• 22/07/2022
  • By wizewebsite

We send children to the world of money.But we don't talk to them about money at all<

In the previous interview, we talked about what motivated employees in addition to salary and the psychology of time.I would like to get to the topic of money and raising children now.What makes parents most often mistakes?

The vast majority of parents want children to understand the financial world better than they are, but the families are hardly talking about money.

What do they talk to children about?

For example, about how big the family budget is, what revenues it makes up, how much it costs housing, energy, food and the like.The child must make these things an idea quite early.Parents send him to the world of money, so she should understand that a bathtub full of hot water costs something or that parents earn a whole year on holiday.

Do they learn financial literacy at school?

In recent years the basics of financial literacy have begun to appear in the classroom, but so far it is at the very beginning.There is a great disproportion between the importance of money and generally all financial and economic matters in our lives, and how much time they spend on these topics.

Is economic psychology to, for example, how a parent should handle a pocket money for a child?

Of course.

What is the ideal amount to get a child?

The amount of pocket money or what the child spends money is not so essential.Rather, it is what a parent of the parents give pocket money to the children.

Do you know how to regularly?

Yes.If a child gets money suddenly whenever she says, there is a lower chance of learning to work with money reasonably and maybe save something.It is also a big problem when parents succumb to the child's pleading and give them extra money outside pocket money - the child says he does not have to save because he will eventually get the money somewhere.You need to do it completely the opposite and the money outside the pocket money does not give.This will teach that if he wants to buy something, he must first save and not spend his nonsense - that is, to postpone his pleasures for later.This is a key feature for the child.

Is it good to give pocket money to children from a young age?

The majority opinion is that yes, approximately from the beginning of school attendance.

And at what time intervals?

Initially, a shorter interval is recommended, for example once a week.The older the child is, the good it is to extend the interval up to a month and proportionally to increase the total sum.It is very important that the intervals between pocket money are always clearly given.And as I said, not to retreat from.

What about another form of pocket money?I remember that as a kid I got money, for example, for painting a fence or working in the garden.

If they are exceptional work that makes a child once in a while, it's all right.The problem is if the child receives money for work he does every day or week.

Posíláme děti do světa peněz. Jenže s nimi o penězích vůbec nemluvíme


Because money changes inner motivation for the outer.What a child would do before voluntarily will not do without reward.Among the psychologists is told the story of an old gentleman who was going to play under the windows to play children.They shouted terribly, and his groaled.Do you know what would make a mistake?

If he started screaming at them?

Yes, tím větší by mu pravděpodobně dělaly naschvály.He did the opposite, called them to the window and told them he liked him as they play under the windows.In addition, he promised them to give them twenty when they come to play tomorrow.This is how they went to play the first, second and third day, and the gentleman gave them a reward every time.When they came on the fourth day, he told them he had changed his mind and that no money would give them anymore.The children were offended and said they would go to play elsewhere.And had peace from them.

That's cunning!

If you want to discourage a child reliably from any activity, start paying for it and stop after a while.This is going to go back.When you pay a child regularly for housework or benefit, she will always expect a reward for.


Vojtěch Hodboď si povídá s českou psychologickou špičkou. Sledujte rozhovory na Finmagu:

Chips and cola

In the previous interview we talked about successful people more often focused on the future.You said it was an ability that can be largely influenced by upbringing.So what should parents lead to children?

Education can be really influenced as the child will later be successful.Children need to teach to postpone pleasure for later and not get everything right away.They find out that they certainly need to strive for things, and then they will appreciate more of them.Otherwise, there is a risk that they will become people who live from payday to payday - they will not spare anything and think about a few weeks ahead.

You yourself have two small children.How do you try to raise them to maintain learned habits in the team of other children?

The more you control the child, the greater the chance that as soon as you disappear as a controller, the child will break the rules.Need to be raised so that the child has an "inner parent" that keeps him guarded.Education should do parents very kindly and sensitively, because if you are too haunted when you are too strict, they will create a strict parent in yourself, will still be punished and have low self -esteem.If you do not check it at all, it will not have any control mechanisms and will be like a missile.Both extremes are wrong.

What does the middle way look like?

Parents should patiently explain why things are as they are.Why do a thing want from him, what makes sense if she does it.The same thing if parents do not like something.Far better than bans is to explain to the child why they do not consider it correct.And last but not least to teach the child to start deciding as soon as possible to transfer responsibility to him.Ask him how he would do something, what he finds right to find his views on the world around.So you will probably raise a separate and responsible child you will not have to care for all the time.

Isn't practice the opposite?

Yes.A lot of parents are troubled by the fact that they have to remind children and control them all the time.But if you ask them if they ever gave the child responsibility, the answer that no.They wouldn't have done it.But how should the child learn?If the parent still checks everything, he just makes a problem.Everything to control is terribly debilitating.

Aren't parents afraid that children will make a mistake without them?

Just make it!In most cases it is good, mistakes belong to learning and development.

And how to react if the child makes a mistake?

At that moment the parent must be as kind as possible.Because if parents are punished for mistakes, they will be afraid of failure later and do not go to any risk just to make a mistake.It is better to explain to the child what has done wrong to realize it and require that - if possible - the mistake remedies.He will take the feeling that he has moved further, will not repeat the mistake next time, and he will not be afraid to go forward.

What if this is an important topic - for example, eating or the aforementioned money management?When I recently talked about it with my parents, they cut off that it is not easy because I have not yet "had a sense" of it as a child.

This is a frequent excuse.Again, you need to go gradually and the child asks about those important questions since childhood: How do you think it looks the ideal diet?What do you spend pocket money on?And what do other children spend on?This will find out what the child has about the topic of knowledge, there may be some agreement or modifications, and may not worry that once the child goes to the camp, he will eat chips and cola.

Eva Höschlová

She studied psychology at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University, where she also defended her doctorate.Today he teaches objects focused on psychodiagnostics and economic psychology.In addition, she has been working as a senior consultant at Qed for more than ten years, helping individuals, teams and companies to discover new ways to work (together) to cost less effort, money, time and bring more energy, profit, opportunities.In recent years, however, he has been most devoted to his two small children, with whom he has enjoyed and discovered every day with his own words.

I already hear parents.“We are curious about you when you have the kids alone.It is not so easy with all the duties! ”

But education needs time!This is a general rule for any work with people, let alone with children.Education requires to be and talk to children.Not on them but with them.In adulthood there are big differences between children to whom parents devoted to and those they had no time.Parents often replace the lack of time to a child by buying him all that he wants to just to silence them.Better is to go the patient way. Yes, je to někdy námaha.But believe that such an investment will return many times in the future.

Now it sounds a little bit of an upbringing affects everything.On the contrary, do the congenital personality characteristics of the child also play a role?

Certainly yes, a number of personality qualities that affect not only the treatment of money is congenital.We are also influenced by the culture we live in.In other words, we often behave as our wider surroundings behave.Education is therefore only one piece of all over the mosaic.However the main one that parents can somehow affect.