• 20/11/2022
  • By wizewebsite

Tomorrow will open stationery and children's shops - Novinky.cz<

Zítra se otevřou papírnictví a dětské obchody

“The government has decided to allow another exception to the basic assortment from tomorrow.It is a range of stationery and children's clothing and shoes, ”said Minister of Industry and Trade Karel Havlíček (for YES).

The goods will be able to sell in both small stores and large chains.

The Prime Minister also spoke on Czech Television on Sunday about opening underwear shops, but they should not earn an exception yet.Like adult shoes, sellers will only sell shoes for children.

Babiš: Od úterý otevřeme papírnictví a prodejny se spodním prádlem a dětským oblečenímDomácí

Just after the opening of the stationery was the greatest demand, because the smallest children go to schools and at home they learn the others, but they have no place to buy aids.

Zítra se otevřou papírnictví a dětské obchody - Novinky.cz

Parents will also be able to buy children's clothes and especially shoes that parents had to buy over the Internet, where it is not possible to try shoes of course.It is necessary for children's shoes.Purchase of children's shoes cannot be postponed, such as buying adult shoes because children do not fit into shoes from last year's winter.

Children's clothing, underwear or paper assortment for sale some time ago some food chains returned.

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