• 17/03/2022
  • By wizewebsite

How did the covid change us? You may not have noticed this<


The unknown disease is spreading uncontrollably around the world. Lockdowns, congested hospitals, closed schools, night curfews, association bans, all social and cultural life numb. A decent script for a classic Hollywood whip ? No, that's the reality of the last two years. "What seemed impossible is suddenly possible. No one could ever imagine that children would sit at computers instead of at school and that we would all wear veils , ”describes life coach Aleš Kalina.

The world simply turned 180 degrees. "I remember driving my 11-year-old son away from my pre-Eid computer, and a few months later I was chasing him. And that probably speaks for itself, "says life coach Lenka Procházka.

These two years have simply changed everyone, individuals and society as a whole.

The coronavirus took his job, so he didn't pay alimony. What with this?

Coronavirus and women. Exhaustion and relationship problems destroy them

A necessity in the name of a veil

You may still not be used to it, but nose and mouth protection has become part of your daily routine. Just admit what's on your mind when you go to work in the morning? "Keys, cell phone, wallet, veil. Okay, I have everything. "

The thought of forgetting her is almost terrifying. You probably have them everywhere for sure: in your purse, in your jacket pocket, in your car, at home in your shoebox, in your trouser pocket .

Coronavirus as a part of children's lives

Jak nás covid změnil? Tohohle jste si možná ani nevšimli

Probably the disease has most affected the lives of children. Just notice how the vocabulary has expanded even for the little ones. Even freshmen today use terms like quarantine, negative, positive, antigenic in the blink of an eye. Words that should normally sound exotic to them are as natural to them as a lollipop, coloring book or evening paper.

Testing is the same routine for them as morning brushing their teeth, in the classroom it looks like a ring of small chemists. Children treat test pipettes as deftly as crayons.

And when you are planning a family activity - a trip, a cinema, lunch at a restaurant, they resign you: will they let us in? And worst of all, you may explain to them in a factual tone that they are right now, or not right now. Scary, don't you think?

Loneliness of old people

Even all social contacts have changed. Basically, people report information about the status of their vaccination to their rats, or why they are not vaccinating, who has had a covid or who has ever been on the test, and they are proud of the negative result. Contact with people has been given a certain danger, risk. But we don't want to lose him, man is a social creature.

This time is very difficult for seniors. Perhaps the loneliness hit them the most. Their children and grandchildren either could not visit them (travel bans between districts, bans on visits to hospitals and social care facilities ...) or they did not prefer to visit them, even in good faith and in an effort to protect them from the disease. Surveys show that many older people are becoming more and more hopeless.

Igor Chmela on the care of seniors with dementia, dying and optimism

The story of senior Jan (82): The hotline saved his life!

When will the world be normal?

If you are clinging to the fact that the world will soon return to the state two years ago, we will probably disappoint you. We can probably deal with the infection, but with a crippled psyche, it's harder. "The pressure on the nervous system is enormous. But the consequences will not become apparent until everything is calming down. This is a well-known post-traumatic stress disorder, which we will have to deal with one day. Its most common consequences are depression, insomnia, anxiety, feelings of burnout and somatization of all this, "says Lenka Procházka. This means that due to a bad psyche, you develop a disease in your body, such as psoriasis or stomach ulcers.

Do you wake up in the middle of the night and can't sleep? We will advise.

Will the world ever be the same as before the pandemic? "No, it will not be as it was two years ago. But that's what life is all about. If we manage these situations, others will come. We have to learn to increase our own abilities and resilience, manage our emotions, manage our psyche and stress, "says Aleš Kalina.

Covid really struck every area of ​​human life, including love. These are famous couples whose coronavirus has thwarted their plans.
