• 19/05/2022
  • By wizewebsite

How many words should two-year-olds really know. Above all, never sneeze at them!<

"Oh, you're such a cutie! And how you know how to sneeze on your face!" This is exactly how some people talk to small children, and according to experts, they should definitely not do it.

As the psycholinguist Filip Smolík points out in his professional work, children learn language mainly by imitation, and so fumbling or imitating the shortcomings of children's speech can backfire. However, speaking to an infant as maturely as a colleague at work is actually counterproductive, he says.

Maminka magazine

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"Little children are slower at processing information, so we really have to speak to them more slowly," explains the psycholinguist. According to him, most people naturally and intuitively use baby talk when talking to the smallest children, i.e. language adapted to their abilities.

What does that mean? It is really appropriate to speak to them slowly, with a more pronounced melodic structure and in short sentences, with clear articulation. In this way, the child not only understands us well, but at the same time we contribute to the development of his own speech skills.

You can already talk to a five-year-old

Children begin to use the first words with the correct meaning in plus or minus a year, however, there are large individual differences and this may not mean anything in terms of further language development. "Then it goes relatively quickly. You can have a childlike conversation with a three-year-old, a five-year-old can already tell quite coherently," writes Filip Smolík in the conclusions of his work, which were published in the journal Science and Research published by the Academy of Sciences.


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How many words should two-year-olds really know.

During childhood, children learn about five to ten new words a day, which is seriously not enough. The way parents or those close to them talk to them, read books to them, show themselves in them contributes significantly to this - it is better if it concerns something that the children are interested in and enjoy. Simply speaking is not enough.

"When a child doesn't say fifty table words in a year and a half, but maybe only ten, it's not enough, but it can change quickly," says psycholinguist Filip Smolík.

According to him, a warning sign is when a child does not use plus or minus two hundred words even at the age of two, and when he does not combine them in any way at all. Then it's time to seek out an expert, because scientists are clear: If the situation is not addressed, half of such children will not catch up with the delay, and by the age of six, the difference between them and their peers is already noticeable at first glance. Or rather listening.

The cause can be, for example, developmental dysphasia, often genetically determined, which up to seven percent of children suffer from. People have little idea of ​​this diagnosis, which is why they sometimes mistakenly consider these children to be less intelligent, which may not be true at all. They often excel in technical subjects, for example, but need support to develop their skills.

Unresolved developmental dysphasia can have a serious impact on both the child's education and social relationships.

HERE is a link to the entire article on the development of children's language in the scientific journal Science and Research.

Maminka magazine

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