• 06/08/2022
  • By wizewebsite

Testing schoolchildren continues: What to do when a child is positive?Instructions on how to proceed<

If someone comes out of a positive antigen test during Monday testing, no longer participates in teaching.Others at school remain.If any of the pupils is positive in Thursday's antigenic testing, the entire class of the so -called.Test-to-Stay mode.This means that every day all classmates undergo an antigen test until the originally antigenically positive child receives a negative PCR test result.

For the whole class at that time there are special regime measures - wearing a mask at pupils under 15 years of age, wearing a respirator at over 15 years of age, separate toilet, at a meal spacing at least 1.5 meters from the others and children are separate from other pupils.

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Testování školáků pokračuje: Co dělat, když je dítě pozitivní? Návod, jak postupovat