• 17/06/2022
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The water from the ears must out - Vitalia.cz<

Such a rush in the surgeries like ear doctors does not remember this year.The long warm summer lured to the water anywhere, and the swimming season is far from over.Do you want to know what to do to keep staying in the water with painful inflammation of the ear canal?

Autor: Isifa.cz

Swimming may end in great ear pain.Water quality in this case does not matter at all

Those who have experienced it describe inflammation of the ear canal as the worst pain in life."It was impossible to sleep, could not be baked, no pain pills helped, I couldn't do anything about it, I just felt that my head would jump in pain," says 16 -year -old Martin Kotěra, as he ended up one August weekend spent in the water in the old oldquarry."We had to go to the ear hospital."

And only in the office doctors could help him."People usually perceive the inflammation of the ear canal as worse pain than the middle ear inflammation," admits the Brno ENT doctor Martina Šumberová.She also had a full office this year with the same problem: their bathing ended in great ear pain.

"This year people were a lot by the water, so the consequences of swimming were enough to know in our country, after all - it is far from over," says the doctor.“From the inflammation of the middle ear, which occurs, for example, when cold and cold, the inflammation of the external ear canal differs both in pain and emotionally.The pain is as worse, but one normally hears, while in the middle ear inflammation the patient perceives all sounds as if from a distance, poorly heard everything from the outside, ”the doctor describes.And what is going on?

Water must out of the ear out

Inflammation of the external ear canal is a typical water disease.So people who dive a lot like to swim with their heads underwater or jump into the water.You can bring it from an exotic holiday by the sea as well as from the pool and from the pond behind the house.It is not about water quality, but that the water sticks in the ear and does not get out.

Voda z uší musí ven - Vitalia.cz

First aid after each bathing is therefore logical: trying to try the water that lay your ear, always shake out before you return to the pool again: by jumping, rubbing the ear with a towel, in young children a handkerchief, or even lightweight cotton rod.But beware: do not go deep in the ear with the stick, otherwise you can push the sebaceous plug and not only do not shake the water, but you will reliably get inflammation.

Healthy ear does not matter.But just a little extra sebum

In a healthy ear, the water does not normally stay and spontaneously flows out.But it is enough for the ear to be tapered with accumulated sebum, the ear canal is narrower and the water has no way to leak out due to surface tension.The ear will lie down.Sometimes it is enough to wait until the morning when the water flows through the body and pressure on the pillow.But if this fails, you should go to the doctor, because another two or three days and the originally unpleasant ear develops painful inflammation of the external ear canal.This implies the lesson: to clean the ears well before bathing, but not to push the sebum deep to prevent the audience to avoid.

Anatomy also plays a role here.Someone simply has the misfortune that they suffer from the ears from the water because the ear canal is tapered by various growths.Only earplugs in water or minor surgery will help here.The ear doctor will advise you whether or your child is suitable for you.

People with a disturbed ear drum often have a problem in water, where the water can leak up to the inner ear, where it gets out of it and is almost certain that it will cause inflammation.Therefore, if, after an accident or accident that caused the ears, you skip swimming and playing in the water for two or three months until the drum grows, otherwise you are caring for a painful problem.

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When the ear hurts to go crazy

But all this is prevention.Every advice is expensive if the lying ear starts to hurt.Although it is always a signal to go to the doctor, but especially for crying children it is about how to survive the night, journey and waiting in the office.“First aid is to take alcohol and drip it into the affected ear.Not because of disinfection, but to calm the irritated ear canal, ”advises the ear physician Martina Šumberová.

The advice with alcohol is also suitable as prevention when you dive a lot and rampage in the water and you still have to shake water from the laying ears.You will prevent inconvenience when you drip alcohol at the end of the day to calm the ear canal.

Loaded ears with water and inflammation of the ear canal - first aid and prevention

By the way: if you want to dive on holiday, it is good to see the ear physician in advance, because there are diseases for which diving is forever taboo.For example, this is a bad function of Eustach's tube, a narrowed ear canal, a cracked drum, a poorly functioning larynx - these are all things that only a doctor discover, you don't have to know about them at all.

Read: How to clean your ears properly?No