• 21/06/2022
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Ten things that a child should know before going to enroll on elementary school<

January 15, 20130: 33 If you have a future first year at home, you are sure to wonder if he is mature enough for school.The preschooler is probably waiting for school maturity tests in kindergarten.If not, you can take an appointment with them in a pedagogical-psychological counseling center.According to pediatric psychologists, the child should manage the following things.

When the child does not know everything when enrolling, it does not matter.He still has a good for half a year, the parents calm down.Illustration image.Photo: Dalibor Glück, Mafra

Motor skills and self -service

The preschooler should be able to jump on one leg, jump over the skipping rope, catch and throw the ball, handle simple rhythmic movement, perhaps in conjunction with a rhyme or a song, to maintain balance (when playing on sculptures), skip an obstacle.

"When it comes to fine motor skills and graphomotorics, it is important to manage the correct holding of the pencil-ideally practice using triangular crayons," says Markéta Frývaldská, psychologist of the pedagogical-psycholgic counseling center for Prague 9.

10 skills

For elementary school

  1. motorika
  2. kreslení
  3. sebeobsluha
  4. společenská pravidla
  5. pravo-levá orientace
  6. zraková paměť
  7. sluchové dovednosti
  8. rytmika
  9. správná výslovnost
  10. vyprávění

The child should be able to draw a straight line, circle, snail, upper and lower arc, wavy, square, rectangle, triangle.It should also control straight cut with scissors, gluing, threading beads and building the tower from the cubes.It is important that the hand is correctly relaxed in all activities.You should also practice the right sitting at the table.

Self -service is closely related to motor skills."This includes skills such as dressing, zipper, buttons and patents, laces, use of the cutter," calculates Frývaldská.Furthermore, personal hygiene, ie separate use of the toilet, washing hands, brushing teeth, combing.In addition, it should follow basic social rules such as greeting, request, thank you or tell adults.

Where is right and where left

The future first year should manage the right-left orientation, it should be able to distinguish images reversed according to both vertical and horizontal axes, which will be needed, for example, when reading letters P, B and D. If this distinction makes him problems, it can signal dyslexia.

Visual memory is also related to visual perception - so play a memory game, Kim's game, look for changes in the picture, the child should also be able to illustrate what is missing in the picture.Visual analysis and synthesis, ie recognition and folding parts of the whole, train with puzzles.

Hearing skills

Deset věcí, které by dítě mělo umět, než půjde k zápisu na základku

The child should be able to recognize the sounds and determine their direction.It should be able to "filter" side sounds, such as street bunches, and focus only on the most important, even human speech.It should distinguish individual words in the sentence and syllable in the word, you should be able to applaud, and identify the first (or the last sound in the word).

Training of this skill start with the words starting and ending on the consonant.Between the sixth and seventh years, it should also be able to recognize long and short voices and soft and hard syllables (DI-LS).

Crushes allowed

Proper auditory analysis is essential for speech development.Your preschooler should be able to pronounce all the sounds, the exception that usually forgives, is r and if they can't, you should definitely head to the speech therapist.

At the time of joining school, the child should know about 2,500 words.He must know what his name is, where he lives and how old he is, he does not confuse the concepts yesterday and tomorrow and can repeat the double.It is able to reproduce a short fairy tale or story - both based on your narrative and pictures.

Do not panic

"It is quite possible that your child has not yet managed to do some of these things. However, this is not a reason for delay and panic," assures parents Markéta Frývaldská."Since enrollment to school, there are about six months left and that's a long time. During it, your child can really learn a lot."

Autor: Lenka Brdková, MF DNES

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