• 05/08/2022
  • By wizewebsite

:: osel.cz :: - How to face the impact of energy development in Europe on the Czechia?<

I při posuzování vlivu energetiky na životní prostředí je třeba analyzovat všechny environmentální dopady, nejen emise oxidu uhličitého. Aby naše krajina zůstala krásná. Na snímku je okolí Modravy (foto Vladimír Wagner).

Last Tuesday, the Czech Movement Fridays for Future announced a connection to the strike behind the climate that will take place on Friday 24.September.Students refer to the conclusions announced recently by the intergovernmental panel to change the IPCC climate.I have already called on students to listen to scientists, try to understand the issue and rely on their requirements on real facts and possibilities.I tried to discuss with them and wrote to them my recommendations.

Before a new strike, I would like to remind them of some dramatic aspects of development in European energy from recently.Prices of emission allowances have been dramatically rising in the last year.The European Union sees a significant tool for pushing coal -fired power plants.The price of allowances increased from 6 EUR/TCO2 to more than 60 EUR/TCO2.It is a huge problem for states that still have a high proportion of coal electricity and which have a high share of industrial production in the creation of living standards.There is a significant increase in electricity prices and deterioration of industry's competitiveness.These include the Czech Republic.

It should be noted that most coal blocks are replaced by gas.However, this has a number of problematic aspects.Gas blocks also have CO2 emissions when burning.These are lower, even more than twice, but this means the need to buy a significant number of allowances.In addition, natural gas emissions are significant in greening gas and its mining and transportation.In fact, gas is comparable to the greenhouse gas emissions to coal.An even bigger problem is the dramatic increase in the price of natural gas that has recently occurred.This is mainly due to increasing demand that is created by shutdown of nuclear and coal sources.

Podíl jednotlivých zdrojů na dosavadní výrobě v roce 2021 ve Francii. Seřazeno zleva doprava od těch s největším podílem. Jádro dodalo 70 % elektřiny, fosilní zdroje pak pouze 6 %. (Zdroj oenergetice).

In the future, the demand for this raw material will probably continue to increase.So you can't expect any dramatic reduction of its price.The current increase in the price of the gas permits and the price of the gas causes coal mined near the power plant is still significantly better than the gas.It is thus possible that the economic displacement.The question is also whether it makes sense to replace coal resources, whose construction has already been realized by new gas resources, which are offsetting emissions in mining and gas transport are not much better than coal.

Fossil and nuclear sources replacement with low -emission in our conditions is considerably problematic.If there is no dramatic technological reversal in accumulation, the share of photovoltaic production is given by an annual coefficient of the use of these resources.This proportion thus difficult to exceed for our geographical conditions 15 % of the production of the state of the given state.This confirms the development of photovoltaics use in Germany and other European countries.For wind sources we do not have the potential of the seashore and a huge problem is to accept the construction of a large number of turbines by the population.Recall that to replace the production of one block in Temelín, which will produce about 8 % of our electricity production would be needed about 4 GWp in wind turbines.The largest turbines that are being built in our country have a power of 2 to 3 MWp.We would need 1500 to 2000 turbines to replace one Temelín block.It should be remembered that even in Bavaria, which is very similar to us, even with huge pressure on the construction of renewable resources, the share of wind production in the order of several percent did.And it was precisely because of the resistance of the population.It is hard to expect that we can be better off with us.

Podíl jednotlivých zdrojů na dosavadní výrobě v roce 2021 v Belgii. Seřazeno zleva doprava od těch s největším podílem. Jádro dodalo 56 % elektřiny, plynové pak pouze 20 %. Po plánovaném odstavení všech jaderných zdrojů se to však dramaticky změní. (Zdroj oenergetice).

It is also very difficult to assume that the equivalent of the production of one nuclear block with a power of 1 GWE will build in wind turbines faster.There are no selected places for turbines, there are no building permits and there is a considerable resistance of the population.We have selected places for nuclear blocks and many permits are already obtained.The construction of the population support in the places given.

:: OSEL.CZ :: - Jak čelit dopadům vývoje energetiky v Evropě na Česko?

