• 03/08/2022
  • By wizewebsite

Where did the baby disappear?Petr Fischer over the document every minute of life<

Kam zmizelo dítě? Petr Fischer nad dokumentem Každá minuta života

Throughout the concept of KameVeda, invented by Paul, who in this way helped his son of the same name to the NHL, reflects a marketing non -freedom in which people act as future goods on the specific labor market for elected individuals.

In particular, some nausea evokes the awareness that the "perfect man is produced", which is further enhanced by all reminiscences on the historical forms of this human -producing totalitarianism: from Nazi Lebensborn to Socialist Dril Soviet dormitory and barracks.Only in the case of Hanuliak's or preserves this total power does not lead mass ideology, but an individualistic theory of some free self-realization, which, however.

Complex multi -arousing upbringing of children, as its inventor calls its method, looks like another alternative holistic pedagogy following the example of Rudolf Steiner.In a particular form, there are some sectarian features on the canvas over time, which are traditionally criticized on Steiner's pedagogical thinking system, which allegedly did not completely avoid the fascist attraction.

The election and the correctness of their own path, subliminally interpreted as the right way to happiness, instructions for a good life, are ideally explained to Mišek when he asks in one sequence about the fate of the homeless he saw from the car.The interpretation of the mother - the homeless did not learn and worked, did not care about himself, as Misko does during his training, so now the gentleman has no place to sleep and what to eat - is both cut out of the ideology of work that is both socialist and capitalist totalitarianism.This is also related to the objectivization or prejudicement of human existence, which then becomes more easily made or subject to manipulation.

Dokumentaristka Erika Hníková točila v porodnici: Češi si neradi stěžujíSALON

But what shines most strongly from the film is a claustrophobic aseptic environment in which Misko is to look for himself according to the right rhythm of Kamevéda.It becomes a parental dream of a successful offspring and most of all the function of time that acts here as the most precious currency you need to use to bring profit."Every minute of life" must be used and programmed, self-implementation cannot be progressed in boredom and relative nothing or second, everything must be targeted, aiming at the future big goal.Life catches the rhythm from here: from the vision of the future exceptional, famous and successful man - this vision is subordinated to everything.

Loneliness of the Kamevedian runner

Aseptic austere, non -contact detachment and prejudice thus programmed people resemble the basic tuning of the three -year -old fiction film Adam Sedlák Domestik.The aging top cyclist is programmed in his dream of victory by doping and endless training doses, so at the end there will be only a dehumanized machine, unable to do any relationship.

Kam zmizelo dítě? Petr Fischer nad dokumentem Každá minuta života

Instead of Kamevéda, chemistry works here, but programming has only a different form or a material, in principle it works the same.I a goal is the same: uniqueness in a certain hierarchy, success and applause of the audience.

Among the most painful shots of the "documentary domestic" director Erika Hníková are the moments of the first Mišk's glory.Not perhaps in the final measurement with four -year -old peers practicing Kameveda, in which Misko perhaps for the first time finds true happiness and joy, but where the boy with peers is completely missed.When he plays basketball with his parents when he sings for the audience of older relatives English song.The hands of possible friends are almost already stretched, but there is no time for them, every minute of life is occupied by a higher goal and its fulfillment.We follow the loneliness of the Kamevedian runner.

How to smell properly, how to live properly

Since Friedrich Nietzsche "killed" God so that he could rise again in many other forms, the most divine figures appear in human form.French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre helped this and at the same time defended by God by doing all of us when, in reference to Heidegger's ontological considerations and Kierkegaard's sinking anxiety and abyss of nonsense, he described the existence as "self-project".God is one's own self, our own subjectivity we have been working on all our lives as the possibilities we are trying to fulfill somehow.And nothing but this self-God should not speak to this work on ourselves.This is also true freedom: realizing yourself as a project.

Nechci si stěžovat, že se svět mění, říká režisér Olmo OmerzuMFF KV

"If I constitute myself as an understanding of some possibilities, as my possibilities, I have to admit the existence of this possibility at the end of my project and grasp it as myself, there, in the future awaiting and separated from me with nothing," writes Sartre in his main work of beingand nothingness.

The modern world, this demanding concept of existence, which is still projected into the future and accepts its possibilities through which it takes place, somewhat simplified by translation into a utilitarian marketing language, which has permeated the media world, crowded today with all sorts of guidance on how to cook, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink correctBetter flowers, smell, cooked, love, perceive how to live properly.Instructions for Life, Life Style and Self-Help Literature have become so part of everyday life that we do not even take them as instructions.

Another layer of self-projection, which is advertising on yourself, is also related to advice to the right life, which is everywhere..It is no longer enough for the program of life correctly, preferably on the basis of expert scientific advice from the lifestyle magazine, to set up, but you must also be able to sell it publicly.It is no longer enough to realize yourself as a project, but the project must also have its sales.Market application.

Every minute of life shows that even the projects or programs of the child's upbringing is of great interest, because the desire for public market recognition, which modern ubiquitous mediality has been enhanced, is like any desire to the bottomless and in principle not fulfillable.Follow the program of upbringing, which is scientifically, polite or experience as the right way to success, it is possible to choose the free choice of parents, but it is also an existential alibi that parents to a large extent deprivate responsibility for opening the existence of another as the space of freedom.


Probably that is why the nausea arises from which it was discussed.Erika Hníková's whole film We watch Miška in the cage of the Kamevéda system, so the question is constantly hanging in the air: Do we have the right to put such a cage to the child just because it is our own?That it is the body of our body, the blood of our blood, that is, we, our parents?And where is the boundary that we cannot cross, where it must not go in education and its concept?When is the child still a separate human being, and when the monkey in the cage of parentally targeted dressage?When is the parent a teacher-guide, and when is the rumor?

These are all the questions that the film opens but leaves them unconscious because it remains artistically closed to a cage that shows the.The director wanted to leave the film without a significant imprint of her own opinion, did not want to judge, yet we can read the opinion in the artistic smoothness of the mold in which the filmed material edited.Therefore, the crazy feelings and impressions - where did the child disappear?

Discussion with Father Miška, who took place at the world premiere at the Karlovy Vary festival and during the journalistic screening of the film in Prague, somewhat dull this sharp fear of a child that was deprived of natural social ties that one of the early age as an explicit social animal (we become.Only through the other in which we get to know each other and thanks to which we adapt our self-project).Miško is seven years old today, skating with friends and is well.But leaning from the cage of Kamevéda does not mean that they will not return to it.

The whole time I have been watching the story of education à la Hanuliak on the screen and in the cinema, actually the most important question - the question of freedom.The classic of Czech child psychology Zdeněk Matějček recommended that the child from a third raise family, school and streets, among other things because in each of these environment freedom and limitation show differently.It is also the only defense against not to be so easily reached in comfortable KameVedas, in the programs of answers without the necessary questions.
