• 22/06/2022
  • By wizewebsite

Petr Blažek: Contemporary Green Ideology does not have a head or heel<

Nowadays, policy is being promoted by subsidies to a better world. Zyroj | Archive Petr Blažek as a farmer I think that the current green ideology has no head or heel, and even if policy is paved with good intentions, it does more harm than.We know, ads are annoying.And we respect that you have them off :-) We will be happy if you support us differently.

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The current political representation, whether in Brussels or in our country, is subject to the pressure of the general public and tries to commit green good.Although most of these politicians have no idea what they decide, because they are not educated in the field and have no practice in it, they decide on our future under public opinion, mostly without the appropriate discussion and opponents of people from practice.If there is already any public discussion, they will invite "experts" from the academic sphere who have never produced anything or led any business, or people who profit from new changes economically.

Nowadays, policy is promoted that we will be selling ourselves to a better world using subsidies.There is no normal economic project that does not count on any subsidy.This completely disposes of the traditional market system.Somehow it was forgotten that at first someone has to produce a product, sell it with profit, it is taxed and then are available to public funds for redistribution.The other way around it can never work.Due to subsidies, the market environment breaks and the winner is not the one who has the best product, but the one who is the most clever with subsidies.Although small and medium -sized companies are claimed, the opposite is true.While for small businesses it is a big administrative burden, large companies will allocate special officials, even whole teams, who mainly deal with harvest subsidies.

The European political representation under the pressure of left -wing green ideologues, mostly urban -rich elites, promotes measures that de facto liquidate whole economic disciplines.It started with the heavy industry of the middle and light industry to agriculture.For them, the work is a dirty word and anyone who produces something, an enemy that is harmful to the environment.In their opinion, in the future, all people will have college and sit at computers and toss number one and zeros.Where such a policy leads, we see around us today, when we find that we cannot make masks.

The European Parliament spews one regulation after another, often contradicts each other.So, for example, when building a family house, you make you buy a wood stove, and then you will learn that they will forbid you in the fight against smog.

Furthermore, the transition of cars to electricity is supported.In the Czech Republic, this means that the rich Praguers will run "ecologically" and emissions will be from chimneys in northern Bohemia.Nobody at all explained how we would replace these hard sources with something else, notabene when electricity consumption increases due to electric cars.No one cares that these large and heavy cars have more emissions in the final than small Fabia cars with an internal combustion engine.And it will be rewarded for free vignette and parking anywhere for free.

Petr Blažek: Současná zelená ideologie nemá hlavu, ani patu

Of course, in large cities they can try to improve the environment.They have a large field of competence from taxis from urban transport to city services.There would be meaning everywhere, but in a passenger car on the highway it is nonsense.The electroautomobil, which is at least 20 percent heavier than combustion, cannot have less energy consumption and thus less emissions in operation, where it practically does not brake and therefore there is no recuperation at all.In addition, imagine the increase in distribution networks and the amount of battery charge racks when one car replenish energy instead of 5 minutes 20-40 minutes with a range of 800 km only a maximum of 400 km.Or when 20-50 discharged cars come to the mountain hotel.What they would have to have there for a transformer station to do it.

It is similar if they demand that combine harvesters and tractors meet the same emission standards for nitrogen oxides as urban buses.Not only does it unnecessarily increase and strengthen these machines, but these devices increase consumption and thus CO2 emissions.

The famous European plan expects to burn gas and more biomass instead of coal instead of coal, whether in power plants or heating plants.For gas, it is only a move of ecological burden from our surface mines to American slate breaking.Which takes place underground, where a huge amount of chemicals is pumped and no one knows what to do with it in 50 years.The only difference from our mines is that it is not visible.And in biomass, farmers are already accused of farmers when they grow crops on biofuels, that little organic matter is returning to the soil and in the new Pláněus, even more organics will tie somewhere in the boilers, instead of plowing.

Another European project is the pressure on the higher representation of eco -management.This is a field where they take roughly double subsidies than normal farmers, with the condition to use artificial fertilizers and sprays.In the practice of the Czech Republic, this means that the thickening of 480,000 ha of eco -management is grown to 450,000 ha with a condition of breeding a certain number of animals.Converted to a hectare and ton of the performance of such agriculture will not be on average even a quarter compared to classical agriculture.Here we build a resort that will never be viable in world competition.And more expensive products can mostly buy the richer from cities, although the taxes from which they are paid are also the poor.

