• 22/03/2023
  • By wizewebsite

Star Tailor: No NHL.I will finish the season in Olomouc, playing for her is a dream<

"Playing for Olomouc was one of my dreams," said Star Extraliga reinforcements from Boston at Monday's press conference.

Tailor is in Olomouc.I will miss the Pastrňák, the new Extraliga star said

Kdy se objevíte na ledě?To pro mě teď není moc důležité.Today I was for the first time in the cabin to greet boys and I did something in the gym.Go straight to the ice would not be quite easy for me.We subordinate everything to be 100 % prepared for the first match of the season.

Kdy ve vás uzrálo, že NHL vyměníte za návrat do Olomouce?V Bostonu mi končila smlouva, v podvědomí jsem to měl a řešil jsem, co bude dál.After the season I went on vacation to clean my head and there it showed that it pulls me home.We discussed enough with my agents Jirka Hamal and Franta Tausch.And when we cut it, it was already very fast from our and Olomouc side.

Co tedy rozhodlo pro rodný kraj?Ve finále bylo na mně, jestli jsem chtěl v NHL pokračovat.Decided the family to be at home.Boston is also my home, but I grew up in the Czech Republic.In Olomouc I went to elementary school, as a kid I came here to watch hockey and played here to the youth.But I never played for A, so I'm looking forward to playing the first match for him.

Vážně vás to netáhlo jinam?To ne.It was about whether I wanted to continue Boston or I will decide to return to Olomouc.For family reasons there would be no point in being in Prague or elsewhere in Europe.I don't have obligations anywhere and Olomouc is my city.I know a few guys here.For example Jirka Ondruška, who walked a class lower but played with us.Or Rosťu Olesz.

Hvězdný Krejčí: Žádná NHL. Sezonu dohraju v Olomouci, hrát za ni je sen

Jaké si kladete cíle v extralize?Každý by mohl vykládat, že vyhrajeme titul.But the goal is to make play off and there, which I remember here from Olomouc, everyone can discard everyone.We'll take it from the match from the match.

It was abundantly discussed that you could shorten the extraleague mission and at the end of the season to help Boston in battles for Stanley Cup. Šlo by to?Mám tady smlouvu na sezonu, kterou splním.I don't plan to go to Boston on the play off.And after the season we'll see what happens.

Tušíte, jak náročná bude aklimatizace z NHL na extraligový hokej?Uvidíme, jak to bude vypadat.There will be more time on the wider ice.A smaller playground forces you to push yourself into the gate.It is possible that one will pull more sideways to the sides.But I believe it will be fine after a few matches.

Throw those skates to the garbage!Dad Krejčí about the return of a son: he was relieved

Zvykat si budete i mimo zimák, že?Hokej bude v pohodě.But his wife is an American and does not know in Czech children.It will be more complicated but we can do it.Children will get used to it over time, and my wife and I discussed it for a long time.We came here in the summer and knows what she is going to and was looking forward to here.They learn Czech already.We'll see how it turns out.(smiles)

Jak to máte vyřešené s bydlením?Zatím jsme u rodičů ve Šternberku.We try to find some place in Olomouc so that my daughter can go to kindergarten and we didn't have to solve commuting.

Nedýchla na vás nostalgie, když jste opouštěl Boston?Máme sice barák v Bostonu, ale na to léto jezdíme do Jižní Karoliny, odkud pochází manželka.We have a background, we went there after the season, so we did not pack the suitcases in Boston.There I plan to go back to my friends next summer.I would love to see all of them again.

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Jací budou Bruins bez vás?Tým bude trošku jiný a nejen kvůli mně.Has been changing enough for the last two years.Left Zdeno Chára or Torey Krug, which was our best defender.I have heard that goalkeeper Tuukka Rask will not catch at least until February.But players are still there quite good, Boston builds on history.You have to learn it and know how to play there.Older players are really good there, younger will explain it and then go on the same wave.

You can meet some former teammates and NHL opponents at the February Olympics. Lákalo by vás to?Ještě se neví, jak to s ní bude a jestli tam vůbec hráči z NHL pojedou.When I was a kid, my dream was to play the extra league for Olomouc and for the representation, I didn't even think of the NHL.But dreams I am fulfilling and I would like to represent, but it depends on a number of things.I have to take a form and also about mully to be.