• 15/09/2022
  • By wizewebsite

Primark, Boohoo, Fashion Nova, Miss Guided, etc. Ultra fast fashion as a new trend making strategy uses | algorithm REFRESHER.cz<

Nowadays, when you think that brands and consumers are finally slowly changing their thinking for the better, something comes along that completely refutes this opinion. We are quite used to the terms fast and slow fashion by now, but the latest term that appeared in the world of fashion is ULTRA fast fashion.

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Are you wondering if fast fashion can still be ultra? Unfortunately, it can and it means that it is even faster than the already quite fast production of fashion clothes. We will explain why this is so and what the difference between the individual terms actually is in the following lines.

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If you're fast, be even faster

That's probably the motto of fashion companies and chains that try to make money at any cost. Fast fashion is based on the rapid and mass production of low-quality clothing sewn in poor countries, where it pays off for individual fashion brands.

Primark, Boohoo, Fashion Nova, Miss Guided etc. Ultra fast fashion uses an algorithm as a new trend-making strategy | REFRESHER.cz

According to the Fashion Revolution movement, some world brands are still not interested in the fact that the employees of the factories where the clothes are made work and sometimes even live in unsatisfactory conditions. They are looking for profits. They produce countless garments and bring dozens of new collections to their stores every year, regardless of the environmental impact.

However, small steps do happen. Based on Fashion Revolution's 2020 Fashion Transparency Index, which asks brands where, how and what their clothes are made from, little progress has been made. The transparency of brands, i.e. in simple terms the recognition of not only the positive but also the negative, rose on average by 2% compared to 2019 and currently stands at 23%. 250 global fashion brands that earn more than 400 million dollars annually were evaluated.

The growing popularity of current "green trends" forces brands to take an interest in the production process itself. But you have to be careful and really take an interest in how the clothes are made. You will learn about how not to be fooled by greenwashing in a separate article.

Ultra fast fashion is an even faster way to produce tons of useless clothes. The essence of fast fashion remains, but the methods by which this method of production is applied are slightly different.

1. Artificial Intelligence

For ultra-fast fashion, brands don't need designers. Computers will do everything for them. Sounds so ultra-modern, doesn't it? Artificial intelligence designed my dress! But that's not the case. The algorithm does not design clothes, it only searches for them on the Internet, specifically on social networks.

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Source: omnilytics.co, thefashionlaw.com, truecostmovie.com, nytimes.com, business-humanrights.org, fashionunited.uk, blucactus.blue, dw.com, issuu.com, fashionrevolution.org, issuu.comPreview image: Kylie Jenner Archive/ Fashionnova.com