• 28/10/2022
  • By wizewebsite

Sudden death in the family?You are entitled to this!- For women<


The worst thing you can do at that moment is to close at home and not communicate with the world.Although it is difficult, it is necessary to do many things immediately - or their facilities ask someone who is mentally better.For such cases, a power of attorney can be given to someone in the family, or to turn to a lawyer.

Do you know your rights and duties?

Jste dlouho na neschopence? Tohle si ohlídejte!

Proč jít na úřad práce? Pro peníze nebo novou profesi

What to do with documents

For funeral handling you need to seek the sheet.This will automatically give you a doctor if there has been death in a hospital or social facility. Jde-li o smrt doma, musíte lékaře zavolat a nechat si doklad vystavit.The funeral service will give you contact either by healthcare professionals who have some contracts or you can choose it yourself. Kromě ohledacího listu budou chtít ještě váš občanský průkaz, občanský průkaz zemřelého, jeho rodný i oddací list – nemáte-li je k dispozici, obraťte se na matriku.There you also have to take away all the documents of the deceased - passport, driver's license, insured card...

If the deceased received a pension, contact the Czech Social Security Administration that pays him.Do not keep a citizen of the deceased in memory, you are exposing the risk of a fine of up to CZK 15,000.Due to other negotiations, such as banks or for furnishing a widow's pension, the register will issue you a death certificate within thirty days.He also can know about the death of a court that entrusts a notary to start inheritance proceedings.

Money for funeral

Počítejte s tím, že základní náklady na pohřeb začínají i v případě nejlevnější varianty u deseti tisíc.If you have dispatched a funeral to a dependent child (under 15) or parents of such a child, you can apply for a funeral 5000 CZK.This dose is not dependent on your income or kinship.You ask for it at the Labor Office according to your place of residence.

Will they give me work off?

Náhlé úmrtí v rodině? Na tohle máte nárok! - Proženy

The employer is obliged to give you a three -day paid time off in the event of a wife or spouse's death, a second or mate or a child.In the case of parents, siblings and closer relatives or even unrelated members of your common household, you are entitled to leave on the day of funeral.If you arrange a funeral and have a document from the funeral service, then the next extra day.

Are you entitled to a widow or orphan's pension?

“If the deceased partner has met the conditions for pension, the partner or the dependent child of the deceased will be entitled to widow, widower or orphan's pension.The estate pension must be applied for at the District Social Security Administration in the place of permanent residence, ”says Mgr.Eva Jurčíková from the Internet Counseling Center Your claims.

Vdovský důchod se vyplácí rok, ale můžete ho pobírat dál v případě, že pečujete o nezaopatřené dítě, o dítě závislé na péči druhých, pečujete ve společné domácnosti o svého rodiče nebo rodiče zemřelého, jste invalidní, nebo jste starší u žen 55 a u mužů 58 let (v tomto věku by vás mohl zajímat i článek Nový trend döstädning: Úklid před smrtí.Recommended to people over 50).You are entitled to an orphan's pension if you are studying and if you have not yet reached the age of 26 years.

What about money and debts?

If you have a common account, one where you are equal to the owner, you can handle it freely.Or the deceased - the owner of the account pre -mentioned as a collection and thus you have pre -arranged rights."The owner can set how it is possible to serve the account after his death.If nothing like this is set, only the authorized person, who is most often the administrator of the inheritance, can dispose of the account after his death, ”says Patrik Madle, ČSOB press spokesman.However, you can become a court decision to the trustee - ask a lawyer if you are entitled to it in your situation, you would not have to wait months for processing.

Joint loan

If you applied for a loan together and you are in the position of a co -debtor, all agreed conditions are transferred to you.Communicate with the bank as quickly as possible even if the deceased was the main debtor and you in the loan at all do not.The debt from the consumer credit enters inheritance proceedings and you take it as an heir, so it is desirable that during the ongoing inheritance proceedings do not grow.

Reklamace odfláknuté stavby: Na co máte právo?

Za co můžete dostat výpověď? Za alkohol, absenci, ale i mail


Even in this case, do not postpone the bank's visit."If the spouses take a common mortgage and one of them dies, it is handled individually, with regard to inheritance proceedings - but it can be postponed or reduced by repayments," says Raiffeisenbank spokesman Petra Kopecká.Go to the bank also because you can expect good news."First of all, it is possible to check whether the life insurance policy from which it could be repaid," adds Jiří Vilím, Director of the Department of Risk Trades from Hypoteční banka.


Do you know that the deceased saved on a pension?It pays to find out which pension society and to speak.“You may be a person justified to pay the estate pension or surrender.You must have an officially certified copy of the Pension Pension Party Participation to the application, ”says Milan Tomášek, manager of pension products.

Do you have experience with this difficult situation?Write us!
