• 23/07/2022
  • By wizewebsite

Do you have strained muscles or bumped coccyx?Try homeopathics!<

You don't have to be an active athlete, you can use this herb for any physical activity - like a senior gardening to alleviate back and joint pain.This is confirmed by the mudr.Ilona Ludvíková, a general and dentist with many years of homeopathic practice from Brno: ”Every athlete, whether peak or recreational who visited my office, received Arnica Montana in homeopathic dilution because its reach is really deep.”

Due to its ability to alleviate trauma, soothe pain, reduce the risk of bleeding and to act anti -inflammatory is Arnika also suitable for postoperative treatment.“Surgery may cause anxiety in the patient and is always a form of trauma.We can recommend a homeopathic to the patient that prepares him for the period followed by.The essential recommended product is Arnica Montana 15 C.It is suitable in prevention, early postoperative care and in the stage of convalescence. Zlepšuje pružnost cév, omezuje krvácení, urychluje vstřebávání hematomů a zmírňuje bolestivost po zákroku,” říká PharmDr.Renata Semeráková from Prague's Pharmacy Na Homolce Hospital.

Zdravý životní styl

Don't you sleep?Try homeopathics

The pharmacist adds that the French Society of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation has recognized the analgesic effects of the plant and in 2014 recommended it for treatment after the cervical almond surgery.

Three in one

Máte namožené svaly nebo naraženou kostrč? Zkuste homeopatika!

Traditionally wide use of Arnika is the result of its unique properties.In nature prevents herbivores from the bitter taste.The substances that cause it have significant anti -inflammatory effects.Arnika also contains flavonoids that protect it from sunlight.Flavonoids have antioxidant and anti -inflammatory effects in the human body.

Another arnica's weapon is essential oils (especially thymol) that help the flower to fight bacteria and mushrooms contained in the soil.In pharmacy, essential oils are successfully used for their properties to prevent microbes.

Due to such a unique mix of important substances, Arnika can offer a triple effect: it is anti -inflammatory, causes pain and protects our blood vessels.As a result, the herb is used in homeopathy and phytotherapy.“You can buy Arnik in a homeopathic form in a pharmacy and locally like ointment, gel or tincture for tiles.You can buy a leaves to prepare the brine for tiles in a pharmacy or special stores with herbs. Z vlastní zkušenosti ale doporučuji koupit homeopatikum a tinkturu nebo gel,” vysvětluje možnosti PharmDr.Jana Strieglerová from the pharmacy at the polyclinic in Moravský Krumlov, which has a rich experience with herbs.

Přírodní medicína

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It treats babies and seniors

Arnica Montana is simply a herb that will not be lost in home first aid kit from birth to old age.In homeopathy, it is even the first medicine that babies encounter!In the case of difficult birth, the first hours after the birth of the child is given to alleviate and treat small traumas.For the same reason it is suitable for mum.

When children grow up, Arnika is a helper in injuries and other problems.Sage.Martina Holá from České Budějovice has been using Arnik Montana for many years in homeopathic dilution. „Je netoxické, šetrné a s velmi rychlým efektem,” vysvětluje, proč si oblíbila právě přípravek pro vnitřní užití, a dodává: „Vnitřní účinek homeopatické arniky je navíc možné doplnit i zevně arnikovou mastí či gelem.” Můžete proto vždy využít rostlinu v alternativě, která vám v danou chvíli vyhovuje.

At older age, homeopathics are, among other things, that they do not threaten, that they could not be combined with other medicines with which they would be in contraindication.


Homeopathy actually works, confirmed by scientists.Numerous studies prove that


Back pain?The pharmacist advises what it will take on