It is also possible to count on the fact that at a time when the sun is blowing and shining, there is a similar situation with our neighbors and at that time there will be no problem to bring electricity from them, even if we do not build photovoltaics and wind turbines.Electricity will be missing and will not be given from where they do not add photovoltaics and windmills.The states that have embarked on the journey of nuclear energy suppression are aware of it, shows an example of Belgium and Germany.

Belgium and Germany show us the future

Where the departure from nuclear energy leads to us, it shows us Germany and very soon the consequence of such a decision will be seen on the example of Belgium.Belgium has roughly the same population as the Czechia and is also a very industrial country.Similarly as in our country, there are relatively limited possibilities of using water energy.Unlike us, large windmills in the sea can build a significant share of its renewable electricity production.

Belgium has built a strong nuclear energy that has been supplying about half of its electricity production since the late 1980s.This allowed her to dramatically reduce emissions from electricity.Currently operates seven nuclear blocks with a total power of nearly 6 GWE.At the same time, in the last decades, the relatively high power of renewable resources has been built, in wind sources they are almost 4 GWp and in photovoltaics then the installed power exceeded 6 GWP.Thanks to the high production of low -emission sources, Belgium could leave completely from the use of coal.

In recent years, around 50 % of the core electricity, about 25 % of low -energy sources and 25 % of the gas have had every year.The exception was the years 2018 and 2020, when the share of production from the core was lower.In 2020 this was mainly due to a reduction in consumption of the COVID-19 epidemic.In 2018 it was found that in the reactor vessels of some Belgian reactors are micro -cracks.In a given form did not pose any risk.The problem would be if they were formed at the time of the reactor operation and threatened to increase their number.Detailed examination, which was carried out in 2018, has shown that micro -cracks were created already in the production of reactor containers.Were discovered only thanks to improved modern material analyzes that are used today.They do not pose any security risk.

The pressure of green anti -alien activists has led to the fact that in 2003 the law prohibited the construction of new reactors and the time of running the current limits to 40 years.This would mean that the oldest three blocks would be shut down in 2012 and 2015.Due to the impossibility of compensation for nuclear electricity production in a situation where Belgium has become increasingly dependent on its import, the government, even because of the risk of electricity lack, increase CO2 emissions and increase prices of this commodity to extend the oldest blocks by ten years.They should be shut down in 2022 and 2025.The current government in which they have a strong position of the Greens insists to close all nuclear blocks by 2025.

Podíl jednotlivých zdrojů na dosavadní výrobě v roce 2021 v Německu. Seřazeno zleva doprava od těch s největším podílem. Jádro dodalo stále 13 %, fosilní zdroje pak celkově 38 %. (Zdroj oEnergetice).

However, it is clear that by this time it will be possible to replace the minimum of nuclear production and available power by renewable sources.At the same time, it is clear that under the current conditions no one will start building steam -gas sources that would replace the nuclear ones.This is why the Belgian government has asked the European Commission to approve the Capacity Payments Rules.These should ensure the possibility of financing gas power plants and at the same time limiting their operation to a minimum and thus restrictions on their CO2 emissions.After the annual meeting of the Belgium approval of these rules from the European Union bodies recently received.Belgium thus assumes that it can be built by the necessary 4 GW power by 2025.Even if this is done, in any case it will be necessary to import the necessary electricity and.Belgium is one of the few states that had very low CO2 emissions.In the future, however, it assumes the replacement of low -emission sources with fossil and relatively dramatic growth of greenhouse gas emissions.In fact, this increase will be much higher than the declared.The emissions that arise during the burning of natural gas must be added to emissions in its mining and transport.

Vývoj produkce a spotřeby elektřiny v Německu během minulého týdne. Zeleně jsou obnovitelné zdroje, šedé klasické, fialová čára ukazuje spotřebu elektřiny a modrá pak její okamžitou cenu na burze, ta se pohybuje mezi 80 až 160 EUR/MWh (zdroj Agoraenergiewende).

