• 20/08/2022
  • By wizewebsite

She lost the bet, thanks to that she is doing business today.Sews directly in the shop window<

Kdy jste začínala s podnikáním a co bylo impulsem? Bylo to velmi zajímavé, až zvláštní.My friend who works in the business area, once came to the store where I sold the assortment of underwear and I enjoyed it a lot.He praised my dress I was wearing and asked where I bought them.I told him I sew them at night.He looked at me in astonishment and immediately showed a wish to sew him the same dress for his girlfriend for his birthday.When I told him that I did not sew the dress for others, he measured me with his business look and vigorously said that in addition to the laundry I would sell the dress.

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A co vy na to? Znovu jsem mu zopakovala, že šaty pro jiné šít nebudu, že nemíním míchat jablka s hruškami.A friend no longer knew what to do with me, so he invented a bet.Suggested to sew the parallel dresses and if I don't sell them by the end of the week, it will buy them all he himself.We closed the bet then was on Monday morning.

It begins to be exciting.... Tu noc jsem nespala a ušila patery šaty.Two days later I did not stay in the store.Gradually I confused my underwear for my clothes, and when I divorced in 2013, I returned home to Moravia and opened a shop in Olomouc, where I sell mainly clothes.

So a friend signed you. Necítí se ale ženy lépe v kalhotách, v ležérním pohodlném oblečení? Když jsem byla malá, moje babička říkávala, že každá žena má nosit šaty.That's why I focus on dresses - day, evening, wedding, business dress, leisure, just on the dress that the client wishes.However, other models such as pants, jackets, chiffon shirts, skirts or tunics are also in our assortment.

We do not resist anything during the order.In our fashion workshop in Olomouc, a woman can buy already done evening or day dress and tunics.Models such as jackets and pants are made to measure only.Each client has a different character and just in a tailor -made order is the magic.

I have heard the garments you sew directly in the shop window. To je nějaký marketingový tah?Od začátku, kdy jsem se do tohoto podnikání pustila, jsem měla vizi, že budeme šít přímo ve výloze.It seemed strange to many people, but crazy, but I was behind my idea.The explanation is simple - I just wanted to be seen.To make potential customers see how they sew, cut and even steam.Many acquaintances have betrayed me with the explanation that others will see what I do, that I will actually reveal my know-how.But I do that just that is what I do.

Marta Musilová

Jste inženýrka, přesto podnikáte v módě. Jak jste se k tomu dostala?Studovala jsem střední průmyslovou školu oděvní v Prostějově, ale protože jsem chtěla jednou podnikat a orientovat se v byznysu, vystudovala jsem ekonomii a marketing.Business was always my dream.

Když jste začala podnikat, co pro vás bylo na začátku nejtěžší?Podnikám od roku 2008 a mým životním mottem je, že všechno jde, když se chce.I just don't say about things that they are hard or that something is not going.Just want to want.But to the beginnings.I had to reach a number of people at that time to advise me on how to do it.I also had to learn a lot of things not to make mistakes that were inherently related to my business beginnings.

Prohrála sázku, i díky tomu dnes úspěšně podniká. Šije přímo ve výloze

I made a lot of bad decisions and with the associated investment that were irreversible and unnecessary.Sometimes a person just has an idea that his business necessarily needs something and eventually finds out that this is not true.

Můžete prozradit některá svá chybná rozhodnutí? Tak třeba, když jsem otevřela svůj první obchod se spodním prádlem, naskladnila jsem zboží, které se mi líbilo, aniž bych přemýšlela nad tím, jaká bude moje klientela.That fought me up.Based on this experience, I have one advice for starting entrepreneurs.Ask and listen to those who have more experience than you.

Nedávno jste se dostala do finálové desítky Živnostník roku Olomouckého kraje. Čemu tento úspěch přičítáte?Tento úspěch přišel zřejmě díky naší pracovitosti, aktivitě a oddanosti profesi.You have to do the job with love and look forward to it every day when you get up in the morning.I am glad for every new order that comes.We even hear men whether we will sew for them.We will start by finding tailor -made ties before this Christmas with us.

Kolik jste do své živnosti investovala? Musela jste to řešit například půjčkami? Na začátku jsem musela investovat zhruba 300 tisíc korun.The money was intended for the equipment, ie sewing machines, also for supplies of fabrics and sewing needs.I used to have the principle that I should never buy anything when I don't have it.That's why I started a business until I had my finished money.

A dnes?Dnes už bych to asi udělala i jinak.I understood that there were many other options, such as subsidies.We will now ask for our company because we want to equip a sewing workshop.I believe we will succeed.

