• 08/12/2022
  • By wizewebsite

Orbán arrived in the Ústí Region, where Babiš runs.Shame, shouted demonstrators<

Orbán dorazil do Ústeckého kraje, kde kandiduje Babiš. Hanba, křičeli demonstranti

Babiš received the chairman of the Hungarian government on Wednesday morning in Kramář's villa in Prague.There were demonstrators - about two dozen people, among other things, with the flags of the European Union.In the afternoon the premiere arrived together to Ústí nad Labem, where they had lunch.

The ceremonial lunch was prepared at Větruše Castle, where the YES movement started its election campaign at the beginning of September.Orbán and Babiš will also meet at the Ústí Theater with supporters and members of the YES movement.

Several people with banners were waiting for the prime minister of the prime minister."Shame," they shouted as Orbán and Babiš got off the cable car.

Those group went through and entered the restaurant.They did not stop the planned photo in front of the mansion.

Babiš chce poslat kvůli uprchlíkům do Maďarska vojáky. Hlídali by plotDomácí

Orbán dorazil do Ústeckého kraje, kde kandiduje Babiš. Hanba, křičeli demonstranti

"We both masters who appeal to the lowest instincts, evoke hatred and fear, we accompany the whole day," said one of the organizers of the protest Otakar van Gemund, who was already before Kramář's villa on the arrival of Orbán in Prague.

"I perceive the visit of Orbán as a pre-election event and directly as a provocation of the populist-non-cualist movement that rages here in Europe," said the activist.

Babiš was in Hungary a week ago

Babiš and Orbán have long -term good relationships and have a number of things similar opinions.

Last week Babiš was on a two -day visit to Hungary, where he attended a demographic summit.At that time, the prime ministers criticized the European Union, which, according to them, does not prevent their boundaries from illegal migration sufficiently.

Orbán hodlá ignorovat výbor pro lidská právaZahraniční

The Hungarian Prime Minister has long been in a dispute with many EU leaders, which is annoyed.

Critics state that the Hungarian government limits the plurality of the media, academic freedom or the activities of NGOs.Orban refuses such accusation.

Koho volit do Sněmovny? Volební programy stran a hlavní témata politických debatVolby

Visit to Orbán in the Czech Republic is officially working.The main topics of the prime ministers are to be economic and industrial cooperation, defense, migration and impacts of Covidu-19 pandemia-19.

The evening will be accepted by Orbána President Milos Zeman in Lany.

Babiš: Řešením pro vymírající Evropu je podpora rodin, ne migraceDomácíyknivoNumanzeSaNyknalC