• 15/10/2022
  • By wizewebsite

Medal for Wasting for the Japanese.Fired unused masks and tons of food<


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Olympic Games in Tokyo have another black dot on their accounts.The organizers admitted and apologized for "bad handling" with medical equipment.Although not a surprising conclusion due to the circumstances and nature of pandemic games, the Japanese are mad.

Hundreds of boxes of medical gloves, protective clothing and respirators of the N-95 ended in the garbage bins.In other countries, the rare material eventually did not serve for its original purposes on the basis of the government's decision that the viewers would not allow entry to the stands and sports grounds."The material was fired because there was nowhere to save it," officials said.3,400 medical clothing, 33 thousand masks or respirators and thousands of bottles of disinfection on hand.The estimated price of thrown items is about five million yen (almost a million crowns).

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"I do not understand it," said Morning Post Joko Tsukotmotová, Professor of Hokkaid University of Health Sciences.”Perhaps there is no shortage of gloves, but it is still a useful material in hospitals.The virus will probably be here for a long time, the N95 masks are of good quality and would come in handy, the equipment is currently a serious shortage.”

Medaili za plýtvání pro Japonce. Vyhodili nepoužité roušky i tuny jídla

"I don't understand how anyone could think that it would be best to throw it all out.And the excuse I have heard - that they have not been told what to do with unused equipment so they just fired it - is just shocking. Jak to, že nepřemýšleli sami za sebe?” píší lidé na sociálních sítích. „To vybavení bylo zaplaceno daňovými poplatníky a toto je nejlepší řešení, s jakým mohli přijít?” dodávají další uživatelé.

Misa Ičimurová, artist and member of the Anti-Olympic Games Group, expressed dissatisfaction not only with the waste of medical material."The government and organizers have repeatedly said that they focus on sustainability, environmental responsibility and the fact that it will be the 'greenest' Olympic games ever. Tak teď to tu máme,” řekla.

”These things have been bought from public money and it is shocking that they just fired.” V odpadu neskončil jen zdravotnický materiál.According to Anti-Olympic Games, 130,000 boxes with food prepared for organizers, employees and volunteers were fired.The total value of the ejected food is estimated to be 120 million yen (more than 23 million crowns).The organizers threw a quarter of food before the start of the games, out of ten thousand dishes ordered at the opening ceremony, four thousand servings did not eat.

„Je tolik lidí, kteří by za to jídlo byli vděční – bezdomovci, samoživitelé,” uvedla Ičimurová.”It was public money for which this meal was bought.The best solution they found was to throw him away?Now I would like to say that we can learn from our mistakes, but I'm not sure at all.”

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Employees of academic land do not believe in a better tomorrow.Jun Oenoki, a professor at the Faculty of Communication Studies at the University of Tokyo, said that Japan normally does not show too good results in similar situations. „Toto je prostě japonský styl a nemůžu být optimistický a říci, že se něco změní,” uvedl.

“In Japan, people are not led to think for themselves.And when such a situation occurs, instead of thinking about how the material can be used again or more useful, it simply throws it out.I know that other countries make similar mistakes, but their governments usually learn. Myslím, že si Japonsko zaslouží zlatou medaili za špatné zvládání krizových situací,” dodává profesor.