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The broken mafioso spoke."Nineties" in truth.Many freezeParliamentnilisty.cz - Politics from all sides<

In the television series Ninetal, which on Sunday evening brings the atmosphere of organized crime of the 1990s, is the main villain Ivan Jonák, owner of Discoland Sylvie, whose extravagance is played by actor Michal Novotný.

In the first episode of the series, however, a character that actually had a much greater influence in the underworld than the boasting Libeň discopapha, which we have written about how its first millions earned the Velvet Revolution in the past.

We wrote:

Actor Richard Němec presents Antonín Bělu, considered the king of the Czech underworld of the 1990s.Or their first halves before the commander's commanders waited for him in his own house, which has not been convicted to this day.

"The shot man was involved in illegal shops and reportedly had contacts with the mafia," Eva Jurinová read on TV Nova in April 1996.In the spirit of new news only after the viewers introduced the number of bullets in the body and information that someone tried to kill someone in the past.However, the name of the murdered in the post did not fall.

The reportage appeared in the two -part documentary series semi -World on CT2.The White Story was told through his murder and various versions that the police investigated.

In the end, Pavel Šrytr, a bit fantastic figure of the Czech underworld, stood in court.Former elite police officer from the Rapid Deployment Unit worked as Bodyguard Antonín Běla's last few years of his life.After his death he was to work for František Mrázek and even later for entrepreneurs Tomáš Pitr.

We wrote:

Then he even ran for the Chamber of Deputies for the DSSS."I have three children and I would like them to live here well to be proud of where they come from.But when I see what is happening here, it is not possible, so it is necessary to change it, ”he urged before the 2013 elections.

We wrote:

We also wrote about his investigation in connection with the murder of the white.Including that police officers were to put pressure on witness to testify to Šrytr's disadvantage.

Kolotočář, který učil Frantu Mrázka


What does Putin do?

Zaútočí na celou Ukrajinu 1% Zaútočí na východ Ukrajiny 3% Pošle oficiální síly na Donbas 2% Nepodnikne vojenskou akci 94%hlasovalo: 13275 lidí Druhý díl ale začíná tak, že syn Antonína Běly Jaroslav ve vězeňském mundúru v Jiřicích vzpomíná, kterak jej otec vedl k tomu, že Běla je něco víc. „Hodně zlata, v sedmnácti jsem měl nejnovější mercedes pětistovku,” vyprávěl hned na úvod dílu, který byl dominantně věnován jeho otci.

In addition to the family from Úvaly near Prague, the second part also represented the document and insight into the world of merry -go -rounds and other fairground professions bringing into business quite specific customs and aesthetics.Antonín Běla came from this subculture.

The second formative influence of the "king of the underworld" was his Roma origin.He had to face prejudices even from his closest allies.Jaroslav Běla said in the documentary that when he fell in love with the daughter of František Mrázek, who was the closest business partner of his father at that time, it was a shame for him in the VIP company that the girl was "pulling with a half -class".

According to Jaroslav Kmenta, the division of work was such that František Mrázek as a "godfather" dealt with business things, while Běla decided who could come to harm, and basically as a king managed internal conditions in Czech organized crime.

Zlomený mafián promluvil. „Devadesátky” po pravdě. Mnohé zamrazí | ParlamentniListy.cz – politika ze všech stran

Běla and Mrázek was a firmly interconnected couple who recognized each other by Mrázek somewhere in the pub offered sausages made by his father.White is said to have liked young Mrázek because he would talk to anyone.Thus they started to "do business" in illegal imports from the West and before 1989 both of them started to thrive very much.

The curious completion of the pre -revolutionary career of František Mrázek (murdered just sixteen years ago) offered an interview in the current reflex with a Serbian artist who then studied in Prague at the Academy of Fine Arts and Mrázek met at the Alcron Hotel.The deal that perhaps half of all tourists who came from Yugoslavia changed money with him.”

Do polistopadových časů vstupoval Běla jako „kápo” a Mrázek byl podle svědectví syna původně otcovým žákem.

„Pamatuju si, jak nám nosil domů miliony svázaný páskama z banky,” vyprávěl Běla synátor.But in the end the teacher left the teacher.

The document was remembered by the first big fraud with a credit from the Bohemia bank of 250 million.He did Mrázek, but he admitted only 47 million, and that was the first big problem among them.

Although he said he had hired a dirty work until the last moment of white and his soldiers."Dad did for Mr. Mrázek things he hadn't had. Ať fyzicky, nebo psychicky,” vyprávěl syn.

And in this business, he was the most successful in the event of the other Běl,.Including such delicacies that his men split in half, one bunch began to threaten entrepreneurs and the other offered him protection for high money.

It was just in these events that Běla was the safest.His story, which the documentary told, began in 1974 by the murder of a police officer in the assault of the post office in Prague, Těšnov.Běla was suspicious, but due to lack of evidence escaped.

