• 05/09/2022
  • By wizewebsite

VIDEO: They have prepared a Nicholas gift next to bison or camel paddocks<


Co mají společné Kajínek, Černý a Chodounský? Seriál oživil spojení5.12.2021EdwinOttaredaktor Českobudějovického deníku Napište mi

In Safari Resort near Hluboká near Borovan in the České Budějovice region, they could have been on Saturday 4.December children admire not only exotic animals, but also devils, Nicholas and angels.

Čerti a Mikuláš s anděly čekali v sobotu 4. prosince 2021 na děti nedaleko Hluboké u Borovan na Českobudějovicku.| Video: Deník/Edwin Otta

According to Tomáš Šnorek, employees of Safari Resort, the representatives of the heavenly retinue were invited from Nové Hrady.In the resort they did the Nicholas event for children for the first time two years ago when they planned to complete the program in a large area.Halloween also organized the premiere at that time."There are not so many visitors in the autumn and winter and we wanted to use the premises that are here," pointed out Tomáš Šnorek to the former farm buildings, now repaired, surrounding the yard at the main building.

Unfortunately, Koronavir cut many events last year.But the Drakiáda could take place."It was this year," says Petr Šnorek, who usually runs on a safari with a sightseeing car, from which visitors can watch the animals close up in large enclosures."Guided tours we run all year round.Even now, but with restrictions that determine the hygienic regulations, "said Petr Šnorek, adding that the hygienic rules had to be respected on Saturday.For example.While otherwise the entrance to the resort itself is free.But it is paid for guided tours.


On Saturday the heavenly retinue was divided into two places.Devils on the attic above the stables and Nicholas with angels and gifts opposite the ground floor.The costumes of all were perfect.Hells in masks and wrapped fur coats with chains and bells woke up truly respect.There was a darkness on the attic, sometimes the boiler flashed, and the big light was only at the devil with large cards.Dark red light then came out from behind Lucifer's throne.

Nejtěžší pro mě je, když na covid umírají mladí a zdraví lidé, říká sestřička

"It is an old fur coat, stitched, from grandmother," he said to his wardrobe, ranging from head to heels Patrik Lavička and attached that they just have what they had slid and adjusted.Similarly it was the rye."The bells are self -production, except for cow," added Petr Glienke, who added that he usually has been walking in Nové Hrady for many years if permitted.Jan Hriňa as Lucifer was the head of Hell of Hell on Saturday, otherwise Čertis Josef Škornička leads.


VIDEO: Mikulášskou nadílku připravili vedle výběhů bizonů nebo velbloudů

Who, with the help of his parents, got through the devils, had a gift at Nicholas, for which it was enough to say even a short poem.Some recipients, especially the smallest, even with the help and the use of saying they did not manage.And for sure they refused to take pictures with an unknown bearded man in unusual clothes and in the arms of his mothers wanted to be in the yard as quickly as possible, but the pleasure of gifts was still waiting for them.

VIDEO: Čert varoval hříšníky už před jízdou. Podívejte se, jak byl přesvědčivý

In the area near Hluboká near Borovan they wanted to have a live nativity scene this year, but it did not allow the current hygienic situation.Who would like to see a wooden nativity scene with running small goats, who has a chance throughout Advent, alongside other attractions.

Předplaťte si Deník.cz a čtěte vše bez limitu a omezení.Více zde. 5.12.2021DiskuzeBorovany,Hluboké,okres České Budějovice,Halloween,Stagnov

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