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V čem je vaše tvorba jiná než u ostatních? Technologie šití je stejná jako u ostatních firem, ale pojetí celé výroby je jiné.For customers who are interested, we choose customized materials, which means we make purchases targeted for them.It is sometimes time consuming but the results are perfect.Our dresses are colored, fresh, simply turn behind them.Everyone has a choice where to shop, each has different priorities.If someone wants to wear a dress like another hundred women, it's his choice.I just wish them to fit into the ready -made tables and the garment fit them.But there are many women who want to be original and therefore want to enjoy the model tailored.Each character is different and with us such a customer is welcome.

Pokud si chce nechat žena z druhého konce republiky u vás něco ušít, jste schopna jí vyhovět na dálku?Říkám tomu šití „on-line“.It works, the customer gets instructions on how to measure is in touch with us.We choose material, cut and make.We also have customers we have seen at least once, so we have their "style", which means we have a database in which we store the rates of our customers.If they make a request for a model, even finished, we devote ourselves to them through communication programs, ie mail, skype or phone, and choose the dress directly from the straps.

Jaké materiály používáte, jaké byste naopak nikdy nepoužila?To je hodně zásadní otázka.Material is what I focus on in my work most.Must apartment in a suitable shade.Can also be interesting with its decoration and structure.But in our fashion workshop you will not find "live" material.I never work with my right skin or fur, I am fundamentally against it and honestly say that I do not wear even leather shoes.There are countless materials on the market today such as vegan leather, which is equally beautiful and indistinguishable from the right one.

V jakých cenových relacích se pohybují ceny za oděvy?Chceme naše šaty potkávat na ulici, na večírcích a vidět v šatech šťastné nevěsty, proto naše ceny jsou dostupné.My wish has always been and is for the client to buy a model at an affordable price, for example, a casual wear dress is at prices from 1.5 to two thousand crowns, the evening dress can be purchased from 3 200 crowns.As for the wedding dress, we sell them from ten thousand crowns, which is comparable to the rental in the salons.

Řídíte se současnými trendy? Jaké jsou třeba pro letošní podzim a zimu?Základem jsou barvy jako šedá, černá a hnědá, v letošním roce je to také temně fialová a my k těmto barvám řadíme také korálovou.This autumn is also full of flowers and distinctive patterns.As far as our workshop is concerned, we do not follow the trends, we create them.From that we are here.

Umí se Češi oblékat? Není to o národnosti, je to o člověku, ale odpovím otázkou.If you meet a woman on the street, how do you know that she is Czech without talking?They are merely prerequisites and I do not assume.It's about whether a woman wants to look good and let her advice for example.We also focus on styling, assisted shopping and we also have our fashion blog on the radio, where I advise on how to dress.

Jakých chyb se při oblékání lidé nejčastěji dopouštějí? U žen je jedna velká chyba, že nepřijímají radu a jedou ve svých kolejích.We do not force them to walk, we just wish to show them that they can look different, better.In men, we find that they would like to advise on shopping, but are ashamed, or are afraid to tell their partners.

Jaká je podle vás nabídka oblečení v Česku?Velmi omezená a řekla bych, že outletová.In other words, what is not sold abroad will be sold in our country.Materials are not of good quality in retail chains, moreover, they offer a kind of uniformity to the customer, because the same dress is worn by hundreds of women.

I know that you also work with different charity organizations and sew for handicapped people. Můžete k tomu říct něco bližšího?Ano, spolupracuji a šiji například pro dámy na vozíčku, některé z nich jsou i mé kamarádky.We have had several charity events where we want to help all who need it.

Jak svou náročnou práci dokážete skloubit s péčí o rodinu?Jsem máma sedmiletého chlapečka a to je nejdůležitější.My son goes to the first grade, so we have clear daily plans and I spend all my free time with him.For example, my son likes to sew, even on overlock and coverlok, has already made various pads or pockets, so he likes to spend time with me at work.

Of course our grandmother, my mom, helps us a lot, for which I am grateful most, without it it would not work.But I do business precisely to have the time I need and not have to be responsible for the employer.

Kolik máte zaměstnanců a v jakých profesích?Pro módní dílnu pracuje několik osob externě, švadleny podle potřeb a aktuálního stavu zakázek.I give the opportunity, for example, to students who work with us in their free time.In the store I am where I sew, take over orders and sell.

Jak vás tato práce živí?Jezdím průměrným vozem, bydlím v normálním bytě, starám se o syna a moje práce nás slušně živí.But I do not conceal the fact that I see the future in brighter colors because my company prosper.So I don't rule out to get into a better brand of car in a few years and build a house.It will confirm that I do my job well and that I set my way in the right direction.

Jaké máte plány do budoucna?Plánujeme zařídit modní dílny v dalších městech, chceme, ať jsme blízko všem zákazníkům.We also work to launch online sewing, which means that we can tailor any candidate for tailor-made e-shop.We are currently preparing and programming everything.