• 13/11/2022
  • By wizewebsite

If I do not know letters, I cannot learn to write |Parliamentnilisty.cz - Politics from all sides<

Dear colleagues, my beginning will not be completely about the program statement.

I was a kantor for twenty -three years, I stood for twenty -three years, enjoyed the joys and woes of the cantor profession.I have been a Member of two months.As a teacher I tried to keep some moral credit.I always tried to be a model for my children.I have always had authority with them, because I never got out of the position of strength, always as an equal partner.And what I have ever heard here today, so I was deeply disappointed.As a social science teacher, civil education I teach children about democracy, I teach mutual respect.And now I am on the land of the Chamber of Deputies that should be the highlight of our state and I must say that for some of my colleagues I was ashamed.So much arrogance, so many personal attacks.Plane, if I was so arrogant to my children, I have all authority and in that class I can not withstand a single lesson.So I just wanted to get started.I was really disappointed with it.

Now I will return to the Government's program statement.I will first quote from the media: "It considers the style and content of education to be crucial in the field of education.We will try to make less bifted in schools and pupils and students prepare for the future world in which each graduate of any school will have to be able to learn new things.Unfortunately, the knowledge with which it comes out of school is no longer enough."I quote the Minister Gazdík.I agree that developments in the world are so incredibly rapid and fast to create some concept than put into practice, so the world is completely different again.This means I definitely support that children need to prepare for a separate life.In this respect, I must certainly support the Lifelong Learning project, but when you say A, B must be said to B.We cannot build something from the roof.We have to build from the ground up.And if we want the strategy not to move away from knowledge because there is a quoted bifting, please, commemorative learning is an integral part of the teaching process.Here is an effort to completely commemorate learning to remove.We also have athletes among us who will tell me the truth.I have to learn the basic steps and then I can improve myself.Me if I do not know letters I can't learn to write.And surprisingly, I have to learn those letters by heart.When I want to learn a foreign language, surprisingly I have to memorize the words.Otherwise I can try as much as possible, I will replicate as a parrot of some phrases, but I will not understand the content if I do not know the meaning and not memorize the meaning of individual vocabulary.So.

I also quote: "We guarantee the salary of teachers to 130 % of the average wage."Super, SPD supports this because support for teachers means quality cantors.Quality teachers mean quality teaching and that means the quality of our state.Unfortunately the first thing happens that instead of the promised 3 % is at once an increase by 2 %.So it does not correspond to me a little bit with the guarantee.So I imagine a little bit differently.

We also have: "The strategy of educational policy by 2030+, which was prepared in cooperation with the professional public, based on conformity across the political spectrum."With the professional public.I started teaching in 1992, I was a direct participant in all possible improvements, various changes in education.When I started, the basis was a black board, chalk in hand and the highlight of all technology was one old video and black and white television.

And the children were much more prepared and in international comparisons achieved great results.The only thing we were lagging behind was to work with the search for information and their applications.And what was done?Instead of improving what was wrong and what was great we left, we dropped it all into the trash and we started on the green meadow.And from the beginning all professionals, all teachers said it was wrong that it wouldn't work.No one has listened to us.And that's exactly how it turned out.It just doesn't work.And now we are witnessing exactly the same.It is written with the professional public, but the main team was not represented by school departments, the teaching chamber was not represented.Even though they asked for it, they were not the Minister or approached.Could send some written comments.Not a single reminder was in some way incorporated in that vision.When the final conference was, they were not invited either as a prefab, and at the same time the conference was anyone at the conference.For Eduin even three people who formally for different organizations so that there could be as much as possible, by the way, Mr. Kartouz.Who does not know who Mr. Kartouz is a former spokesman of EDUin, now the director of the Prague Innovation Institute, who manages European subsidies, has worked in British newspapers and is a spokesman for a self -appointed internet censor and guardian of the Czech Elven Internet - such an interesting organization that does not match anyone.but can harm when it comes to that.

