• 21/08/2022
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We can teach independence - Novinky.cz<

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Also his ability to realize, such as finding a suitable job after study, could be a problem that the germ in the aforementioned toddler age.

“The first signs of independence begin to show around the sixth month of age.At that time, the infant begins to sit alone, can grasp objects, toys and pass them on one hand to another.Around the eleventh month of age children try to get up, walk, eat or start to wash alone, "said MUDr.Julita Melanowski from the Medicinal Center Promedis in Krakow, Poland.

Parents' task is to guide children to gradual improvement by presenting suitable toys that strengthen abilities."Thus, parents give the child the opportunity to explore new items, try and improve their new activities," added doctor Melanowska.

Children like to mimic adults and try to follow them in each activity, all of them repeat.There is no need to make this activity easier for them.When a child has a need to reach for a toy, let her go for her if it is in his power.

Let's not raise the children when they fall down

"Let the children get up for themselves after the fall.After the task succeeds, let's praise him.He will be happy to repeat what he has already succeeded and will consolidate his faith in himself, ”advises parents and grandparents to MUDr.Melanowian.

Unfortunately, many of the parents too exaggerate their protective function in the child's life and unknowingly brake its independent development.According to Melanowski is unforgivable if parents make a life easier for a child from an early age because their function remains mostly for the rest of their lives.

From the potty to a spoon to buttons

Již nemluvňata můžeme učit samostatnosti - Novinky.cz

One of the important developmental stages is the transition from diapers to potty.Already at the age of seven eight months, when a child can sit alone, his parents can show him a potty and try to sit on him.Although the offspring certainly will not know what the potty is for, it can start to get used to it.Parents can also sit on the potty of a doll or a favorite ced and explain to the child what it serves.Of course we don't leave the child on a potty for a long time, only a few minutes to "touch".

Another important stage is separate feeding or drinking.The annual children usually manage to drink themselves from the mug or hit the spoon in the mouth.Another turning point is using a fork.Some children (girls tend to be gifted) can eat with a fork at the age of two, most children can do it around the third year.After all, in many Czech state kindergartens in the enrollment require independence not only in dressing but also in food.

Childhood habits will last a lifetime

At the same time, it is time to learn to automatically wash your hands and face after eating.This is related to the cleaning of teeth after meals.The way the child learns this in childhood will remain for him all his life.

The child's leadership to a lighter domestic work accelerates the pace of its personal and physical development.

I alone, I myself

Around the second year of life, the child wakes up in the child and the need to do everything himself.Parents certainly know so much repeated phrase "I myself, I myself".

“Certainly to the child to do to do what he wants to try independently.Although it will take longer than if we did the same activity and with greater problems. Rodiče nechť se obrní trpělivostí a neporovnávají děti mezi sebou, jako že jedno si obulo botičky opačně a druhé se dokázalo obout správně, a podobně,“ potvrdilaMelanowian.

Dětem by rodiče měli i několikrát opakovat, jak se některé činnosti dělají a proč jsou důležité. Například, proč se nejdřív zkontroluje teplota vody v napuštěné vaně, než se do ní ponoří. Proč se na silničním přechodu vždy rozhlížíme i několikrát doleva i doprava.

For example, a two -year -old child can dress himself, a three -year -old child can choose underwear and socks from the cabinet, but has problems with the button fastening.Therefore.

Preschoolers are already independent

Preschoolers can do daily activities starting with pure teeth through dressing, cleaning toys to help in the kitchen or in the garden.For example, they can bring garbage to the garbage, help younger siblings or friend with dressing.

„Se čtyř až pětiletými dětmi se dá společně domlouvat denní program, plánovat výlet, vůbec by se měly začít aktivně zapojovat do chodu rodiny,“ připomnělaMelanowian.

The schoolboy is gradually becoming part of the world of adults, so it is necessary to praise it and praise.Must be sure of his action.Parents should try to keep calm, should try to be patient and understanding.
