• 28/03/2023
  • By wizewebsite

The right time for a baby - Babyweb.cz<

Expert opinion:

I know it. The first and big dilemma is how to combine career and motherhood. Once a woman gets on the bandwagon of the labor process, it is very difficult to get off. In addition to individual development, we are directed throughout childhood and youth. Parents try to lead their children to sports to learn to overcome difficulties. They learn languages ​​in order to have an open door to foreign countries. All of this is very beneficial, but we are mainly leading children to the fact that they need to use their time to the maximum for their own needs.

However, few children learn teamwork. Children's collectives, such as scouts and various hiking groups, where children learn not only to develop individually, but also to live in a group, take care of the weaker or younger, help each other, where they gain common experiences (singing with the guitar, walking in nature, etc.) , are minimally represented today.

So it is very difficult after about thirty years of an individual life (and I do not mean that it was somehow less valuable) to leave all my work activities, private interests and completely subordinate my time to building a family, raising a child and cementing a family collective.

The right time for a child - Babyweb.cz

It really depends on what kind of child is born. It can be very calm and mild, and then the woman has enough time to readjust, for example to combine partial work activities or hobbies with taking care of the baby. However, a crying, restless, sleepless child can be born, a woman may have to take care of the newborn alone, and then the first months of motherhood are really a test. It is also difficult to cope with loneliness.

Motherhood in the first months represents a very definite change in lifestyle. From the hustle and bustle of work, when a woman is forced to communicate with many people, suddenly she is at home only with a baby, who is usually crying. Actually, she is very immersed in the silence of her own thoughts and often has to reassess and balance her life so far. That's a lot of pressure and not everyone is ready for it.

Doubts are right

Doubts about various decisions in life are fundamentally right and one should devote enough time to them. It teaches us to realize what we actually want in life, what is important and valuable to us and what brings meaning to our life.

It is very useful to talk about them, say them out loud and then find out whether they contain fear of the unknown or whether it is a fear of change, the need to give more of yourself and your time than before.

The beginning of motherhood is also a time to think about life's priorities, values ​​and meaning, even though it sounds like a cliché written this way. The daily hustle and bustle of work often does not make us think about the meaning of what we are doing, because there are too many tasks to handle.

The important question is whether children and family bring meaning to our lives and whether we are willing to sacrifice a lot for them. Specific questions about how things will go with the child, whether I will be able to do it and whether it will be possible to combine work and caring for the young, then come second.

The psychologist answered: Kateřina Hollá