• 11/07/2022
  • By wizewebsite

Life is a gift.I would say to the young that they will be one day ancestors, says philanthropist Vojtěch Sedláček<

O smyslu života

Creating super -fast computers Communists ticked the Chartist Vojtěch Sedláček, but began to help people in a difficult situation, which is faithful even now |Photo: Michal Sváček, Mafra

Premium Bývalého disidenta a politika, dnes sociálního podnikatele a filantropa Vojtěcha Sedláčka do této rubriky doporučil bývalý šéf Fondu národního majetku Roman Češka, který se dlouhá léta věnuje záležitostem katolické církve a víry. Sedláček se narodil 3. března 1947 v Praze. István Léko23. ledna 2022 5:00 Odemknout článek

In 1965 he graduated from the Jan Neruda grammar school in Prague and three years later he returned home from a two -year military service in Slovakia.In the same year, he joined the ZPA Čakovice (Industrial Automation plants) as a technician and programmer of the mainstream computer, where he was later promoted to the head of the software department.

Sedláček's "career" of the dissident began in 1970, when he decided to visit the so -called housing seminars.These were informal lectures held in the apartments of some dissidents, where former teachers and students met and discussed philosophical ideas and current political topics that could not be discussed publicly.

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... a další stovky článkůAutor: István Léko Témata:O smyslu života,Vojtěch Sedláček,Praha,počítač,Katolická církev,Fond národního majetku,Roman Češka,projekt,Jan Neruda,Jiří Němec,Klaus Schwab

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