• 31/07/2022
  • By wizewebsite

I want to send people a signal that if they have two or three children, the state will appreciate it properly, says Marian Jurečka<


Contribute to the retirement of parents with one percent of their levies, Marian Jurečka thinks about strengthening the pro -Prometry policy.|Photo: Ladislav Křivan, Mafra

PremiumRozhovorBereme automaticky, že se rodiče starají o své děti. Rádi bychom vrátili to, co bylo dříve také automatické, tedy že se děti starají o rodiče, říká v rozhovoru šéf KDU-ČSL Marian Jurečka, který se v nové vládě má stát ministrem práce a sociálních věcí. Michal Bernáth27. listopadu 2021 13:30 Odemknout článek

Folk.cz: Odcházející vláda zvedla minimální důchod na deset tisíc korun, chcete ve zvyšování pokračovat?Vláda to fakticky nezvedla, minimální důchod nezavedla.It was agreed by a wide expert committee led by Danuš Nerudová.We want to determine minimal pension because it could save money and state in the finals.People with a retirement of about six to seven thousand still ask the state for additional benefits of social support.I would like the final amount of minimum guaranteed pension not to be fixed for several years, but to be based on some coefficient.For example to an average wage or other indicator that captures the state of the economy.

Přečtěte si celý článek a veškerý další obsah na Folk.cz s VYZKOUŠET ZA 1 KČAkční nabídka první měsíc za 1 Kč, následně za 39 Kč měsíčně. Členství je možné kdykoliv zrušit a je bez závazků.Již máte předplatné? Přihlaste se a čtěte dál.Přihlásit seDarovat předplatnéČlenové klubu iDNES Premium nejčastěji čtou:

Omikron now 'lurking' on the elderly.But the risk is not the age, other things are important

Most of Europe loosen, the Czechia will wait until April.A plan is born to compare the position of people with and without a vaccine

Putin's great timing.Kremlin chief has the best cards he could ever have

This is how the Czechia is to look after the pandemic.The 'Cold War' Plan is born with Covid

... a další stovky článkůAutor: Michal Bernáth Témata:starobní důchod,Marian Jurečka,vláda,KDU-ČSL,peníze,ČSSD,Danuše Nerudová

Omikron now 'lurking' on the elderly.But the risk is not the age, other things are important


Most of Europe loosen, the Czechia will wait until April.A plan is born to compare the position of people with and without a vaccine


Under the surface of the Atlantic raging a hidden fight.Russian submarines with the British Navy 'war' for cables

Another robbed cryptoburze.Who will pay for it?


Fourth dose in sight.Her application could start in the Czech Republic in just a few months


Putin's great timing.Kremlin chief has the best cards he could ever have


{The title of an advertising article long over two lines}

Do I have Omikron or Delta?Many patients do not get key information for treatment, depending on the laboratory


This is how the Czechia is to look after the pandemic.The 'Cold War' Plan is born with Covid


Our country would not resist even ten times larger army, says Army General Abbot

Premium has been in charge of the army for over three years and is mostly drinking the blood of bureaucracy.When the worst is, she dresses the camouflage and sets off from the office...

The situation turns around.Previously the west was helpful, today head off with a residential man to the east

Chci vyslat lidem signál, že pokud mají dvě nebo tři děti, stát to patřičně ocení, říká Marian Jurečka

Premium I don't like camps with their crowd atmosphere, noise and cramped space and hotels are irreversibly static for me,...

Recipe for longevity?Surgeon Pafko explains what we shorten our life

Premium Professor Pavel Pafko about why TV does not open a bottle, about little luck for every day and also an instructive injury on...

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