The culmination of this is when pellets that burn in the boilers are made of excess of this ecos.Here, with the huge support of the state, we return in agriculture about 5,000 years back to grazing.

These ecologists think that the soil is perpetuum mobile and it is enough if not chemistry and paradise on earth.The opposite is true, most of these farms return to the soil less than it sounds, and so it is slow, yet gradual depletion of nutrients.Today, there is practically no (and even in the future) a classic estate where they would have less soil and relatively large representation of animals and where they could use the house to replenish nutrients in the soil.Unfortunately, it is rather the opposite when the manure is carried for a bribe to biogas and this is happening in neighboring Germany.

We know from our own experience when we took over the land, after those who did not fertilize that it took 3-5 years to add nutrients and the soil gets back its potential.

Co se týká pesticidů, tam je situace ještě horší. Žádný zemědělec nemá radost z toho, že je používá. U herbicidů si můžeme teoreticky představit, když rozdáme měšťákům motyčky, jako se to dělo za komunistů, a oni zlikvidují plevele. Ale používání fungicidů a insekticidů proti škůdcům, chorobám a plísním nikdo nijak nenahradí. Tady je cesta pomocí GMO plodin, které byly vyšlechtěny, aby těmto problémům odolávaly, ale to ti samí ekologové zhruba před 10 lety zatrhli. A tak se zakazuje jedna účinná a vyzkoušená látka za druhou a nikdo neřekne, co bude dál. Například, když vám napadne při vzcházení máku nebo cukrovky porost škůdce a osivo nebylo namořeno, tak neexistuje způsob, jak to zachránit. Když neošetříte jarní ječmen do klasu proti plísním, tak se rozlučte se sladovnickým ječmenem. Protože hned na váze ve výkupu vám vezmou vzorky a když nesplňujete normu, tak do krmného. A ani se nemůžete divit, dnes se veškeré zpracování sladu děje ve velkoprovozech a tam musí být jedna várka jako druhá. Když by se tam vyskytla špatná várka, tak by nasladovnických stolechplísně rozkvetly a všechno by se vylouhovalo do piva. U ostatních plodin je to podobné, proto existují normy, které musíte splnit, když chcete prodávat potravinářské produkty.

So the resulting effect of all these measures will be that farmers will adapt again.There will be no crops that need increased protection.Part of the fields will be converted to the so -called ecore mode, where we will grow smaller revenues for higher emissions and subsidies.We will import food from other continents where a few million hectares of forest and pesticides are banned and baked.

Today's demagogic ecologists completely refuse to take into account the basic physical laws and the historical context of changes in the landscape.As with the car, it does not matter how much energy it consumes, the type of drive, but the weight, shape and speed of the car, in the landscape, for example, wetlands do not disturb due to larger fields, but often because of mosquito limitation.

And so today, with great fame, wetlands are restored to spray tons of insecticides tomorrow.Our ancestors were not idiots and no one did not give them subsidies to adjust the landscape.Moreover, every intervention was physically demanding.So when there was any intervention, it had to have a really serious reason.

Finally, I would like to draw attention to the rush of carbon neutrality. The old Czech proverb says: The rush is a bad advisor. And it is in this hurry that the paths that contradict themselves across the fields are determined. There is no constant that European culture will still be the richest and that supermarkets will be full of cheap foods. We still have to try to make our economy, at least within the continent, to be self -sufficient and worldwide competition. We cannot create sectors that live only from subsidies. After all, in the Czech Republic, we do not know what we will pay for pensions for 10 years, when the share of pensioners will exceed 30 percent. As in the energy sector, it is not clear at all to replace in countries such as the Czechia of coal -fired power plants, so there is no goal in agriculture, how much food we need to produce and head to such a goal. Take into account how much agricultural land we need and protect it from various concrete lobby. And only then, when we find that we have some extra ground, so decide what to do with it. There are alternatives such as afforestation, creating national parks, etc. There can then be wolves and beavers without restrictions.
