• 28/09/2022
  • By wizewebsite

Counseling: How to dum the thumb at a four -year -old child - Novinky.cz<

Poradna: Jak na dumlání palce u čtyřletého dítěte

Hello, has a 4.5 -year -old daughter while falling asleep still dumped thumb and holding a diaper in hand.She loves it.Will come to bed several times during the day.I don't know how to unleash her.Or should I wait for it to pass it?I tried to explain to her that she would have crooked teeth but couldn't say.When we go somewhere, all she cares about is to pack her diaper.

Second thing.The daughter was getting used to the kindergarten, it took her a year.Now her brother (less than 3 years) will get there and she doesn't want it.She often repeats that her brother is not allowed to go to her kindergarten, that she doesn't want him there.Please advise me how to make it easier for them and make it more pleasant.

I read two questions from your sentences that may be related to.Children were born, as long as I count well, briefly in each other.Daughter as the firstborn could not have so much care and attention.I have a hypothesis that she has begun to satisfy her needs just through dumping and diaper.I don't have more information from you, so I will offer and believe you will resonate with something.

I do not know whether your daughter was breastfed and how long or whether she created a dumped thumb as a replacement for satisfying the suction reflex.It could only start gradually after the birth of a sibling.In any case it calms it down and combined with a diaper it evokes it safety.

But by dumping your thumb, even your daughter can tell you some need that she can't name herself.It is not useful to unleash a daughter by force or pressure from dumping, with regard to her age, it is preferable to choose other procedures.

So try to try:

Poradna: Jak na dumlání palce u čtyřletého dítěte - Novinky.cz

I think of a little girl who had a place of diapers a corner of a large pillow.Her parents allowed her to ride everywhere with a pillow (when the train and only with the coating).She thought of it herself, packed him up.Now she is 12 years old and she doesn't go with the pillow :).And at the same time she did not have the idea of her that she was weird.Her parents respected her need, and she gradually ceased.

Do not look for the cause - try and wait, do not rush

Another thing you are dealing with is that my daughter doesn't want her brother to go to the same kindergarten.If you manage to try as many steps as possible from my offer, you will most likely see a change in your daughter's relationship to Brášek.

Surely allow her to experience the emotions that are associated with not wanting a brother to go to kindergarten.At the same time, it is important to express your borders as a parent because the daughter does not decide where the younger brother goes to kindergarten.In words it may look like this: “I hear when you say you don't want a brother in kindergarten.He won't be there with you, you can play with whom do you want.You don't have to worry about him.Brother will go to kindergarten that we as parents will choose.I look forward to telling me some rogue that you did in kindergarten.”Nothing more, this is enough.

If the daughter feels your determination, she will not have the need to go to the opposition.First -born children are very creative in how they show parents that they want attention from them.

If you want to know more about sibling relationships, you can apply for a seminar at our parenting Academy.In a small group of parents you will learn how to create a nice sibling relationship as a parent.I wish you a lot of joyful moments with children and a lot of mindfulness and disgusting to what the children are doing.

Parenting Academy

A private family counseling that helps all family members.Parents to relieve worries and uncertainties in their parental role, partners and individuals in their diverse life situations, children with their adolescence.Associates experts who like to help.

It creates and implements courses and seminars for parents, individual counseling and consultation, family therapy.More at the Academy of Parenting.

Are you troubled by another topic associated with the upbringing of a child, family relationships or addictions?Consult our experts.Send us your stories and questions to: Zenaporadna@List.cz.
