• 11/04/2022
  • By wizewebsite

Porn often portrays women as slaves and the priority is to satisfy men. According to Kamil Fila, explicit consent to sex is necessary (Interview) REFRESHER.cz<

Kamil Fila is an acclaimed film critic, feminist and Genderman in 2018, who at the end of last year created the cycle Knot by the Gardener, in which he analyzed the controversial statements of the most famous Czech sexologist Radim Uzl. In this interview, you can read how they approach the issue of rape, the position of women in society or even what they think about the introduction of quotas in the film industry.

Women do not have to get used to such behavior on the part of men, because it is not normal, she responds to the statement of Knot Dana Pokorná

You are considered a feminist. What does this designation mean to you?

Feminists can be academics or activists, and neither am I. I'm not the type of person who would like to perform in public, but if we take feminism as a certain view of society, then it manifests itself in me.

If someone had asked me twenty years ago if I was a feminist, I would probably say no, even though we had learned about feminist theory in college. Ten years ago, I would have said yes, but not radical. And today I would like to say that I am in a way radical in realizing my masculine privileges, I see that I have had it easier in my life than my peers, and I see the consequences of inequality. Not everywhere, suspiciously or paranoidly, but where they are and I refuse to close my eyes before that. Women are supposed to have equal opportunities, and this is currently achieved almost nowhere, and the current labor code or other laws and regulations are often violated. I would like us not to have to use the term feminist, but to make it a synonym for "normal person".

Why is there still gender inequality in our country?

Porno často vyobrazuje ženy jako otroky a priorita je uspokojit muže. Výslovný souhlas k sexu je dle Kamila Fily nutný (Rozhovor) | REFRESHER.cz

I would use the metaphor of a large ocean liner, which is extremely complicated to change course. And society is like a slow-moving colossus. Thousands of years ago, men divided property, in which women did not participate and rather were property themselves. Men came up with politics, and for most of history, women did not have the right to vote or the same opportunity to be elected, and this imbalance still prevails, albeit in a less visible form. The role of women in history is constantly being suppressed. What do we know about great artists, politicians or prominent women? Did they even exist? Of course, yes, but they have always been neglected in textbooks. Many times they came up with something, they invented something, but their idea was appropriated by a superior man - the history of Nobel Prizes or space research hides many such stories.

ReadersYoung Czechs are fighting for better sex education. "From the instructions on the first kiss, the child gets to hard porn," they say (Interview) Young Czechs are fighting for better sex education. "From the instructions on the first kiss, the child gets to hard porn," they say (Interview)

Many people of both sexes still have the idea that a woman must take care of children and households more or less 100% and have a second unpaid shift. Social policy is still underdeveloped to allow both partners to reconcile family and professional life. No one asks men at the interview if they will have children, but women do, even though it is illegal today. So more cooperation or agreement between men and women on how to share roles must start working. By the way, there is no allegedly "traditional family" that has only existed in history for a few centuries.

The course change will be long and starts with education, when we should learn that roles are not set automatically, everyone can do more or less anything. Today, we already know from scientific research that there are no significant differences between male and female brains, so the dividing line only leads between individual abilities. Nevertheless, we still learn that women do not have the brains for math, technology or any leadership. But the good thing is that change is coming very fast.

Now I looked at the latest Oxford study that 80% of all politicians who have ever appeared in history have worked in the last twenty years. Which is an incredible number that also shows that women want politics and that change is possible. Paradoxically, things may be slower in the Czech Republic than in the West, because we may have the impression that equality has more or less been achieved under socialism, which is a mistake. Women only went to work more and had a longer maternity leave than in the West, nothing more.

The Czech Republic is an above-average country within the European Union. We are not just a small country, says Pirate František Kopřiva The Czech Republic is an above-average country within the European Union. We are not just a small country, says Pirate František Kopřiva Article for REFRESHER + subscribers Only 87 members of the REFRESHER + club read the article. Join us and read without restrictions.87% of the article is read only by members of the REFRESHER + community. Join us and read without restrictions. JOIN THE SUBSCRIBERS I CAN BE SUBSCRIBED: LOG IN OR Unlock the article via SMSSend SMS to 90211 with the text ARTICLE 95846 and read this article. The SMS price for opening articles is 89 CZK with VAT. How does it work? SEND SMSRemove an error. If you find a deficiency in the article or have comments, let us know. Preview image: with the consent of Kamila FilySexTinderIn the network