• 20/08/2022
  • By wizewebsite

The baby has a bulge!Why is it not good to push it, even if my grandmothers did it?<

Our five -year -old son is like wild eggs, does not sit for a while and take it off from trees and fences for a while.He loves when he can climb the heights, he is only interested in a rope spider designed for much older children.He ascends to the top and just laughs when I thorn in horror and try to scratch behind him because I immediately see him with a broken head on the ground.Of course, frequent "accidents" are related to its excessive activity.

We will focus on children's injuries and first aid on the web all week.We also write about them in the current issue of Maminka magazine.

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Bumps, bruises and abrasions are almost daily in our country.I would be interested specifically the bulge.I remember that my mother and grandmother always pushed them in our childhood, the preferably chilled spoon.But it seems to me as a pretty "drastic" method and I'm afraid to try it on my son, because I wonder if I would hurt him somehow?Does the bulge on the head after a fall for such a small child any potential health risk?When can it be dangerous?And what about the push?

Catherine of., Shelves over Metuji

Sage.Silvia Bajová, pediatrician from Na Homolce Hospital

Dítě má bouli! Proč není dobré ji zatlačovat, i když to babičky dělávaly?

The so -called bulge or swelling of the subcutaneous tissues on the head usually arises after a fall or strike in the head.If any other symptoms that could signal a concussion or other tissue damage around the bulge themselves have no other symptoms in a child after an accident in addition to the bulge, you have nothing to worry about.But if, in time of hours, the child, for example, vomits, wipes his head, complains about the headaches, he manifests fatigue, drowsiness or even disorders of consciousness, or he flows from his ear, it is necessary to immediately seek medical attention.Despite all the "old Baba advice" the bulge must not be pushed, as the area of damage under the injury itself or even cause an inflammatory reaction.The best solution is to ice the affected area - you need a bag of frozen vegetables to withdraw blood vessels and small muscles around the blood vessels and swelling does not increase further.


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