This means that there is still the detachment of practice.This is our education and no one asks the people who are fighting in that education day after the day standing in front of those children.And that's just wrong.Further where there was some communication with parents.We have a lot of organizations associating parents who are interested in teaching their children what our education looks like.Were invited?They weren't, they weren't.Why?Why couldn't parents cooperate in some way on how their children will teach?But what I noticed that it was incorporated there, that it would support that teachers would learn how to communicate with their parents.For God's sake, teachers are university educated adults.And we want to teach them to talk?Teachers want an incredible quantum of things that they should not do correctly, unlike some foreign states, where the teacher is simply taken as a truly qualified expert, so we are wasting me in the corridors, dining rooms and I could continue like this.This is like really absolutely amazing.Abroad they have high school assistants and the teacher is really the professional who is highly qualified and does his job.

Když nebudu umět písmenka, nemůžu se učit psát | ParlamentniListy.cz – politika ze všech stran

Then we have to develop the potential of pupils with social and other disadvantages.We will pay special attention to the development of talents and work with extremely talented pupils.Yes, the whole SPD will sign it.But just as the SPD must definitely define against so -called inclusion, otherwise joint education, originally it was inclusion, now it was disguised under so -called joint education and we cannot support the inclusion in the current form.And it will contradict it.We want to devote ourselves to absolutely different groups of children on one pile.This is virtually impossible.Despite the fact that we want a classic educator to perform a special educator.It may seem like a petty difference - a teacher as a teacher.This is exactly the same as if I told you I had a car mechanic, landed with the plane and said: Please repair it to me an aircraft - mechanic like a mechanic.If it were so exactly the same, then I do not understand why we have special education than a special study field of special pedagogy.So there is more damage than good.The whole inclusion system pretends to help children, but it is harmful to those children.And it harms all children.This is also harmful to children who are part of the inclusion because they are in a team where they can never experience a feeling of success that is very important for children.And why?Because the other children are on a completely different level.The child is then there as such a suffered pendant.On the contrary, when there is a special educator with children similar abilities, skills and possibilities in some team, so there is a chance to experience the success there.And this is extremely important for those children.And even the opposite side.When the teacher, an ordinary teacher who is assisted by an assistant, which can be a high school student who goes through the course and in essence works as a supervisor, certainly not as full -fledged pedagogical assistance, the teacher will waste a lot of energy to help this child and thusBut he cannot devote to those talented pupils.It would have a day to have forty, fifty hours.These are such air locks where we with good intentions go to hell.

Another way I found that the differences between individual schools in the area, for example, excluded localities and so on, it is formulated there by the fact that the school is actually due to the school and because the school does not manage, so parents are forced to put children inother schools.But this is not at all.This is not the fault of the school.There is just given by the composition of that population.And the hat down in front of teachers who teach in these locations because they deserve to double the salary of the cantor from ordinary school.

Then we have an extension of the offer of digital teaching aids including ICT technology, as well as the development of digital skills of teachers, children and students.SPD will always support any investment in both teachers and ICT technologies.But beware digitization is not all -on.We cannot focus on the strategy only in one direction.If it fails, the digitization we do with children from socially excluded localities.In essence, we are talking about some equality of approach to education, but in essence, when we focus on the digital technology and some children will not have access, we will create the inequality.

Another thing is how parents will look at this.We are at a time when we are increasing the dependence of children on digital technology, mobile phones, computer games and so on.Parents have huge problems with this how to get those kids to get away from it.And we will still stuff these technologies during teaching?Is it really the right direction?I do not think so.

Then we have here to complete the revisions of Framework Educational Programs with an emphasis on volume, content and timeliness.Too, I applaud, amazing thought.All practitioners have completely agreed because we don't have time - I still speak as a teacher because it's still fresh - to strengthen knowledge.We Prost We go as a fast train to make it all.So we really were all enthusiastic that it was cut off.Oh yeah, but then we started finding out what would be cut and as a result of Ohm's law, Newton's movement laws, explanation that it is too demanding.A qualified teacher knows exactly what age category in front of him in those benches and adapts the way of teaching.If you take such a tree, in kindergarten you know that the child should draw a green ball like a crown and then a brown comma as a trunk, but we are already talking about a tree.At the first stage we can talk about the fact that it produces oxygen, at the second stage already about photosynthesis.It's still the same tree.So the same way you can submit Newton's law, this is how Ohm's law can be filed.But we cannot exclude the basic curriculum without thinking.This is exactly the same as if you eliminated the alphabet and now you start to learn to write.And then we will be a surprise that it doesn't work.In addition, I have found that some place will be released by deleting unfortunate topics and there is such an idea that we will have a brand new subject of environmental education, education and education.We will fill the place again.These topics that will be supposed to be contained in this subject are already included in other subjects: biology, geography, where qualified teachers who know how to explain it in context.If we make such a special subject, she is there any appointment that is studying directly on this topic.I do not know about it.

