• 27/09/2022
  • By wizewebsite

The iRoznos obese children shorten their lives by up to three decades, says obesitologist Marinov.But treatment is effective and functional<

Ve světě klesá počet podvyživených dětí, ale ještě rychleji jde nahoru množství obézních. Může za to zvyšování životní úrovně a průmyslová výroba potravin. Podle odborného časopisu The Lancet bude v roce 2022 poprvé více dětí s obezitou, než podvyživených. Podle odborníků je trend patrný i v Česku a umocněn pandemii koronaviru. „V současné době už preventivní opatření nebudou mít efekt,“ říká v rozhovoru pro Radiožurnál obezitolog Zlatko Marinov.iRozhlas Obézní děti si krátí život až o tři dekády, říká obezitolog Marinov. Léčba je ale efektivní a funkční iRozhlas Obézní děti si krátí život až o tři dekády, říká obezitolog Marinov. Léčba je ale efektivní a funkční

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To begin with clarification of terms: What does overweight and obesity mean?How do we know that our child is already in one of these categories? We have accurate tables that are of course complicated.But there is a very simple lesson: we are still hiding under the T -shirt, but in a swimsuit will be recognized by everyone.You do not hide obesity even behind the coat.It can be seen from a distance.


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iRozhlas Obézní děti si krátí život až o tři dekády, říká obezitolog Marinov. Léčba je ale efektivní a funkční

Listen to the whole interview with Zlatka Marinov

And how much is the body weight gain in children and adolescents in the Czech Republic in recent years?.Jumply increased over the entire population of overweight by five percent and obesity also by five percent.Before the coronavir epidemic, statistics were relatively favorable in that there was no increase but stagnation.A quarter of the population was overweight.And unfortunately 14, respectively 16 percent of obesity children.

But now we have discovered suddenly, within two years, in completely different numbers.And they are explicitly crisis because 30 percent of the population is overweight.To say what is overweight - this is such a multiplication of fat that does not lead to health complications.

Obesity then always causes health complications.This is a disease.We currently have 20 percent of children suffering from obesity - that is, 20 percent of the population that is sick.And the worst is that out of 32,000 children who had monstrous obesity, there are now 40,000.

Cutting the age of the whole population

But did the pandemic only have a negative effect?Because, in addition to limiting rings and activities, at the beginning there was an effort to find some alternatives at the beginning of the pandemic.After all, the children were more supervised, they could not buy unhealthy meals themselves...Was it just a short -term trend?No no.You observe correctly that we have to look at the data rationally.On average, there was an increase during the first Lockdown by two pounds in the children's population.In the second Lockdown we had an increase of four pounds, but there was a minor reduction.So relatively for the two Lockdowns we can talk about some three kilos that children have gained.

Historical turning point.The number of obese children will exceed the number of malnourished this year worldwide this year


But the population really cut us.We also have a relatively important group of children who have lost significantly during Lockdown and home care - even up to mental anorexia.

About 40 percent of the population managed to maintain a favorable trend.This means that the family really actively involved there, well.But for 40 percent of children, the family is explicitly toxic - we are talking about toxic obesitog.For such children, the diameter jumped by 15 to 20 kilograms.These are not three pounds we are talking about on average.

What long -term consequences can it all have?And what can be done with it? A long -term consequence is clearly shortening the middle length of the population, because 40,000 children have three decades shortened due to obesity.The 40,000 people will be extremely burdened with the health system, it will systematically rob it.Although these people die earlier, but in such a devastated state that they have been robbing a relatively significant part of health insurance.How could you prevent this scenario or at least limit it to the most? We are currently in the stage when there is no point in preventing prevention because preventive measures will no longer have effect.We have a very effective and functional treatment.Currently we can all children suffer from serious obesity effectively help.And even very cheaply.However, you need to set the principles of payment.Part is able to pay society but we have to say straight away that some of the families will have to pay some of the families themselves.

Tomáš Pavlíček, PikCCCIte on FacebookUStíta on Twitterustek to LinkedInopopopophelvat URL addresses