Germany has been implementing a similar way to Belgium for a long time.Here, the core also originally supplied a large part of low -emission electricity.Now a large part of the German nuclear reactors is shut down, three more will be shut down at the end of this year and at the end of the year the remaining three.Germany will lose 8 GW of resources performance that has been supplied by about 13 % of electricity production over the past three years.Germany is clear from the beginning that a large part of their production, and especially the function of supporting the stability of the mains, will have to hold new fossil sources.That was why new coal blocks were built until recently.They are now assumed to be gradually shut down, but Germany assumes the use of coal until 2038.It also assumes intensive building of gas resources.That is why it strictly insisted on completing the Nord Stream II pipeline.At the same time, before the Belgium, the European Commission ensured the approval of the rules for capacity payments.

Germany has multiple CO2 emissions per unit produced by electricity than states that intensively use a combination of nuclear and renewable sources.Such are France, Sweden, Switzerland and the Belgium so far also mentioned.And the situation of Germany will significantly deteriorate after the nuclear blocks shut down.Germany formally reduces emissions by transition from coal to gas, but when issuing emissions during its mining and transport it is a reduction in pure paper.

Podíl jednotlivých zdrojů na dosavadní výrobě v roce 2021 v Česku. Seřazeno zleva doprava od těch s největším podílem. Jádro dodalo 36 %, fosilní zdroje pak celkově 48 %. Podíl fosilních zdrojů tak není o moc větší, než je v Německu (zdroj oEnergetice).


Based on the summary of the experience of current development and the situation in Germany, you can formulate recommendations for the real path for the implementation of low -emission energy.Increase in prices of allowance and gas dramatically increased the immediate price of electricity on the German market that was in the working part of last week in the range of 90 to 160 EUR/MWh.And this is strongly influenced by the price on our energy exchange.The price is also rising for long -term contracts that will have impact on the population and industry.The competitiveness of our industry will decrease as well as the standard of living of the low -income groups of the population.This can also have a very dramatic impact on the social and political stability of society.

Developments in Germany and the supposed change after the core shutdown in Belgium, compared to the situation in France or even Slovakia clearly show that the implementation of the energy concepts of green anti -nader activists is a disaster in terms of CO2 emissions.It is so clear that high school students from the Friday for Futures movement should definitely not listen.But if they really feel ecology and reduce CO2 emissions.

Finally, I would like to allow some recommendations of what students should want from politicians and future government if they really want to reduce emissions and environmental protection.The most important thing is to insist on as long as possible safe operation of existing nuclear blocks.In the case of Dukovan, this means sixty years, ie by 2045.At the same time, they should push for the rapid start of building a new block in Dukovany, and others in Temelín and Dukovany.If commercial small modular reactors are available, they also deserve support.

They should support building renewable resources mainly in decentralized form.The total installed power of photovoltaics should be optimally before solving the problem of massive accumulation to cover the summer daily tips.They should be involved in improving resistance and flexibility of network by introducing intelligent elements of regulation and accumulation.And of course they should support research and development in the field of renewable and nuclear sources and accumulation.

Česká krajina je moc hezká, snažme se ji chránit i tím, že budeme znát a respektovat přírodní a technologické zákonitosti. Kopečky v okolí Králík (foto Vladimír Wagner).

For a temporary time before the share of low -emission resources at the expense of those fossil.Nuclear, but not renewable, and accumulation elements cannot be built in the corresponding production capacity in a few years.If we really care about the total emission of greenhouse gases, so it is not very important to replace coal sources for gas at all costs.Especially when it comes to very limited use and a new source must be built.Closing a super -modern German coal -fired power plant Moorburg is really not an example worthy of following.What is very important, however, that our government, like German and Belgian, negotiate the rules for capacity payments.This allows you to maintain regulatory services and cover missing power at a given time with fossil resources while at the same time reduce their emissions.It is necessary to realize that if the closure of nuclear and fossil resources without compensation we cause extensive long -term massive outages of supplies, one such was not far from the beginning of this year, and the social collapse of society, it really does not go to the low -energy energy and environmental sustainability will not contribute.It is not advisable to promote the transition to electromobility at all costs.Especially if it can have a pretty dramatic impact on the life and social level of mainly low -income population.

I would be very happy for students to think about the facts and recommendations before they let go of the strike and formulate their requirements.Above all, however.Exaggerated emotions and ideologization that obscure rational and realistic views are not the right guide.Unfortunately, such an atmosphere influenced by ideologization in politicians is currently prevailing.Even young people should think about.