• 14/03/2023
  • By wizewebsite

Child diabetes changes the life of the whole family - Novinky.cz<

Dětská cukrovka mění život celé rodiny

The times when children had to carry needles and injections with insulin are fortunately almost gone.Modern facilities such as insulin pump, pen and others are facilitated not only to the children but also by their parents and last but not least by teachers in schools and kindergartens.Yet children and their families must count on limits and learn to live with.

What must be known about children's diabetes, how to make life easier for sick children and their families and where to look for help and information?

We do not know the cause

About 3600 children suffer from the first type diabetes in the Czech Republic.Unfortunately, it is a lifelong chronic disease that brings a number of complications to life.

”Diabetes 1.type is characterized by low levels of insulin caused mainly by loss of pancreas cells that insulin produce insulin.In the outbreak of diabetes 1.The type of own immune system to these cells behaves like to the cells in the body and tries to destroy them.In medicine, such reactions are called an autoimmune process.

Prediabetes varuje před cukrovkouZdraví

As a result of insulin loss, blood sugar is increased, which is not insulin, it is accumulated in the blood and tissues that cease to function properly and cause problems and symptoms that can be recognized and treated with diabetes, ”says Josef Štolfa, describing the disease.general practitioner and head of the Department of General Medicine of the Institute of Postgraduate Education in Healthcare.

Doctors still have no idea what exactly is the children of its trigger.

What does a child suffer from diabetes

It is important to capture the disease in time.How do you get to know any diabetes in a child?

According to Mayo Clinic, non -profit organization and internationally recognized prestigious American Medical and Educational Center at the University Hospital in Rochester, we can watch the six most common symptoms of diabetes of the first type.

Jako první v ČR dostal inzulinovou pumpu s funkcí umělé slinivky, významně se mu uleviloZdraví

Josef Štolfa complements other warning signals:

The disease can only be kept at bay

Diabetes mellitus can not cure yet.”The cause of insufficient insulin production cannot be removed because the pancreas cells have disappeared or are few.Therefore, treatment is aimed at supplying insulin, which is a shortage of the body, ”explains Josef Štolfa.

However, using insulin compensation with diabetes 1.type can be maintained in a stage when the patient does not acutely threaten.Insulin application can be started at any time during the development of the disease and the sooner the treatment is easier and safer.It also needs to be followed continuously and permanently.

Příčiny civilizačních nemocí často najdeme v naší mysliZdraví

Dětská cukrovka mění život celé rodiny - Novinky.cz

”The basic prerequisite of successful treatment is early diagnosis, recognition of child diabetes and its treatment.If a parent or young person gets up with the presence of the above -mentioned symptoms, it is always advisable to consult a general practitioner.He will perform simple examinations in his office, or sends for more detailed examination of blood and urine.Very important news for doctors, but also for the patient, is information about whether someone in the family suffers or suffers and treated with diabetes, ”explains Josef Štolfa.

Aplikace MyDiabetic, léčba hrou
Aplikaci využívající principu propojení hry s učením vyvinul pro děti s diagnostikovanou cukrovkou tým výzkumníků pod záštitou docenta Daniela Nováka z katedry kybernetiky Fakulty elektrotechnické (FEL) ČVUT.
Je určena pacientům ve věku pět až deset let. Děti se hravou formou starají o virtuálního kamaráda trpícího diabetem, měří mu glykemii, krmí ho vhodnou stravou, aplikují mu inzulin a učí se tak reagovat na komplikace spojené s nemocí.
„Pozitivní reakce přichází i od lékařů, diabetických sester a rodičů. Oceňují zejména šíři témat, která dětem prezentujeme přístupnou formou. Impulz pro vznik aplikace byla situace mé kolegyně, jejíž malé dítě onemocnělo cukrovkou a během krátké doby ona i dítě musely pochopit a dát si do souvislostí velké množství informací pro správnou kompenzaci nemoci,” říká docent Daniel Novák.
Vývojáři vytvořili jen základní koncept a hru jako takovou dotvořily samotné děti na diabetických táborech s první autorkou hry Veronikou Černohorskou. Aplikace je bezplatně k dispozici pro Android i iOS.

Modern devices make life easier

If you say insulin diabetes, most lay people imagine daily application under the skin, often several times a day.

”The development of modern medicine has been significantly modified and this idea no longer pays.Especially for children, it would be problematic to ensure a regular and necessary dose of insulin, which changes even according to the child's daily activity or a person with diabetes 1.type.Therefore, the insulin pump system is increasingly used for treatment.”

This is a small diagnostic device that monitors the blood sugar levels and, according to it, inserts the required dose of insulin from the attached tank.

„Hladina cukru a přísun inzulinu jsou tak optimalizovány a přizpůsobeny potřebám organismu člověka s diabetem,” dodává lékař.

What does the use of a pump look like in practice?

Výrazný úbytek váhy může vést k odstranění příznaků diabetu 2.typeZdraví

Treatment requires active cooperation

Since child diabetes may also affect very young children, it is not possible to talk about possible thorough prevention, but supervision of a healthy diet and regular movement you will certainly not spoil anything, on the contrary.Diabetes requires them directly, and lifelong.These factors will positively support appropriate treatment and the child can lead a quality life, albeit with certain restrictions.

Perhaps the most important thing for a family with a diabetic child is aware and active approach not only to treatment, but also in the search for any assistance and support that various health and other organizations that specialize in child diabetes can provide.

The basis is intensive communication with a pediatric diabetologist who treats a small patient and can recommend a number of options to simplify the child, how to approach nutrition, including snacks belonging to life etc.

You can also use the website of the Czech Diabetology Society.Different facilities also provide training for parents of such sick children, organized camps for diabetic children, which should be entitled to a spa.

Life in practice

It is still necessary for the parent to inform the teacher or the leading at the camps etc., about the child's health.Today, however, teachers themselves say that children are able to watch the condition of sugar themselves, they are used to it and only minimal risky situations.

However, doctors have good news for parents of small diabetic patients - with the right and regular treatment regimen, the diabetes is able to do any activity.

Znát přesnou hladinu glykémie je při léčbě cukrovky zásadníZdraví
Kde hledat informace
Kromě pomoci vašeho lékaře-diabetologa lze využít například internetové stránky České diabetologické společnosti (www.diab.cz), kde se prokliknete na Projekt dětský diabetes a speciální portál dětské diabetologie (www.detskydiabetes.cz). Najdete tam nejen informace, ale i konkrétní odkazy na různé podpůrné projekty, seznam dětských diabetických center, pacientských organizací nebo úhrad zdravotnických pomůcek.
Různá zařízení poskytují zdarma i školení pro rodiče takto nemocných dětí a další akce.
Dobré je také informovat se u své zdravotní pojišťovny, jaké možnosti může vašemu dítěti nabídnout.