• 20/01/2023
  • By wizewebsite

My daughter told me I had a big belly.I will have to lose weight and then even get married<

We met with excellent actor Mark Taclík at a charity event organized by the Czech brain Endowment Fund that helps the disabled children.The actor contributed his signed photo by the well -known star photographer Jakub Ludvík.

Fortunately in the nearby family or friends did not meet with brain disabilities, but that does not mean that the whole thing is indifferent to him, nowhere is it said that misfortune can not happen even at first glance a slight injury or illness.How does he care that his brain does not "get sick" due to aging?

Marek Taclík spoke about his financial situation.Why does he take less work?

Marek Taclík

„Já si ho spíše poškozuji, ne, to je vtip.Since I am lucky to have a lot of work, so the quantum of the text that I still have to learn, that's the practice.It's been longer, but when we were shooting the jail angel, it was really a lot of text a day, some have to learn from day to day. A možná i díky tomu můj mozek funguje do dneška,“ usmíval se Marek při rozhovoru.

Mark Taclík's photo with signature will be supported by the Czech brain Endowment Fund.

Dcerka mi řekla, že mám velké břicho. Budu muset zhubnout a pak se třeba i ožením

Although he has a lot of work, first of all, of course, the family is important to him, although he now claims that he did not have to delay so much with his paternity and the children buy twenty years ago, but there is not much to complain about.

“I have beautiful and healthy children, Matilda is three and a half and Toníček year and a half.It's great but if I had them twenty years ago, maybe it would be better. Na druhou stranu je člověk v tom vyšším věku víc zodpovědnější,“ myslí si.

The older parent does not have so much energy

“I won't get so much anymore.When I chase Matilda, the twenty -year -old father would have passed much more, I have to do more sports to make the kids enough. Dcera už mi řekla, abych shodil pupek, tak až dotočím všechny ty věci, snad shodím,“ říká s nadhledem.

The actor should lose weight according to his daughter.

He wants to get into weight loss in the fall.What would he like to undergo?

“I don't have health problems yet, but I hope that the navel will drop.Now to keep myself a little, I sometimes ride a bike, but I really work a lot, so it is not much, but cycling is probably the most common. Nejvíc pro své zdraví dělám to, že běhám s dětmi, to je občas daleko větší záhul než na tom kole,“ usmíval se hrdý dvojnásobný otec.

Marek Taclík with partner Pavla Růžičková

He admits that at the moment, when he is in one carousel, he does not have so much time to help with offspring and household.He may thank his partner for a beautiful background.

“He would like to thank his wife Pavel, not my wife, but a partner because we have not yet married.I always say a woman, then everyone writes it's my wife but the wedding wasn't yet. Ona je s dětmi dvacet čtyři hodin denně,“ velebí ji.

After all, the wedding is once on the agenda of the day, just let it flow when the right time comes.But it's not because of his financial problems in the past, they have long been resolved.

Marek Taclík with the founder of the Czech brain Endowment Fund Valentina Armandi (blonde) and other famous ambassadors.

„To byla menší krize, ale je to za mnou a já žiju opravdu šťastný život,“ uzavřel.

Let's be surprised when Mark becomes a marriage.Maybe the wedding will be the greatest motivation to lose weight.

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