Yet he ended up in prison in the 1970s and his criminal record had over ten crime items for violent and property.

"My husband was a businessman, my husband was no criminal. On byl organizátor, on všechny vedl a řídil,” vzpomínala pro Český rozhlas Marie Bělová, která zemřela na konci roku 2020.

We wrote:

Syn zase vzpomínal, že mu otec říkal, „školu nepotřebuješ, já ti dám jinou školu”.And his apparently enjoyed watching his father punish naughty mafia and how they are afraid of him.

Criminalist Hynek Hair described white by saying: ”Old school, shop with everything possible.Calmly with violence, with drugs.” Už za komunistů měl být recidivista Běla jedním z nejbohatších občanů Klánovic, kde jeho žena dokonce směla soukromě prodávat nedostatkové zboží, a podle některých svědků se v době, kdy průměrný měsíční plat byl kolem dvou tisíc, v jejich domácnosti scházelo pět až deset tisíc denně.

”Until 1989 we were decent entrepreneurs. Byli jsme světští, jezdili jsme se stánkama,” vyprávěl syn Jaroslav.Then he said, but no one knew how much it went.

Vyprávění Běly juniora pokračuje tím, že když jej propustili z první vazby, řekl mu otec, „tebe jsem nezrodil, abys seděl”, a poslal jej řídit do Plzně rodinný luxusní nevěstinec pro německou klientelu.

„Měl velký respekt, protože byl pověstný tím, že v žádném případě nevyjednával, měl brutální sílu a uplatňoval ji a bylo mu to všechno jedno,” popsal pozici otce Běly novinář Kmenta.

Antonín Běla.Screen broadcasting CT2

The wife admitted that he was capable of almost everything, but apparently did not kill, journalists are inventing it.According to one of the police officers, however, his methods of work fully corresponded to his psychological category of the associate of aggressive nature and as such were the conditions of the Czech underworld very effective. Je však pravda, že jak jeho pozice sílila, měl na černou práci své „vojáky”.

This was illustrated by a story that the entrepreneur disappeared the truck with the goods, turned to the White, and within fourteen days Běla brought him in the trunk of his car tied up and gave it to the entrepreneur to deal with him at his discretion.

Gradually, Běla reached an even higher level - the international underworld, which at that time in the Czech Republic had a very significant location.The document describes its anabasis with Russian and Armenian gangs that ended with one group of Armenian mafias ended up at the White in the house in Úvaly.

„My jsme jim poskytli zázemí a oni toho začali zneužívat,” pustil se do obsáhlého vyprávění syn.Father and his people were thinking about how to get rid of them.Eventually they decided to throw them away from the Alien Police, and that was the task of the shirt, at that time the white closest associate.”He went to the night by police president Tomášek that he knew him personally and that he would arrange it.” Ve čtyři ráno se vrátil a v půl šesté k Bělovi do domu vtrhla zásahovka, která kromě Arménů zajistila i jiné věci, především množství zbraní a trhavin.

And also the driving license of Mr. Šrytra who lived with the white.According to my son's memories he had his own room there and his father took care of him nicely.But ascetic cops dressed in elite formations, however.

Kde sloužil, tam vraždil...

Běla junior, despite the verdict of the court, thinks it was a shyter who killed his father.His mother is said to have been blasted from the body under the hood in a bunch of sniper, which blasted Antonín Belu, recognized the former sublease.

"Where did he serve there, murdered there. A to není hezký,” vykládal s pevným pohledem do kamery syn Běla. „Když pro někoho děláte, tak k němu máte být loajální, a ne do něj vystřílet zásobník, okrást ho a znesvětit všechno, co bylo svatý,” uzavřel v dokumentu Běla junior svůj pohled na věc.

At the very end of the show, however, the prisoner thoughtfully said:.I think that if Mrázek or Dad had the opportunity to decide again, they would decide to live and not for the money.See how it all ended as we did, the children.We are all unhappy and in a way marked.And if the parents said they were doing it for us - they didn't do it for us.If they did it for us, we are somewhere else now.Unfortunately they did it for themselves.”

We wrote:

Očernění Karla Gotta. Po TV show přišel dopis: Jak jste mohli? Celé jinakNikdo neměl vědět: Havel se snažil pomoci kriminalistům, kteří vyšetřovali ČSSD a Klausovu ODS. Marně. Krev tekla dálDo Sněmovny se může dostat legendární vyšetřovatelka Hofmanová. Byla například u Orlických vraždMrázek přikázal, aby mu opatřili diplomatický pas. Své věděla taky BIS... Tomáš Sokol, Karel Randák a temná 90. léta

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The article contains labels

Czech Television, Krejcir, Mafia, Mrázek, Bela, nineties

Author: Jakub Vosáhlo