• 10/09/2022
  • By wizewebsite

How to talk to adolescents when they moved you to the sidelines<

Jak mluvit s dospívajícími dětmi, když vás přesunuly na vedlejší kolej

Change of communication style

In the initial stage of adolescence, children begin to desire their own identity (their self, the place and the meaning of life).This starts often around 10.year of age and may last up to 19 years of age.While one of the first things to change between parents and offspring is the way of communication.

Children will stop entrusting their parents with everything, go to them for advice and gradually start communicating as such.

Pleasant and nice calls will become a short response full of modern slang, accompanied by stolling eyes and similar expressions in the face.

Manuál pro otce dospívajících dcer Děti

If you want to handle this period with grace and not spoil your child's relationship in the future, then you will have no choice but to change your way of communicating to it.See with us at five effective things that will help you.

1.Effort to alleviate emotions

At the moment of conflict or misunderstanding, it is good no matter how much words are from your child hurt, try to alleviate emotions.

For example, when you get into a collision because of the mess in the room, try to tell your child regardless of your own feelings as follows: “I see that the room is properly angry because.I understand.Is normal to feel angry when you don't want to work.I will give you 30 minutes to relax and then come to me to make a plan to do how to move with those things in the room.”

Tajemství dospívajících aneb S čím se děti nesvěřujíDěti

Staying over the moment when you would like to put the "brat" two meters below the ground, of course it is not easy, but know that in the future it will always come back to you.

Jak mluvit s dospívajícími dětmi, když vás přesunuly na vedlejší kolej

Try to approach your child as a project where you build a new body, brain and identity at the same time, which you can do in all respects only when you can distract its defenses and thus open the door to more productive communication.

2.Learn to use poker face

For better communication with adolescents it always pays to learn so -called.poker face or stone face, and thus communication without expression in the face.Yes, keeping a neutral expression to the maximum extent of a neutral expression, but everything is just about the exercise.

The point is that adolescents and adults use to read the facial parts of the different parts of the brain.Teenagers use much more often than adults so -called.amygdal, the emotional center of the brain.Thus they read your expression quite the opposite before you feel.For example, they think you are angry even when it is not really at all, and therefore their reactions are disproportionate.

Imagine that you ask your child completely innocence, what was the mathematics test, and it will answer it in a mount:.”This is simply a bad understanding of your face expression.

Jak rodiče manipulují s dospívajícími dětmiDěti

“In such moments I advise all parents to use the so -called.botox eyebrows.Simply play on a celebrity that is over the exaggerated botox and cannot move face.You will be surprised at how the child's reaction will change and the conversation with him will be much more pleasant, ”recommends the Educator Michelle ICARD for CNN.

3.Look for alternatives to direct communication

Are your children watching social networks constantly and are you not able to lure them from them?Then communicate with them instead of direct communication with them.

Today, children often send together not only classic written messages, but also audio or picture and it is up to you how far you will be creative and to what extent you can handle modern technologies to pleasantly surprise your child in the form of communication.

4.Become an assistant to your child manager

Instead of constantly enforcing when your child will do homework, learn, play or spend time on social networks, become assistants of their manager.

How to achieve?Write the worst features of what such a manager can have (moody, too emotional, manipulator, rapist, etc..) and then turn these properties into positive and you have an exact description of the work for the position of an assistant manager.

Poradna: Jak zvládat patnáctiletou dceru v pubertěDěti

5.Always think about fun

Common leisure activities often work best as a tool for breaking conversational ice.And may not always be playing social games or sport, etc..It is often sufficient to remember the things you liked to do before.Just fool, play a game on PlayStation or Xbox, to dance according to tiktoku etc..

“Although you are a lot of things from what you enjoy your children bored if you overcome and try them, you get a unique opportunity to get back their trust and also attention.It's the best way to improve communication between you, ”concludes Michelle ICARD.
