• 12/11/2022
  • By wizewebsite

The best diaper is no diaper, says the promoter of natural hygiene of infants<

“A little more accurate naming is used abroad: Natural hygiene of infants.When the Czech name is heard, parents often startle that something like this does not belong to our apartments and our white seats.But the basis is not that the child does not have diapers, but the fact that we learn to communicate with it and not suppress its natural instincts, ”says Lucie Harnošová, who promotes the pillar method on the Internet, in parental courses and his own example.So raised both their children.

O jakých instinktech mluvíme?Dítě po narození umí přirozeně uvolňovat svoje svěrače, ale neumí zadržovat, to se učí postupně.In fact, we will just prepare the conditions for the pilgrimage so that children can do their need outside the diaper or outside their nest.The smaller children are, the more they show their need, unfortunately we often do not understand their signals.We think they just whine.However, if we focus, we learn to recognize the signals quite quickly, so we can take the baby and put it over the potty.

To znamená, že ideální je „bezplenkovat“ už od narození?Přesně tak, čím jsou děti menší, tím je to pro ně přirozenější.However, if we do not respond to the baby's signals, they will stop showing them in about four months.

Takže děti, které jsme navykli na plenku, už bez plen nevychováme?To ne, určitě je možné začít i se staršími miminky, ale zpravidla platí, že do půl roku je to výrazně jednodušší.As soon as the children begin to turn, sit down, tackle and walk, their head is dealing with so much that they are some excretion one.Even in children who have been accustomed to the pillar method, around one year ceases to flourish.

A large test of children's environmentally friendly diapers - which is the best?And are they really eco?

Jak tedy nejlépe začít?Nejjednodušší je si uvědomit, že miminka pravidelně vylučují po spaní a po nakrmení.When we start watching them at these intervals, we will not give them a diaper and prepare a special potty, we can catch it beautifully.

But the smallest children come to such an urge much more often...Sure, then we can try to observe the signals.For the first two or three months it is really simple: the child is crying, does not want to feed, does not calm down when we are buried, is simply dissatisfied.When we try to unpack the baby at that moment and leave it over the potty, it will probably pee and calm down.

You said yourself that at a time of significant psychomotor jumps, even with otherwise smooth children will start problems.Yes, it is usually a few days when it stops doing well, and it is usually related to a significant developmental jump.But it can also be at a time when the baby starts to grow teeth or when the disease is approaching.Although we do not see any symptoms yet, the child's organism is starting to deal with the disease.However, when the child begins to walk, there will be a longer -term period when even those who have managed the first year without diaper will start wearing it.

Lucie Harnošová is a promoter of a fleet method.

Nejlepší plenka je žádná plenka, říká propagátorka přirozené hygieny kojenců

And parents become disappointed that all the work has been released.Therefore, I always emphasize that it is not the point that children are completely out of diapers or start going to the potty as soon as possible.Much more important is communication with them.The child perceives intensively that we are able to respond to his signals - he feels so safe with us.Even if we give up in the year, it is essential what we experienced together at the beginning.Disappointment that a child is not in the year without a diaper is not appropriate.

Fully Communication Method (BKM)

Fully Communication Method (BKM), v angličtině elimination communication (komunikace o vylučování), vychází z toho, že novorozenec přirozeně nelibě nese, když si znečistí plenku neboli svoje hnízdo.Therefore, the parent can use the appropriate timing, the child's signals and the own intuition to solve its excretion without diapers (they usually work only as a fuse).Once parents recognize the appropriate moment, it allows the child to do their need in a suitable location - above a special potty, sink or toilet.Practice BKM, which is based on traditional natural nations and emphasizes communication and harmony with a child, is possible, partly or occasionally.

Jenže některé maminky se možná až příliš upnou na to, že zvládnou péči bez plen, ne?Přesně tak.And then become unnecessarily nervous.The pad should become a natural part of our daily life such as breastfeeding.Once we are stressful, we want to be perfect or we will blame each other that we have no signal, then they do not serve us.

A nebojí se maminky, že jim tahle péče zabere příliš času a že se všechno bude točit kolem nočníku?Některé se opravdu bojí, ale tak to obvykle funguje jen na začátku, kdy se to s miminkem učíme.Before we can recognize signals, it takes more attention to, but it takes a few days.As soon as we can, it will become a normal part of our day.However, if this mother method was to make a significant nervous nervous, it is better to slow down, calmly try only a partial pillar.

Co to znamená?Že doma můžeme mít miminko bez plen, ale jakmile jsme na cestách nebo řešíme noc, dítěti je dáme.Or we can only slam the cocoa, even if we only managed it, it is a great progress.And we don't have to solve the problem later that the baby doesn't want to go to the toilet at the age of three.

What do you think of a folding method?

celkem hlasů:3778

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Myslím si, že maminky sotva mají čas celý den sledovat signály miminka ohledně vylučování2885
Je to přínos pro maminku i dítě, mám s ní dobré zkušenosti nebo plánuji ji vyzkoušet, až budu mít vlastní děti685
Nevím, nezajímá mě to208

Just traveling, visits, nights or babysitting can do mothers worry.At that moment care without diaper is difficult.All situations can be solved, there is no problem to show my grandmother what the paste looks like, visiting it is possible to move away.But it does not matter at all if we give a diaper in such situations.

Nezkazí se tím celý princip?Kdepak, děťátka sama dobře vědí, kdy má smysl dávat signály, kdy na ně někdo reaguje.What matters is that even a partial fold method supports mutual contact and communication with parents.

A co v noci?Metodu můžeme pohodlně praktikovat i v noci, ale každopádně funguje pojistka, tedy dát dítěti plenku.However, if we are sure how it works at our baby at night, we do not have to give it to him at all.Both my children slept in the summer without a diaper, which was very pleasant in the heat.

Je bezplenková metoda vhodná pro každé zdravé dítě?Ano, spíš jde o to, že ne každý rodič je na takovou metodu připraven.

We are at our excessive fears again...Sure, I still think that a partial pillar would be able to handle almost everyone.From experience I know that parents who learn about the method will begin to notice more what their child suggests to them.It is then up to them if they find it meaningful.

Je možné se bezplenkovou metodu někde naučit, nebo je nutné spoléhat jen na intuici a internet?V celé republice existují kurzy, které maminkám vřele doporučuji.In them moms will catch various practical problems.He hears from women who cared for children in this way, how it worked, they can ask everything that interests them.Ideally, such a course is still taken during pregnancy so that they can observe the signals from their birth to communicate their baby with them.