• 28/08/2022
  • By wizewebsite

Confirmed!Mothers must relax at least once a year!What else is threatening?<

Scientists have found that women's brain will change as soon as a woman becomes a mother in a literal sense.According to research, four months after birth, the amount of gray matter is reduced in the brains of mothers, especially in the areas of social signal processing and responses to them.This means that the mother's brain is much more specialized for the needs of children.The study was published in Nature Neuroscience.And these are not the only changes that occur when a woman becomes a full -time mother.

Sure, as soon as they are small children, they become the focus of all the events and the needs of mothers left less time.But this is not the reason why mothers should forget themselves and their rest.It might seem to be barbarism, leave your children for a while and take a break, but it's not at all.Mothers are not bad when they long for rest without children.

Fatigue from all -day care for children and family leads to stress and bad mood that affects the overall atmosphere in the family.Mother's holiday is therefore a good choice not only for the mother itself, but for the whole family.It will then be easier to handle the duties of children, will laugh more often, will be relaxed, full of strength and will of course be glad that they are again with their children.

According to a survey recently pointed out by the north of Fox News, American mothers have only 32 minutes for themselves, and time for their own needs is not much left of.And half an hour a day really is not much.You will not miss a hairdresser, pedicure, paint your hair or go for coffee with a friend.

Potvrzeno! Matky si musí aspoň jednou ročně odpočinout od dětí! Co jinak hrozí?

When I had my sons very small, it seemed like a miracle when I could get out for a while and be alone.Let's be honest - we love our children unconditionally, but sometimes we are tired of them.According to experts, it is good to go at least once a year on holiday - without children.It will have a positive effect on all family relationships.

In fact, when our loved ones are far away, we will start missing and weigh us more.Family begins to appreciate what mothers do for her and eagerly waiting for her return.As a result, the attitude towards the duties of "must" to "want" and another breakfast for children will be ready with joy because we missed it on vacation.Rest time is also an opportunity for mom to focus on herself and think about what she wants.When was the last time you thought about the state of your mind and not whether the child didn't need a new toy/shoe/cap/scooter?

The caring mom takes care of herself!This does not mean, of course, that you spend your family income for new clothes and luxury holidays in the Maldives.Simply take a few days off and stop being just a mother who thinks about what you need to do at home.Mom deserves a holiday.And you don't have to be ashamed of your desire for a while to be without children.Nothing will happen to them, a partner or grandmother will take care of them.By the way - have you ever started somewhere without children?

What principles should parents follow?Watch the video:

10 zásad dobrého rodiče • VIDEO: Maminka / video Adam Balažovič