Who will teach it?It turns out that there will be a class teacher, it will be one hour, so the class teacher can be with his class to be more and it will be some memorization of some learned lessons, because the teacher - of course it will be a gym,I don't know, a matricist - so he just wants children to learn to memorize any lesson.The benefit of it will have all none.I can imagine that the relaxed place should rather devote to these foundations - what a child must know from elementary school.No matter what century we have, what technologies are.Must learn to count from the head properly without having to use any electronics where the current can occur.They just have to learn to write, have to learn to read with understanding and that's just the foundation.So...We are lagging especially in that mathematics.So let's use the relaxed space meaningfully but not some environmental education, support of Green Deal etc.The eventuality is not a problem just in this direction.Is Informatics now - she was learning at 5.year, now will learn from 4.year.When I taught children in 5.Class, so they are still such smudges where the whole half of the year had a problem to understand how the computer is turned on and off and what is the difference between the monitor and the computer as such.And now it's shifted to 4.class.I have a daughter in 4.Class I know what it is a trdlo.And I can't imagine we will move it forward and that the kids had something of it.For another - part of the lesson in that 4.year má být programování, binární kód.For God's sake, pupils 2 have problems with that.degree.How should it understand the quarter.Despite the fact that...To make the teaching some quality, it must be an approved teacher who understands it.At the school where I taught, there was no only qualified computer science.Why?Because after completing this studio he immediately creates an IT company and earns a completely different money.So zase, my stavíme, myšlenka dobrá, ale my to stavíme od střechy.Is always to start from the ground up.

The penultimate point at which I would like to stop.The teaching of history 20.century with an emphasis on undemocratic regimes and social extremism.Please, 20.century in the history must learn as a complex historical period.History, History This is some continuous interconnected sequence of events.And we will poke who will like it, do not like it, so will we only puncture something?After all, it will not make sense in the teaching.And especially stopped me - social extremism as a historical topic.That was what period?From when to when?Social extremism?Or was it a state or something?Extremism in general, bad behavior - it learns completely in other subjects.Who will determine what the social extremism is?Nowadays, when censorship is gaining strength, even a different opinion is considered to be extremism.Just that someone is not afraid to say their opinion, so he is even convicted for that.So who will decide?I have heard here we plan some systemic fighting with misinformation.He was somehow a system that fought disinformation and wanted to build bright tomorrows.It also meant the system well.He also wanted to do it for his citizens.The result was samizdat.Do we really want to slip in this way?I experienced a period when I was told at school, I came home, I boasted there, my dad told me - hey, you know, they have things a little different, like this, like that, like that.But please don't say it at school, let you have no trouble.So do tohohle období se zase chceme vracet? Já tedy rozhodně ne.And just for information.There was a certain historical period in human history, when the disinformation was considered that the Earth is round.And people were burned for that.Of course to explain so that someone does not write again that I am pulling some misinformation, that it is planned to burn people, of course it was a proportion.But just to understand what I mean.

Well, the last priority is to support grammar schools and general education.On the one hand, we say that an increasing number of children who are leaving for grammar schools have a very negative effect on the quality of teaching on classic elementary school.So how do I imagine the support at those grammar schools?There are already quality teachers, but the number of children is increasing and we can see that it is wrong for the classic elementary school.But at the same time, do we want to support them as an expansion?And to expand and focus on general education at a time when factories are looking for qualified workers in vain?When an ordinary citizen begins to have huge problems to get a quality craftsman to make him tiles.This is a bad direction too.It will be nice that we will have graduates in offices who will have amazing thoughts, but somehow they will no longer have people who will introduce the Internet there to introduce electricity to ensure that warm water flows into the sink.So za mě taky špatný směr.So toto samozřejmě není jediný důvod, těch důvodů je víc, ale těch důvodů, proč rozhodně nevyslovím podporu vládě, tak ty všechny ostatní důvody už řekli mí předřečníci.

Thank you.