• 15/03/2023
  • By wizewebsite

Suffers.He fled to the USA before his mother.And now Fiala.Young gay is sadParliamentnilisty.cz - Politics from all sides<

Gay activist Kryštof Stupka, former trainee MEP Radka Maxová, provided an interview to the Reflex server.cz, in which he pointed out that homosexual rights in the Czech Republic are not at the level as it could be, and therefore it is necessary to develop activism in this area and try to fight to expand the rights of LGBT.

A significant part of his adulthood has lived in the US in a very liberal environment and hopes that the Czech Republic will be the same once."There is still some discrimination, we still don't have human rights the same as other people," Stupka said in an interview for Reflex.cz."People in the Czech Republic still have a problem saying out loud who they are," he added.

He insists on his opinions despite the fact that he has already heard that he is too provoked and actually contributes to homophobia and trasphobia.He personally believes that he does not contribute to the growth of homophobia or transfobia in Czech society and it makes sense to raise questions about these communities, even if some people do not like it.“It's really simple to point to a activist and say that if he was a little kind of and did it differently, something would change.But it doesn't change anything, ”Stupka pointed out.

He would like to live in an ideal world where all people really had the same human rights, but until it succeeds, he would like to move to this ideal by at least a bit.According to him, some non -profit organizations and events like “we are fair” or “Prague Pride” do a great job in this direction.

He is sorry that in the existing House will not find enough deputies to enable the opportunity to marry even for homosexual couples.According to Stupka, such liberally tuned deputies are less in the Chamber of Deputies than from Prime Minister Andrej Babiš (YES) and his coalition partners from the CSSD in 2017 to 2021.

Stupka is convinced that the possibility to marry would help both sexual minorities and all Czech societies, as well as it helped in the US and other countries.“It helped the community that maybe there was a smaller number of suicides between young people, but at the same time it actually improved the overall opinion of the whole society.Discrimination has also decreased overall, ”said Stupka.

According to him, people should have the same rights, even if most people do not want it.

Trpí. Před matkou utekl do USA. A teď Fiala. Mladý gay je smutný | ParlamentniListy.cz – politika ze všech stran

"You don't have human rights because there is any match of the majority.If as Adam and Adam can take, it will not affect anyone else and therefore I think the majority should not make decisions about it.That's why I think there should never be a referendum about a straight marriage, ”said the activist.

Most society is fine, but then there is a bigot minority that is increasingly heard in the Czech Republic."I find me crazy that in 2022 no one can walk down the street without hearing insults," he complained.

When he wore makeup and free pants in the summer, people were shouting at him "buzno", "children*ko".Once it even happened to him that when he walked down the street, one of the cars tilt the driver and spit at him.

And when too much attacks are accumulated, Stupka is said to go to therapy.He considered it important to say publicly that he goes to therapies when there is too much.And that it is normal to go to therapies.

People say they treat sexual minorities like this grossly because they see it with politicians and think it is normal.

“Whether it is (Tomio) Okamura, who said he would rather jump out the window than to be adopted by a homosexual couple, whether it is the Senator (Pavel) Fischer, who compared homosexuals and pedophiles, but it is also Babiš, who sent people such a huge questionnaire about what they think of the LGBT community in the Czech Republic, where there were questions that were meant against the community, ”said Stupka.

Tomio Okamura

SympatizovatProfileilPoložit dotazOdpovědiHodnotitŠtítky

Mgr.Pavel Fischer

SympatizovatProfileilPoložit dotazOdpovědiHodnotitŠtítky

Equally critical to the Christian Democrats who prefer a traditional family over the LGBT community."But the fundamental problem we have here, that LGBT rights are human rights, they don't accept it," Stupka was angry with.In this context, he also hit the Prime Minister Petr Fiala, who wrote in his book that the traditional family is the only natural."That's crazy," the activist shook his head.

Andrej Babiš

SympatizovatProfileilPoložit dotazOdpovědiHodnotitŠtítky

Profile.Phdr.Petr Fiala, pH.D., Ll.M.

SympatizovatProfileilPoložit dotazOdpovědiHodnotitŠtítky

In addition to marriage for all, the unacceptable efforts to sterilize people who want to change sex must be addressed in the Czech Republic in the Czech Republic."This is a question that is not discussed in the Czech Republic and I think it is quite terrible, that the Czech Republic sterilizes trans persons who want to undergo gender change," said Stupka.

He also encountered a misunderstanding of his different sexual orientation in the family, specifically at the strongly believing mother.In fourteen parents he openly admitted that he is gay and his mother tried to convince him that it certainly wasn't true.It came so far that at fifteen he packed up and left abroad.To USA.

We wrote:

Těžké časy LGBT aktivisty Stupky: Už ani Pirát jej neuspokojíOrbán to schytá. Pirátský LGBT aktivista chystá akci, až v Praze dojde k setkání s BabišemJsou proti LGBT, tak jim to zničíme! Chystá se akce proti „homofobním“ přednáškám„Vyjeďte za Prahu!“ „Trpíme na vesnicích.“ Mladý gay diktoval v TV. Dostal naloženo

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The article contains labels

Babis, Fiala, Homosexuals, Marriage, ODS, Okamura, Family, House, SPD, Reflex.cz, Prague Pride, yes, Maxová, Stupka, LGBT, marriage for all

Author: MP

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