression of the rebellion against his father's regime.One of the Libyan parliaments was amnesting him again for a change.Now, dressed in traditional clothing.

Gaddafi at the head of Libya will not.The son of a former dictator was eliminated by a presidential election commission


Sajf al-Islam Gaddafi was considered to be the most gifted of the dictator's sons, and also grown the image of a proreformally oriented family member.As a former student of the prestigious British school, he was also considered his father's personal bridge to some European circles.

The Gaddafi Junior Election.The International Criminal Tribunal continues to be prosecuted.

Sajf al-Islam Gaddafi is likely to run, although the proceedings on who will be admitted to the vote, disrupted another armed fraction, close to General Haftar, who controls part of Libya using his own armed units.

Even the rebel General Caliph Haftar intends to apply for the presidency.Haftar faces the same reservations as Gaddafi - formally does not meet the requirements, is said to have American citizenship and should have committed crimes during the civil war.

It is more unlikely that both internationally known politicians will become against each other in the elections if they are at all held.At the same time as the presidential election, parliamentary elections were to be held, but they are postponed by several weeks due to confusion.

Election junction

Several other personalities would like to become president.Including current Prime Minister Abdal Hamad Muhammad Dbaba, who previously claimed that he was not going to run, and formally does not meet the rule that he was supposed to give up office three months before the elections.

Part of the uncertainties regarding the election rules seems to fall on the accord of the Salihu, the President of the Parliament who issued the rules for voting in September.And he accidentally intends to run for the president.

Taken from plus

It is not yet clear what real position the future president will have - apparently it will depend a lot on the power of the future president in Libya.The advantage will be those who have their own armed forces like haftar.

Or those who are able to negotiate with different interest groups, for Libya is still historically split to the east and west that do not trust.And even those who have some clear political identity may have an advantage.Sajf al-Islam Gaddafi is trying to do something like this.

In Libya is currently a fragile ceasefire of the fighting parties, but the uncertainties around the vote and the determination of dissatisfaction to use strength, peace in the ground threatens.For many Libyans, the post -revolutionary period is associated with chaos.

At the same time, an attempt at a democratic choice of head of state is in a sense important milestone to what many Libyan revolutionaries ten years ago went.

The author is a Czech Radio commentator

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