• 01/11/2022
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Catastrophe.Pope Francis is a disaster for the Catholic Church.I pray for his conversion, says Catholic historian |Parliamentnilisty.cz - Politics from all sides<


Is Bohuslav WITHobotka a better prime minister than Mirek Topolánek?

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How do you perceive the role of Pope Francis around the WITHynod, which concerned the position of the family in today's society and the holy communion of divorced, or its helpfulness to active homosexuals?And how do you perceive his apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia (the joy of love)?Is not endangered by easier marriage separation and possible holy communion of divorced sacrament of marriage and the sacrament of the Eucharist?

Francis' appearance in this role, the adhort of amoris laetitia, and in particular his statements on the plane when returning from the island of Lesbos clearly showed on whose side the Pope stands: On the side of those who require divorced living in illegitimate volumesthey had to - just as before - to commit to live "as a brother and sister".The adhort was identified by an excellent Italian Catholic historian Roberto de Mattei as a "disaster".I fully agree with him.

How do you perceive that it is inclined to the holy communion of Lutherans present at the Catholic Mass?

I'm afraid it will be even worse in connection with the approaching jubilee of Luther's performance.

WITHome traditional Catholics of the Pope criticize that it seeks the false popularity of this world and shows off its modesty.Thus reaping admiration at the enemies of the Church, Libertins and so on.What do you think about it?I recall the advice of an experienced devil from C.WITH.Lewis, where the devil tapemnik advises a bastard to a person to cause "proudness on his humility...”

Christ clearly said, ”Alas if all people praise you.” Víc snad k tomu netřeba.But I don't want to judge, maybe there are motifs of Pope Francis other, I don't see his soul and heart.This, of course, I do not question my categorical rejection of its line in the Catholic Church. A necítím se povolán posuzovat, jestli František je opravdu „pyšný na svoji pokoru” – jak jsem řekl, do jeho nitra nevidím.

Co říkáte na jeho „desatero”, kde fakticky vyzval („Neobracejte na víru.”), že katolíci se nemají snažit své bližní přesvědčit, aby se obrátili ke katolické víře? Také řekl: „Jdeš přesvědčit druhého, aby se stal katolíkem? O to mi nejde! Jdi se s ním setkat, protože je to tvůj bratr! To stačí.Go to help him, the rest will make Jesus and the Holy Spirit for you.”

Objectively it's alibism like thunder.The application of these Pope words means that I only have to help others and do not talk to him at all. Ono je to tak pohodlnější, nenadělám si totiž nepřátele a nebudu považován za blbce a fanatika – svoji zbabělost schovám za Ježíše a Ducha WITHvatého, aby oni udělali za mne to, co já jsem povinen ve světle Pánovy výzvy: „Jděte do celého světa a hlásejte evangelium.”

But it contradicts Catholic catechism, which still applies to the pokoncili church still. V něm je vypočítáno vedle 7 skutků tělesného milosrdenství i 7 skutků duchovního milosrdenství, mezi nimiž stojí na prvních místech „poučovat nevědomé, radit pochybujícím, napomínat hříšníky”.So if I have to decide whether to listen to the catechism or Pope Francis, I definitely choose the first option, because it is part of the unchanged doctrine of the Church, while Francis is deviated from it deviates.

We wrote:

Hříchy papeže Františka a jeho omluva uprchlíkům.Murderer Mohammad.And Halik in the service of forces that... Promlouvá katolický historik, jehož ve Vatikánu asi nepochválí
Křesťan má povinnost nebezpečné uprchlíky nepřijímat kvůli ochraně bližních. Ti, kdo řídí svět ze zákulisí, prosazují nadvládu islámu nad Evropou, říká katolický historik
Historik: Kdyby platila Husova nauka, seděli by teď všichni naši potentáti v kriminále.They would burn these people himself. A WITHvobodův film je ostuda, horší než Vávrův
Historik vysvětluje, jak je to prý doopravdy s majetkem církve a jak církev přinesla dobročinnost, pravdu a lásku

Média zveřejnila, že František řekl zástupci WITHvětové evangelikální aliance WEA: „Nemám zájem na konverzi evangelikálů ke katolicismu.I want people to look for Jesus in their community.There are so many doctrinal things we will never disagree.Let's not waste that time.Better to show Jesus' love.” Pravdivost této zprávy nepopřel ani papež, ani Vatikán...

Katastrofa. Papež František je pro katolickou církev pohromou. Modlím se za jeho obrácení, říká katolický historik | ParlamentniListy.cz – politika ze všech stran

In that case, let us reject missionaries and missions and distance ourselves from the Catholic martyrs from the hands of the Protestants, for example from the SV. Jana WITHarkandera nebo od tisíců katolických mučedníků husitské éry, husity lze totiž považovat za předchůdce protestantů.

Pope Francis said he would welcome extraterrestrial forms of life in the arms of the Catholic Church if they were willing to convert.What do you mean about this?

I will not comment, just remind you that the existence of extraterrestrial life forms has not yet been proven in the least.

“One day we will meet our animals again on the eternity of Christ. Ráj je otevřen pro všechna boží stvoření,” ujistil prý papež smutného hocha, jak informovala například ČT.What does the learning of the church say about this matter?

Animals do not have an immortal human soul, the Catholic Church teaches from the very beginning.However, it cannot be ruled out that in the last court, when the whole world and nature will be transformed, the bodies of animals can be revived in some way to serve a person in a new life on a new country.Certain hints here are seen at St. Paul at 8.chapter of the sheet to the Romans.But it's just a hypothesis that the church does not prohibit to believe.However, according to Catholic catechism, it is excluded in the animals of the immortality of the soul.This would then have to exist animal sky and animal hell, which is nonsense, for animals do not have free will and distinguishing skills for what is good and what bad.The Pope's statement is therefore confused.

We wrote:

Povýšený exhibicionista Halík vyhrožuje svým odpůrcům. WITHoučasný vpád muslimů do Evropy je smrtelnou hrozbou. Promlouvá předák křesťanů proti imigraci
Loupežník, vrah a pedofil Mohamed.Parasites, hell and sharia.And if Professor Halík says Islam is another way to God... Katolický kněz se toho fakt nebál a toto nám řekl
Je to šílené.Cardinal wolf defends the spread of hatred.Killing for violating Allah's laws is said to be in order. Exmuslim varuje
Exmuslim, který se stal katolíkem: Halík se rouhá Bohu a má islám na prvním místě.Pope Francis harms all of us.We must not allow migrants to make Europe a wasteland

Při papežově pozvání k modlitbě za mír ve vatikánských zahradách muslimský imám v jeho přítomnosti vzýval Alláha, „aby pomáhal v boji proti nevěřícím”.What do you say this thing?

Je to ovoce nejen Františkova, ale celkového postoje „dialogu s jinými náboženstvími”, jemuž Římskokatolická církev propadla po II.Vatican Council.

Pope Francis also said, “The Church has never stood as well as now.” Je tomu tak?

Does Francis mean the constant decline in faithful geometric series in Western European and American temples that must be sold as a result?Now I read that almost a third of churches are sold in the Catholic Brussels until recently.Does he mean the faithful confusion, when Catholic de facto does not know what is and what is not the teaching of the Church?Does he mean theologians who even question the miracles of Jesus Christ?Pope Francis must explain that.

We wrote:

Benedikt XVI.and homosexual mafia in the church. Katolík promluvil
Co stojí za rezignací papeže.Ecclesiastical expert about Benedict XVI.
Neomarxista Havel plival na český národ, udeřil echt katolík
Neomarxista Havel plival na český národ, udeřil echt katolík

In the place of Pope, in Latin America, I will see a huge outflow from the Catholic Church and moving believers to the Pentecostal Movement.Does it be responsible?

Certainly yes, when he still had a blessing from a summer pastor as I saw the video on the video. Nebylo by však spravedlivé klást toto za vinu pouze jemu, řada latinskoamerických hierarchů ještě dávno předtím dělala totéž, jiní zase byli v zajetí marxismem inspirované „teologie osvobození”, která nedokázala lidi duchovně naplnit, proto odcházeli k letničním.

As you generally evaluate Pope Francis.Is it beneficial to the Church or a disaster?

Second one.But everything can change if he turns back.I pray for that daily.

Phdr.RadomírSmall graduated from the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University.He then worked as a historian in the art -historical Museum in Kroměříž, in 1972 he was released for political reasons and was forced to work outside his field.He actively participated in the publication of the Catholic samizdat and became the signatory of Charter 77. Po sametové revoluci byl v Brně zástupcem šéfredaktora deníku Lidová demokracie a mezi lety 1993–94 šéfredaktorem křesťanského týdeníku WITHvětlo.Since 1996 he has been teaching at the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice at the Theological Faculty of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice.

RadomírSmall is the author of a number of professional articles and publications that mainly concern church history. WITHvé texty též publikuje na webu Institutu sv.Joseph and in Te Deum and Immaculata magazines. WITHvými názory je v rozporu s liberály a modernisty v rámci katolické církve v ČR, které kritizuje z tradicionalistických pozic.Published a book of the bloodiest genocide of the past and the present - little known information about the persecution of Christians.Did the books of Church History, Catholics in the shadow of the swasty cross, the religiosity in the drama of the Czech national revival, or is it allowed to defend the Inquisition?

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We recommend marriage, family, Catholic Church, Bergoglio, Pope Francis, R.Small

Author: Lukáš Petřík